Sven Drühl 
(Germany, b. 1968)

Sven Drühl currently lives and works in Berlin. He studied both in art and mathematics. With a PhD in art theory, he is also an author and editor of publications on contemporary art. Conceptually, Sven Drühl dissects visual shapes and types taken from every era from Romanticism to the present day, re-mounting them and combining them with his own motifs. Drühl reacts to the crisis of expression in post-modern painting with these transformed citations, but has purposefully not ceased to paint. His exploration of art history and his continual questioning of painting as a medium are at the heart of his oeuvre. He became known through his compilations of famous landscape paintings and had been exhibited throughout Europe, Asia and the United States including the St. Matthäuskirche, Berlin, Museum Villa-Rot, Neue Galerie Gladbeck, National Museum of Art of Romania, Bucharest, Kallman-Museum, Ismaning, Museum Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe. His work is in collection of Berlinische Galerie -Museum für moderne Kunst, Berlin, Allianz Forum, Deutsche Bank, E.ON Art Collection, Düsseldorf, Collection Philara, Düsseldorf.

Solo exhibition “APOCRYPHAL LANDSCAPE” , Marburger Kunstverein

Sven Drühl “Floating Landscapes”, St. Matthäuskirche, Berlin

“New Black Romanticism”, National Museum of Art of Romania, Bucharest

“Light Art from Artificial Light”, ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe

As the history of landscape painting indicates, images are not simple reproductions of an external world but constructions of a personal, inner or also art-immanent world. It is into precisely this process of construction that Sven Drühl penetrates with his landscape images, using it to conceive his own pictorial worlds. He creates independent aesthetic objects that do not deny their origins and their construction. He investigates and re-elaborates Modern and Contemporary Art History’s landscapes and architectural designs. In his paintings and in the works with neon lights he alludes to already existing artworks by other artists such as Caspar David Friedrich, Ferdinand Hodler or by fellow contemporary artists. They are pictures about pictures—abstractions of a second order.

Working on the landscape in a nonconventional way, Drühl uses a special technique involving oils, lacquer, and silicon to produce mainly landscape or architectural motifs that represent a kind of repositioning, in the sense of a remix, giving three-dimensionality to the canvas.

In his last series of works he undertakes a new artistic method inspired by virtuality and videogames textures, reproducing landscapes which look like they are entirely real. These vectors are translated into realistic-looking paintings, but the landscapes thus created no longer have anything to do with real landscape. As it happens with textures in computer graphics, in his artworks the artist follows a mathematical structure; the composition is well organized and the pattern repetition is cyclic. The canvas follows a clear strictness and his technique creates more detailed and realistic landscapes by working on lines and shading. The expression and the signs of the lines make sense when hit by light because they come alive and the individual details, from simple quotes, produce new landscapes.


1991-1996  Studium Kunst und Mathematik / Studies fine art and mathematics, Universität GH Essen
2005   Promotion zum Dr. phil. / PhD
2007   Falkenrot Preis / Falkenrot Prize, Berlin
2008  Stipendium / Grant Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, USA
2011   Gastprofessur für Malerei / Guest Professor for Painting, China Academy of Art (CAA), Hangzhou, China
2016   Ehrenstipendium / Grant of Honour Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Sven Drühl: Apokryphe Landschaften, Märkisches Museum, Witten
2022 Sven Drühl: Die Aufregung – 20 years later!, Kunstverein Leverkusen
2022 Sven Drühl: Shin-hanga Epilogue, Städtische Galerie Bad Reichenhall
2022 Apokryphe Landschaften, Märkisches Museum Witten (K / C )
2021 Apokryphe Landschaften, Kunsthalle Emden (K / C )
2021 Virtual Landscapes, ALEXANDER OCHS PRIVATE, Berlin
2020 New Works, A Pick Gallery, Turin / Torino, Italien , Italy
2020 Apokryphe Landschaften, Marburger Kunstverein (Cat.)
2020 New Landscape 4.0, Bluerider Art, Taipei, Taiwan 
2019 Floating Landscapes, St. Matthäus Foundation, Berlin
2019 On the coast, Hartwich Gallery, Sellin on Rügen
2019 New Paintings, CONRADS, Düsseldorf 
2018 Painting Engineer, Neue Galerie Gladbeck
2018 Mash-up, Kunstverein Coburg
2018 Mountain High, Alexander Ochs Private, Berlin
2017 Simulacra, Galerie Tony Wuethrich, Basel, Switzerland
2017 Simulated Landscapes, Opere Scelte, Torino, Italy
2017 Simulationen. Landschaft jenseits der Wirklichkeit, Kunsthaus Nürnberg
2017 Permutation, Caspar-David-Friedrich-Zentrum, Greifswald
2016 Simulationen. Landschaft jenseits der Wirklichkeit, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin (Cat.)
2016 Shin Hanga – Japanese Landscapes, Kallmann Museum, Ismaning
2016 Landscape Engineer, CONRADS, Düsseldorf
2015 Shin Hanga – Japanese Landscapes, Stadtgalerie Kiel (Cat.)
2015 The invention of the landscape, WIMMERplus, Prien (with Hiroyuki Masuyama)
2015 Shin Hanga – Japanese Landscapes, DKM Museum, Duisburg
2014 Shin-hanga prologue, Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin
2014 Architectures, Haus am Lützowplatz as a guest in the IG Metall building, Berlin
2013 Works 2001-2013, Von der Heydt-Kunsthalle, Wuppertal, (Cat.)
2013 Interpretation, Schwäbisch-Hall art association
2012 ArchScape, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin
2012 Neon, Hartwich Gallery, Sellin on Rügen
2012 Strategies Against Architectures, LEVY Gallery, Hamburg (Cat.)
2012 Strategies against Architectures II, Nord LB Gallery, Hanover
2011 Dance of Death. Paintings and sculptures, Hospitalhof Stuttgart (Cat.)
2011 Archiscapes, B-05 Arts and Culture Center, Montabaur
2010 Shades of Gray, Galleri SE, Bergen, Norway (Cat.)
2008 Engineering Utopia, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin
2008 Landscapism, Michael Schultz Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (Cat.)
2008 Black Paintings, Gallery of the City of Remscheid
2008 blackscapes, Schultz Gallery Beijing, Beijing, China (Cat.)
2008 The Modernist, Backnang City Gallery
2007 Falkenrot Prize 2007, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (Cat.)
2007 Undead, FS.Art, Berlin
2006 artistic research, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen
2006 artistic research, Museum of the City of Ratingen (Cat.)
2006 Alpenterror, Municipal Gallery Waldkraiburg
2006 colored and black, Galerie Clara Maria Sels, Düsseldorf
2005 Serial landscapes, Scharpf-Galerie / Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen
2005 Reload, gip contemporary, Zurich, Switzerland
2005 Pop Suppliers Two, Society of Friends of Young Art, Baden-Baden (with Stefan Wissel)
2004 Pop Suppliers, Flottmann Halls, Herne (with Stefan Wissel, Cat.)
2004 Chimeras, gallery in the park, Burgdorf, Switzerland
2003 The victory of the trophy, artist association Malkasten, Düsseldorf
2003 bastard paintings, office for art, Dresden (Cat.)
2002 The excitement, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen (Cat.)
2002 The excitement, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund
2002 Remix, Fassbender Stevens Gallery, Chicago, USA

Selected Group Exhibitions and Screenings

2024  Golden Age-Art and modern space, Bluerider ART London, UK
2024  Golden Age, Bluerider ART Taipei, Taiwan
2023  Homeland Universe, Bluerider ART London Mayfair, UK
2022  Macht! Licht!, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
2021  Japonismus 2.0. Landschaft im Zeichen Japans, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen
2020 SIGHT SEEING. The world as an attraction, Kunsthalle Emden (Cat.)
2020 NIGHTMARE, TAM Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, USA
2020 SEE_Stücke | Facts and Fiction, West Coast Art Museum, Alkersum (Cat.)
2020 Power! Light !, Wolfsburg Art Museum (Cat.)
2020 What remains, St. Matthäus Foundation, Berlin
2020 SEE_Stücke | Facts and fiction, Alfred Erhardt Foundation, Berlin, (Cat.)
2019 OneHundred Works, Galerie Tony Wuethrich, Basel, Switzerland
2019 Radziwill and the present. Landscape, technology, media, Municipal Gallery Bietigheim-Bissingen (Cat.)
2019 50 anos de realismo – Do fotorrrealismo à realidade virtual, Centro Cultural do Banco Brasil, Brasilia, Brazil (Cat.)
2019 Inspiration masterpiece, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden
2019 Fleeting designs, project space of the German Association of Artists, Berlin
2019 POSTCARD RELOADED, Kunstraum Potsdam (Cat.)
2019 A monument to Wolfgang Neuss, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
2019 Alps – the myth of nature, MEWO Kunsthalle, Memmingen
2019 Nightmare, La Estacion Gallery, Chihuahua, Mexico
2019 50 anos de realismo – Do fotorrrealismo à realidade virtual, Centro Cultural do Banco Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Cat.)
2019 Geierwally and the mountain in contemporary art, Solingen Art Museum, Solingen
2019 Betaland, CONRADS, Düsseldorf
2018 Novy Cerny romantism, Topicuv Salon, Prague, Czechoslovakia (Cat.)
2018 Works from the Municipal Art Collection, Backnang City Gallery, Backnang
2018 OneHundred – 100 Works, Galerie Tony Wuethrich, Basel, Switzerland
2018 Salon present 2018, Salon present, Hamburg (Cat.)
2018 Wanderland, Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Nuremberg (Cat.)
2018 50 anos de realismo – Do fotorrrealismo à realidade virtual, Centro Cultural do Banco Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Cat.)
2018 Radziwill and the present. Landscape, technology, media, Kunsthalle Emden, Emden (Cat.)
2018 Art and coal. The black side, Museum DKM, Duisburg (Cat.)
2018 New Black Romanticism, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz, Austria (Cat.)
2018 Black Box, Kunsthalle Lüneburg
2018 New Black Romance, Backnang City Gallery
2018 Weather Report, Galerie Knut Hartwich, Sellin on Rügen
2018 Our art / your art, Stadtgalerie Kiel
2017 Berlin-Klondyke, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Slovenia
2017 Art in Art, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, Poland (Cat.)
2017 New Black Romanticism, National Museum of Art of Romania, Bucharest, Romania (Cat.)
2017 InterWalls, Galerie Tony Wüthrich, Basel, Switzerland
2017 SHOW, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Leipzig
2017 New Black Romanticism, Stadtgalerie Kiel
2017 We call it work, Opere Scelte, Torino, Italy
2017 smal things: good things, Alexander Ochs Private, Berlin
2017 New Black Romanticism, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (Cat.)
2017 OneHundredAndOne Works, Galerie Tony Wuethrich, Basel, Switzerland
2016 Passion – Fan behavior and Art, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, Hungary (Cat.)
2016 Paesaggio Futuro, Opere Scelte, Milan, Italy (Cat)
2016 Fifty cigars for the light of the future, art association in the castle, Untergröningen
2016 The story has one mistake, too many narrators, Kunstverein Gütersloh
2016 Remix, Alexander Ochs Private, Berlin
2016 30 high, Flottmann halls, Herne (Cat.)
2016 Passion – fan behavior and art, Stadtgalerie Kiel
2016 ECCE HOMO? ECCE HOMO !, St. Canisius Church, Berlin
2016 The Power of Images, European Artists’ House Upper Bavaria, Freising
2016 Intersections – Contemporary Art and Tradition, Museum of Asian Art, State Museums in Berlin
2015 Time travel. The 1904-2014 collection, Kunsthalle Emden
2015 Good art? Want !, On AEG, Nuremberg
2015 Under Construction, Finanza & Futura, Torino, Italy
2015 Under Construction (B) erlin, Opere Scelte, Torino, Italy
2015 Worldviews. Landscape in art since the 15th century, situation art / museum underground, Bochum
2015 Nightmare, Salon de Lirio, Goa, India
2015 A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR …, me Collectors Room, Berlin (Cat.)
2015 Beuys without a hat: Karin Székessy photographs artists, Horst-Janssen Museum, Oldenburg
2015 Land in sight, Weserburg / Museum of Modern Art, Bremen (Cat.)
2015 Passion – Fan Behavior and Art, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (Cat.)
2015 Nightmare, Visual Voice Gallery, Montreal, Canada
2015 Opening on the foam, Sacrow Castle, Potsdam
2015 Berlin – Klondyke. The Berlin Editions, Salon Dahlmann, Berlin
2015 Passion – Fan Behavior and Art, Kunsthaus Nürnberg, Nuremberg
2014 From 1900 to today, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal
2014 Worldviews – Het landschap verbeeld in zes eeuwen kunst, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Netherlands (Cat.)
2014 in medias res … media art from the collection of the ZKM, EnBW Showroom Berlin
2014 Pure Color / Pure Color, WIMMERplus, Prien am Chiemsee
2014 Nightmare, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Slovenia
2014 Headlights. Light art in Germany in the 21st century, Kunstmuseum Celle (Cat.)
2014 five high two – works from the collection of the ZKM, representation of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg at the federal government, Berlin
2014 Elsewhere – Longing Images in Contemporary Art, Kallmann Museum, Ismaning
2014 Nearby – Artistic World Explorations, Plüschow Castle
2014 good taste – hopefully, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin
2014 Bielefeld Contemporary, Bielefeld Art Association (Cat.)
2013 Cold bark – rare earths, Municipal Gallery Bietigheim-Bissingen (Cat.)
2013 Circles – circles, urban area, art association, Diöszesan Museum and ETA Hoffmann Museum, Bamberg (Cat.)
2013 Dark Matters, Ulm Art Association
2013 A time of gifts, Märkisches Museum Witten
2013 The Legend of the Shelves, autocenter, Berlin
2013 It’s a thing. When everyday life becomes art, Kunstverein Sundern
2013 BergWelten, Art @ Lanz, Kitzbühel, Austria
2013 Berlin – Klondyke, Alte Cottonspinnerei, Werkschau-Halle, Leipzig
2013 Map and area, WIMMERplus, Prien am Chiemsee
2013 When wishes come true. New works meet classics from the collection, Kunsthalle Emden
2013 Berlin – Klondyke, HippHalle, Gmünden, Austria
2012 Convoy Berlin, Biksady Gallery, Budapest, Hungary / Müvészetek Háza (House of the Arts), Veszprém, Hungary (Cat.)
2012 Cold bark – rare earths, Märkisches Museum Witten
2012 Worldviews. Landscape in art from the 17th to the 21st century, art museum Dieselkraftwerk, Cottbus (Cat.)
2012 Nightmare, Goethe Institut Johannesburg, South Africa
2012 Berlin – Klondyke, Kunstverein Pfaffenhofen
2012 This is the night that despite a thousand days can say, Guardini Foundation, Berlin
2012 Death Can Dance, Town House, Zurich, Switzerland, curated by Lori Hersberger
2012 Nightmare, Green Papaya Art Projects, Quezon City, Manila
2012 Cold bark – rare earths, Stadtgalerie Kiel (Cat.)
2012 Landscape as a World View, Chemnitz Art Collections (Cat.)
2011 Berlin – Klondyke 2011, Art Center Los Angeles, USA
2011 Halleluwah – Homage to CAN, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2011 Art after 1945, Museum Ratingen (Cat.)
2011 Deer factor. The Art of Quoting, ZKM – Museum for New Art, Karlsruhe
2011 Halleluwah – tribute to CAN, ABTART, Stuttgart (Cat.)
2011 Berlin Klondyke 2011, Odd Gallery / Klondike Institute of Art & Culture, Dawson City, Yukon, Canada
2011 DEAD_lines, Von der Heydt-Kunsthalle, Wuppertal (Cat.)
2011 Landscape as a World View, Wiesbaden Museum
2011 Discover and Escape, Aulich Merkle Foundation, Offenbach (Cat.)
2011 Nightmare, The Company, Los Angeles, USA
2011 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart
2011 Nightmare, project space of the German Association of Artists, Berlin
2011 Worldviews. Landscape in art from the 17th to the 21st centuries, Kunsthalle Kiel
2011 Nightmare, Cell Project Space, London, UK
2010 Nightmare, Transformer Gallery, Washington DC, USA
2010 Boomerang. Perm Biennal of Graphic Arts. Museum of Contemporary Art, Perm, Russia (Cat.)
2010 Redefining Center, light art exhibition in the Domaquarée, Berlin (Cat.)
2010 Culture (s) of Copy, Edith Russ Site for Media Art, Oldenburg
2010 Culture (s) of Copy, Goethe Institut, Hong Kong Arts Center, Hong Kong, China
2010 Home Run, Architecture Museum of the Technical University, Berlin (Cat.)
2010 Polyfizzyboisterous Seas, Hartwich Gallery, Rügen
2010 Worldviews. Landscape in art since the 17th century, Museum Situation Kunst, Bochum (Cat.)
2010 Mixed, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein Potsdam
2010 When the night is deepest, Bel Etage, Berlin
2010 The Bushwick Battle, Fortress to Solitude, New York, USA (Cat.)
2010 Waldbild, Municipal Gallery Waldkraiburg (Cat.)
2010 Mixed, Märkisches Museum, Witten (Cat.)
2010 Constructed Landscapes, Neue Galerie Gladbeck
2009 Constructed Landscapes, Stadtmuseum Oldenburg (Cat.)
2009 Demonstrate. An audio tour through Berlin, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin (Cat.)
2009 One ‘forward, two back, Forgotten Bar Project / Gallery in the government district, Berlin
2009 Moving Ahead Together – Contemporary Art from Germany and China, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan,Hubai Province, China (Cat.)
2009 Monuments in Time, Schultz Gallery Beijing, Beijing, China
2009 wasistdas09, espace artcore / JTM Gallery, Paris, France
2009 Constructed Landscapes, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin
2009 ANNEXE / INFIX, Beijing 798 Biennale, Beijing, China (Cat.)
2009 SAABSDPDJIMKRLCPTRSSS.FWMW, Philara – Collection of Contemporary Art, Düsseldorf (Cat.)
2009 Access, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Dortmund (Cat.)
2009 private, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal (Cat.)
2009 Foxtrot Saxonia, Kunsthalle Dresden, Dresden (Cat.)
2009 SAABSDPDJIMKRLCPSSSFW.MW, autocenter, Berlin
2008 Hirschweg twenty one, Coburg Art Association, Alte Darre, Coburg
2008 Black bile – red juice. Aspects of the Melancholic, b05 art and design center, Montabaur (Cat.)
2008 burned out, ForgottenBarProject / gallery in the government district, Berlin
2008 Close-up, Galeria Por Amor a Arte, Porto, Portugal (Cat.)
2008 Unterholz, Dina4 Projects, Berlin (Cat.)
2008 ITCA International Triennale of Contemporary Art, Nationalgalerie Prague, Czech Republic
2008 Obsession, Neue Galerie Landshut
2007 Idyll, dream and fallacy, gallery of the city of Remscheid
2007 Group show, Galleri SE, Bergen, Norway
2007 Idilio, DA2 Domus Artium, Salamanca, Spain (Cat.)
2007 Freshly painted, Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, Switzerland (Cat.)
2007 Inferno in Paradise, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin
2007 Pop up Vol. I, WIMMERplus, Munich
2007 100 years of the Kunsthalle Mannheim, Kunsthalle Mannheim
2006 Arena of Abstraction, Morsbroich Museum, Leverkusen
2006 Landscape paraphrases: Dring-Drühl-Havekost-Jensen, Museum Baden, Solingen (Cat.)
2006 Painting as Presence, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (Cat.)
2006 Made in Germany, gallery in the park, Burgdorf, Switzerland
2006 Idyll, dream and fallacy, Falckenberg / Phoenix-Hallen collection, Hamburg (Cat.)
2006 Pictorial Research, art agents, Hamburg
2006 Singular, Galleri SE, Bergen, Norway
2005 Art of light from artificial light, ZKM / Museum for New Art, Karlsruhe (Cat.)
2005 De Natura, Center d’Art Contemporain, Meymac / Limoges, France
2005 what doesnt fit, The Nunnery Gallery, London, UK (Cat.)
2005 Colors & Trips, Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz, Austria (Cat.)
2005 Colors & Trips, Museum of the City of Ratingen
2005 Landscape paraphrases: Dring-Drühl-Havekost-Jensen, Städtische Galerie Münsterland, Emsdetten
2005 Approaches of young spruces, gallery Clara Maria Sels, Düsseldorf
2004 VIP 2, The New, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
2004 definitely provisional, Appendiks, Copenhagen, Denmark
2004 Landscape paraphrases: Dring-Drühl-Havekost-Jensen, Städtische Galerie, Gladbeck (Cat.)
2003 X. Rohkunstbau, Groß Leuthen Castle, Spreewald (Cat.)
2003 lives and works in …, Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg (Cat.)
2003 57th Bergische Kunstausstellung, Museum Baden, Solingen (Cat.)
2003 brand the image, Galerie Mirko Mayer, Cologne
2003 scapes I, Galerie Tony Wüthrich, Basel, Switzerland
2003 Points of View, gallery in the park, Burgdorf, Switzerland
2002 VIP, Very Important Pieces, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
2002 Drawing Days, Galerie Michael Zink, Munich
2001 Gallery Simon Spiekermann, Düsseldorf
2000 Künstlerhaus, Dortmund
1999 Junge Westen 99, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen (Cat.)
1999 Live the noble handicraft of the butchers, town. Gallery Museum Folkwang, Essen (Cat.)


Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin 
Berlinische Galerie 
Museum für moderne Kunst, Berlin
DKM Museum, Duisburg
Kunsthalle Emden 
Märkisches Museum Witten 
Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, Schweiz / Switzerland
Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
Situation Kunst /
Museum unter Tage, Bochum 
Museum der Stadt Ratingen 
Stadtgalerie Kiel 
Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal 
 ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe
Stadt / City of Essen 
Städtische Galerie Backnang 
Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg
Allianz Forum
Sammlung / Collection Cardia, Porto, Portugal 
Coroplast, Wuppertal 
Deutsche Bank
E.ON Art Collection, Düsseldorf
Sammlung / Collection Gädeke, Berlin
HypoVereinsbank, München / Munich
Hotel Bayern, Tegernsee
Sammlung / Collection Kerber, Bielefeld 
Sammlung / Collection Kettler, Bönen
Leinemann Stiftung, Berlin 
Sammlung / Collection Lobeck, Wuppertal
Sammlung / Collection Willi Michel, Bern, Schweiz / Switzerland 
Corporate Collection
Novartis, Basel, Schweiz / Switzerland
Sammlung / Collection Philara, Düsseldorf ·
Sammlung / Collection Prinz von Hohenlohe 
 Sammlung / Collection Sperling, Mainburg 
SØR, Oelde
Stiftung St. Matthäus, Berlin 
UTM, Luxemburg / Luxembourg
Sammlung / Collection Wemhöner 
Sammlung / Collection Zhang Zhenqingn, Shanghai, China

Scholarships and Awards 

2008 Grant of the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, USA 
2007 Falkenrot-Award, Berlin, Germany 
2003 Scholarship of Pollock-Krasner-Foundation, New York, USA Scholarship of X. Rohkunstbau, Germany 
2002-04 Grant of Volkswagen-Stiftung Hannover, Germany 

Selection Bibliography

2017 Sven Drühl, Künstler – Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Ausgabe / Issue 119, Hrsg. von / E d. by Detlef Bluemler, Lothar Romain, Neu-Isenburg
2016 Sven Drühl: Simulationen. Landschaft jenseits der Wirklichkeit. Hrsg. von / E d. by Katja Blomberg, Haus am Waldsee, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
2015 Sven Drühl: Shin-hanga – Japanese Landscapes. Hrsg. von / E Rasmus Kleine, Wolfgang Zeigerer, Stadtgalerie Kiel, DKM Museum Duisburg, Kallmann-Museum
2015 Ismaning, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld
2013 Sven Drühl: Werke 2001-2013. Hrsg. von / E d. by Gerhard Finckh, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal
2012 Sven Drühl: Strategies against Achitectures. Hrsg. von / E d. by Thomas Levy, Kerber Verlag Bielefeld
2012 Sven Drühl / C laudia Splitt: Synapsenfieber. Hrsg. von / E d. by Taborpresse, Berlin Künstlerbuch mit Original-Lithografien / Artist Book with Original Lithographies
2012 Sven Drühl – Totentanz. Bilder und Skulpturen. Hrsg. von / E d. by Helmut A. Müller, Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Kettler Verlag, Bönen
2010 Sven Drühl: Shades of Grey. Hrsg. von / E d. by Sjur Nedreaas, Galleri S.E, Bergen
2007 Sven Drühl: Falkenrot-Preis. Hrsg. von / E d. by Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2006 Sven Drühl: Artistic Research. Hrsg. von / E d. by Oliver Zybok, Museum Ratingen,Zeppelin-Museum Friedrichshafen, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld
2004 Sven Drühl / S tefan Wissel: Poplieferanten. Hrsg. von / E d. by Flottmann-Hallen, Herne, modo Verlag, Freiburg
2002 Sven Drühl: Die Aufregung. Hrsg. von / E d. by Gerhard Finckh, Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen, Museum am Ostwall Dortmund

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