Annett Zinsmeister出生於德國斯圖加特,目前居住與工作於柏林。柏林視覺藝術與設計大學畢業,學習藝術,建築,文化和媒體科學。自2003年以來,她任教於藝術學校和擔任數間大學的教授。空間和建築是Zinsmeister創作的核心主題,以大型裝置,攝影,素描,拼貼畫和電影的形式呈現。她同時也是許多跨領域學科書籍的作者,書籍在國際間出版,並以建築,藝術和媒體研究等不同學科的結合而聞名。她的作品曾參與多間國際機構展覽並獲收藏,例如紐約現代藝術博物館(MOMA),新柏林藝術中心(NBK),法國奧爾良當代藝術中心(FRAC Centre-Val de Loire)等。
Annett Zinsmeister對建築和空間的定義、歷史、傳統、創新、社會政治背景以及空間結構等極感興趣。她探究日常儀式的起源,形式和日常行為因習慣而產生的效果。她尤其著迷於經歷轉化的特定地點,這些地點有著已發生的不可逆的過去,和充滿著不確定發展的未來,在不同的作品中,她針對特定建築或空間過去的歷史及當下正在進行的發展,進行關於空間感知和設計的研究。
Solo Exhibitions
2020 Shifting Space, JD Malat Gallery, London, UK
2019 Urban Structures, LH2 Contemporary Berlin, Germany
2018 Space, Fragment, Formation, Gallery Braunbehrens, Stuttgart, Germany
2018 Infintiy, MPV Gallery, s´Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
2018 Fictitious Reality, LH2 Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
2017 Searching for Identity, gkg, Bonn, Germany
2016 Urban Shelter, BNKR, Munich, Germany
2016 Tank / Transformation, Kornhaus KirchheimITeck, Germany
2016 Virtual Interior, Gallery NMerino, Paris, France
2015 Confession Library, Installation in progress, Germany
2015 Data. Grid, Space. Module, Cubus, SSC Böblingen, Germany
2014 I confess, Installation in situ, Kunstverein Neuhausen, Germany
2013 Annett Zinsmeister, Plattenpalast, dr.julius|ap, Berlin, Germany
2011 Raum I – No Place. Nowhere?, Gallery 14-1 Stuttgart, Germany
2011 Searching for Identity, Kunstverein Nürtingen, Germany
2010 Annett Zinsmeister + Hans Kotter at Gallery Grazia Blumberg, Germany
2007 Plattenbau II, Konzerthaus at Gendarmenmarkt, Berlin, Germany
2007 Plattenbau I, Berlin Academy of Science Berlin, Germany
2005 outside_in II, Academy Schloß Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany
2005 outside_in I, solo show at Gallery Oberwelt, Stuttgart, Germany
Selected Group Exhibitions and Screenings
2019 Linear Construction, LH2 Contemporary Berlin, Germany
2019 Century Bauhaus, Gallery dr.julius|ap, Berlin, Germany
2018 Wonders, MPV Gallery, Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
2019 postcard reloaded, Kunstraum Potsdam , Potsdam
2018 Decade One, Gallery dr.julius|ap Berlin, Germany
2018 A to Z – works from the collection, LH2 Contemporary Berlin, Germany
2018 Various Artists, MPV Gallery, Knokke, Belgium
2017 Walking Trough Someone Else´s Dream Biennial Orléans, France
2017 Start up!, Gallery Robert Drees, Hanover, Germany
2017 Espacios Concretos, Galeria Impakto Lima, Peru
2017 Start up! dr.julius|ap Berlin, Germany
2016 Are we human? Biennial Istanbul, Turkey
2016 Raumwunder, Museum Ritter Waldenbuch, Germany
2016 Positions, Dr. Julius, Berlin, Germany
2015 Revisiones, Galeria Impakto Lima, Peru
2015 Endless House, MoMA New York, USA
2015 Concept Paper, dr.julius|ap Berlin, Germany
2015 The Art of Fold, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany
2015 The Art of Folding, Museum for Concrete Art, Ingolstadt, Germany
2015 Teknology, Galeria Impakto Lima, Peru
2014 Anonymous Drawings, Pavillon in Milchhof, Berlin, Germany
2014 Scenes of the Uncanny, Kunstverein Neuhausen, Germany
2014 Private View, Gallery dr.julius|ap Berlin, Germany
2014 PARC, Galeria Impakto at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Lima, Peru
2013 Lumino City, Galeria Impakto Lima, Peru
2012 Rasterfahndung – Tracing the Grid, Museum of Contemporary Art, Stuttgart, Germany 2011 (In)visible Cities, Kunstverein Wilmshöhe, Ettlingen, Germany
2009 Urban Hacking, Paraflows, Vienna, Austria
2009 ZEIGEN – An Audio Tour through Berlin, curated by Karin Sander, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin, Germany
2008 New Works in the Collection of NBK, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany
2008 Digital Spaces, Gallery Digital Art Museum, Berlin, Germany
2007 Searching for an ideal urbanity, Schloß Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany
2007 New members, Werkbund Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2006 Talking cities – ENTRY 2006, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Germany
2004 Fly Utopia!, transmediale 04 – i media art festival, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Germany
2002 urbandrift / night space, Café Moskau, Berlin, Germany
2002 MUSEUTOPIA, group show KarlErnst Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany
2002 Stadt(t)räume – works from the collection, Karl-Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany
2018 Grant: Artist in residence, Schlesinger Foundation Switzerland
2017 Grant: Artist in residence, Villa Lena Foundation, Italy
2014 Grant: Cité des Arts Internationale de Paris selected by German Ministry of Cultural Affairs
2005/07 Grant: Academy Schloß Solitude Stuttgart, Germany
2002 Grant: Postgraduate scholarship of the State Thüringen, Germany
2001 Grant: Artist in residence, Schlesinger Foundation Switzerland
2000 2nd Prize in the Competition for the redesign of Plattenbausiedlung Hellersdorf
1999 Art Award ring Switzerland
Public Collections
MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Karl Ernst Osthaus, Museum Hagen, Germany
NBK – Neuer Berliner Kunstverein Berlin, Germany
Deutscher Bundestag zu, Berlin, Germany
About Change Collection, Munich, Germany