Pablo Leonardo Martínez
Cuba, b.1961)

巴勃罗・莱昂纳多・马丁内斯Pablo Leonardo Martínez (古巴,b.1961)出生于哈瓦那,现居住创作于巴赛隆纳,曾于巴赛隆纳Llotja 设计与艺术学院 (Escola Superior de Disseny i Art Llotja)学习雕塑。由⽊质材料以随机直觉的方式相互嵌入组合,创作摒除了故事性叙述,⽽投注⼤量的情感,寻求个⼈化的平衡状态。作品曾永久收藏于古巴博物馆、亚马逊巴塞隆纳总部、巴塞隆纳科技大楼等。

巴勃罗Pablo 认为艺术是一种联系精神及心理的投射,是未知和随机的,因此在他的创作过程中,以一种更为直观方式进行创作,在看似一种数学式、理性的元素构成下,其实是由现成物件以随机直觉的方式组装。创作不进行讯息传递、屏除了故事性叙述,而是在作品之中投注了大量的情感,寻求个人化的平衡状态。

Solo Exhibitions

2023    STRUCTURES AND POETIC COMPOSITIONS, Museu Enric Monjo, Barcelona, Spain
2022    Creative constructions, The Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2021    Space conversations, Art Enllà, Barcelona, ​​​​Spain
2018    Transits, Collection of the Americas, Miami, USA
2013    The shortest distance, The Cuban Museum ,Miami, USA
2006   Totem, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
1996   Sculptures, Saffia Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
1986   Paintings and sculptures, Subex Gallery, Barcelona, ​​​​Spain

Group Exhibitions

2022    DelicARTessen 21, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2022    HAIKUS, Art Enllà, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2022    Autumn 22,  Bluerider ART Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2022    ART TAIPEI 2022,  Bluerider ART Gallery
2022    IN_FINITE / IN_FINIT, Workshop 131, Barcelona, Spain
2022    Two-cents sixty-two thousand zinc-cents centimeters of paint, Art Enllà, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2022    July Collective, The Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2022    6aSIS, 6a. Art Gallery, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2021    Gallery night, The Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2021    Art Enllà, Compact Art Collection, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2020    Momentum, 20 years, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2021    The Distillery, BLANC WHITE WEIS BLANCO, Mataró, Spain
2020    Port Gallery Barcelona, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
2020    “DelicARTessen 18, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2020    Art Enllà, Christmas ,Barcelona, ​​Spain
2019    “DelicARTessen 18, Esther Montoriol Gallery ,Barcelona, ​​Spain
2019    NOW!, 6a. Art Gallery. Palma de Majorca, Spain
2019        Ars natura / Art space. Recent work, Palau Saverdera, Girona, Spain
2019    XS/ An intimate format, 6a. Art Gallery, Palma de Majorca, Spain
2018    FLYING HEADS, Cadiz Museum, Cadiz, Spain
2018    URBAN 3D, Hotel Eurostars Tower Seville, Sevilla Spain
2018    ES/CULTURE (I), 6a. Art Gallery, Palma de Majorca, Spain
2018    Other things, Center for Australian and Transnational Studies (CEAT) of the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2018    Viladecans Art al Comerç, Torre del Baró, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2018    NEW NOMADS IV, Granada, MECA Mediterranean Artistic Center, Granada, Spain
2017    “DelicARTessen 16, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2016    ABSTRACTIONS, 6a. Art Gallery, Palma de Majorca, Spain
2016    The Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2016    “DelicARTessen 15. Collective exhibition, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2015    “Parallel Maps” Context Gallery, Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2015  Playroom, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2015    The Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2015    Perill Room, Collective jewelry exhibition, Invited artist, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2014    The Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2014    PAD London 2014 with Karry Gallery, Paris, France
2014    DelicARTessen 13, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2013    Spectrum Miami 2013, With The Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2013    Artful Treasures with Tiffany & Co. and Americas Collection, Miami, USA
2013    Pinta NY 2013, The Americas Collection, New York, USA
2013    DelicARTessen 12, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2013    Espai G d’Art, Terrassa, Spain
2012    EXPO JAZZ’12 TERRASSA,  Espai G d’Art, Terrassa, Spain
2011    NADAL 2011, Espai G d’Art, Terrassa, Spain
2011    DelicARTessen 10, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2009    DelicARTessen 9, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2009    Sculpture for the “La Unió Patronal Metalúrgica” awards ,Barcelona, ​​Spain.
2007    Selected in the II Prize for Contemporary Sculpture, Vilacasas Foundation. Can Mario, Palafrugell, Spain
2006    Puzzle, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2004    Carte blanche à Carles Valverde, Espace Saint-François, Lausanne, Switzerland
2004    Delicatessen 3, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2003    Sculpture commemorating the 125th anniversary of telephony in Barcelona, ​​Catalonia and Spain, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2003    Photographic Fictions, Arch of Santa Maria, Burgos, Spain
2002    Ficciones, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
2001    Zero Hour, Esther Montoriol Gallery, Barcelona, ​​Spain
1988    Andrea Serrano Sculpture Prize (finalist) Group exhibitions of those selected organized by the Andrea Serrano Foundation: Art Fair Sollentune (Stockholm),Bulowska Galleriet (Malmö, Sweden), Theseus (Barcelona), Art Ginesta (Sitges), Art Expo (NY , USA), Neil Yperifanos (NY, USA)
1987    3 Sculpture, Mestre Paco Gallery, Pollença, Majorca

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