Light Blue II
Artist:Christiane Grimm
Media:Mixed media and acrylic glass
Christiane Grimm
(Germany, b. 1957)
Christiane Grimm has created colour and light spaces ever since the mid-1980s. A major focus of her researches is on colour itself, which she investigates in terms of its luminosity, its wide range of nuances, the ways they can be combined, and also their effect on the viewer. A trained architect and self-taught artist, she works with a wide range of colour materials, from oils and acrylics to pastels, and generally creates visual objects, architectural light sculptures, and boxes from Perspex, antique glass, and ribbed glass. The sensual effect conveyed by her works results from the varying interactions between the colours, the composition, the space, the material, and the lighting.
利用圖形迭合起的不明確性,Grimm 將客觀的構圖移交主觀詮釋,並傳遞幾何擴張而成的漸變美感。過去於金屬、玻璃或紙材上的繪畫,以二維的色彩和結構組織畫面,因油彩的飽和光澤及載體的物理反射特性,曖曖映出空間的深度,鮮活的色彩組合則帶出作品的脈動。近期更將創作層次推向三維的探索,迭合單色或無色的有機玻璃(plexiglass),利落劃分空間的同時也模糊色與色的絕對區隔,作品表面的波狀處理,看似發散了感知的維度,受到環境光影連動,不插電卻為靜態作品添加了動態元素,並建起觀者與作品的鏈接。