2017.11.18 – 12.30


世界著名X光藝術家尼克•維西(Nick Veasey,英國,1962年生)藉由獨特的媒材穿透性,探索事物的本質,揭示表面之下鮮為人知的面貌。此次個展《Hidden  Vision 》與英國Victoria & Albert博物館(簡稱V&A)同步展出其博物館合作系列作品,以及首度露出之全新媒材創作。

尼克•維西以X光聚焦現代生活的形貌與內涵,透過另類的視角,剖析習以為常的人、事、物。不同於既有X光應用於有機體徵象捕捉的操作,維西的創作始於一個汽水罐的成像,純粹的構造美學引起其共鳴,在逾二十年的創作歷程中,他獨到的詮釋手法與高難度的技術掌握,再再將X光提升到全新的境界。過去曾將達達主義(Dadaism)與超現實主義(Surrealism)大家的經典作品置於鏡頭下,幽默地檢視無標準創作的實際形貌,或將大型波音747拆解,執行浩大的拍攝工程。維西X光攝影所使用的設備在輻射強度上遠超出於醫院使用設備,高度危險的創作環境下,需藉由精準調控曝光時間與距離,得以揭開我們看不見的豐富層次與事物的精密構成。其具時代性的創作表述手法,曾獲邀為美國時代雜誌(Time Magazine)拍攝封面,並受邀於TED論壇發表演說。

今年維西受英國V&A博物館的特別邀請,合作拍攝題材稀有且少見的館藏古董服飾,為拍攝橫跨17、18世紀至近現代的歷史性服裝及配件,維西將卡車改造為行動X光工作室,把創作場域開進博物館內,以透視的手法紀錄經典設計與針線間細緻的美學。他亦以五年的時間執行骨董車的拍攝,此計畫不僅使用世界最大型的X光機具進行拍攝,更是史上首次以X光記錄代表性車款的創舉。尼克•維西的二度來台個展《Hidden  Vision》循此脈絡,透過經典服裝與車款系列,演繹歷史脈絡與科技、藝術的結合,也揭示出事物與生俱來卻讓人驚嘆的隱形視界。


Nick Veasey uses x-ray to strip back the layers and show what it is like under the surface. The technique reveals what, and often how, things are made, which grants his art to penetrate the surface and take us on a journey into a world otherwise hidden and unseen. The artist’s work could be seen as a project that harnesses and exploits modern technology to advance the boundaries of perception and of art. By revealing the unseen details of the interior structure, material and construction, as described by London’s Victoria & Albert Museum, Veasey creates art that is redolent of a ‘forensic investigation’, which makes his work a classic example of the fusion between art and science.

Nick Veasey has been exhibited internationally. His works are now in collections at V&A Museum, SFMOMA, The Museum at FIT, BMW Museum, National Science and Media Museum, Musée de Design et D’Arts Appliqués Contemporains and MOCA Taipei. He keeps broadening the possibility of his art with diverse collaboration, including projects with V&A Museum, Louis Vuitton, United Airline and Adobe.

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