John Aslanidis
(Australia, b.1961)
畢業於新南威爾斯大學美術學院,及雪梨音樂學院。John Aslanidis以具音樂性的繪畫與絢爛的色彩運用著稱,在歐美和澳洲等地擁有豐富的展出經歷,2017 受精品Longchamp委託,在日本東京旗艦店創作大尺幅作品’Sonic Network No.18‘,2018 受澳洲布里斯本市政府,委託創作大型公共光雕投影藝術。
超過20年的創作生涯中,Aslanidis不斷探尋視覺與聲音表現的共振,透過畫布上無限迴盪的線性色彩,激起音樂旋律和節拍上的共鳴。系列作品’Sonic‘ 以譜曲的方式,先在畫布上做出數個記號,再經由精準計算串起點與點間的聯繫,如同音符譜出旋律一般呈現出視覺的交響樂,也為聽覺灌入斑斕的色彩。
1987-1989 Bachelor of visual Arts, City Art Institute
1990 Graduate Diploma of Visual Arts, College of Fine Arts, University of NSW
1995-98 Member of Clan Analogue (collective of electronic sound and visual Artists)
1998-1999 Committee member of stripp Gallery Melbourne
1999-2015 Based in Melbourne exhibiting in Australia and Internationally
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2018 Sonic no.68 Edwina Corlette Gallery Brisbane
2017 Sonic Network no.17 Gallery 9 Sydney
2017 Sonic no.59 NKN gallery melbourne
2016 Sonic Series 2005-2011 curated by Jane O’Neill Australian Consulate New York
2016 Sonic New Wave Ethan Cohen Gallery, NewYork
2016 Sonic Network no.15 Galerie Kai Hilgemann @Prosecco Berlin, Germany
2016 Sonic Networks no.3 to 7 NKN Gallery Melbourne
2015 Selection of works from the 1990s Charles Nodrum Gallery Melbourne
2015 Intersection collaboration with Mayonaize Juddy Roller Melbourne
2015 Sonic Network no.14 Gallery 9 Sydney
2014 Sonic Network no.15 Edwina Corlette Gallery Brisbane
2013 Sonic Network Kai Hilgemann Gallery Berlin
2013 Sonic Network no.13 collaboration with Brian May Gallery 9 Sydney
2012 Sonic Fragments Ethan Cohan Fine Arts Beacon USA
2012 Sonic Network no.8 collaboration with Brian May Substation Melbourne
2012 Sonic Network no.12 Block Projects Melbourne
2012 Sonic Network no.9 collaboration with Brian May White Box New York
2011 Sonic Network no.9 collaboration with Brian May dr Julius | ap Berlin Germany
2010 Sonic Network no.8 Gallery 9 Sydney
2010 Sonic Network no. 4-7 Block projects Melbourne
2008 Sonic Network no.3 Gallery 9 Sydney
2007 Abstraction Two Views with Tony Woods Mahoneys Gallery Melbourne
2006 Sonic Network no.2 and Fragments Gallery 9 Sydney
2006 Sonic Network no.2 Austral Avenue Melbourne
2005 Sonic Fragments NYC TOBEY FINE ARTS New York USA
2005 Sonic Fragments Criterion Gallery Hobart
2004 Sonic Wrestling Fox Galleries Brisbane
2003 Sonic TOBEY FINE ARTS New York USA
2002 Dislocation Network no.3 PB Gallery Swinburne UniversityMelbourne
2002 Dislocation Metro Arts Brisbane
1998 The Home The Museum of Dirt Melbourne
1998 A Selection of paintings from 1991 to 1998 stripp Gallery, Melbourne
1997 Reverberation Network (Two part exhibition) 151 Regent st Sydney and Stripp Melbourne
1996 Reverberation Pendulum, Sydney
1995 Crosscurrent series, The Beatty Gallery, Sydney
1995 The Transit Zone series to the Crosscurrent series’ 1991-1995 (two part exhibition)
1995 Two Walls Gallery, University of Western Sydney and Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga NSW
1993 Alternation Series Pendulum, Sydney
Selected Group Exhibitions
2018 New Optics 3 Museum of Modern Art Hunfeld, Germany
2018 Talent Show Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York
2018 Patterns of the invisible curated by Konstanty Sydlowski Hilgemann Projects, Berlin
2017 New Optics Galerie Husam curated by Edgar Diehl Offenbach, Germany
2017 As of Now Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York
2016 How to Picture Living Systems curated by Petra Maitz KLI institute Klosterneuberg, Austria
2016 Visions of Utopia curated by Andrew Christofides Woollongong Art Gallery NSW
2016 Interference Nurture art, New York
2016 WAR a Playground perspective The Armoury Gallery, Sydney
2015 Eyes score: The Audible image Town Hall Galley Hawthorn Arts Centre, Melbourne.
2015 After 65 The Legacy of OP Latrobe Regional Gallery, Victoria
2015 Digital reductive 5 Walls Projects, Melbourne
2014 Colour/Music Curated By Anthony Oates Drill Hall Gallery Australian NationalUniversity Canberra 2013 Melbourne Now National galley of Victoria, Australia
2014 Light Space Projects 2013 curated by Giles Ryder Gallery H, BangkokThailand
2014 ABSTRACTIONS Galerie Kai Higemann, Berlin Germany
2014 The Sharper edge Ethan Cohan Fine Arts, New York USA
2012 Finding our New Fort Kunsthalle Beacon, NY USA
2012 Future Shock One-Two Internationale Neue Konkrete + dr. Julius | ap Berlin
2012 Structure and Emergence curated by Ron Janovich and Daniel Hill
2012 Lafayette College Easton Pennsylvania, MDC Freedom Tower Gallery
2012 Miami Florida, University Gallery school of Fine Arts Gainesville, Florida
2011 Sound and Vision McKenzie Fine Art, New York USA
2011 Sounds Good curated by Claudia Calirman Location One, New York USA
2011 Together in Harmony Korean Cultural Foundation, Seoul Korea
2011 medium cool curated by Nick Vickers Kudos Gallery, Sydney
2010 constructive | concrete | multiple dr julius | ap Berlin Germany
2010 Sight and Sound Music and Abstraction in Australian Art
2010 The Arts Centre Melbourne curated by Steven Tonkin
2009 The Shilo Project curated by Chris McAuliffe The Ian Potter Museum of Art The University of Melbourne
2009 SNO 51 with Susan Rosmarin and Gilbert Hsiao SNO Gallery Sydney
2009 Drawing Folio Block Projects, Melbourne
2008 Gallery Selections TOBEY FINE ARTS, New York USA
2008 Abstraction 7 Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne
2008 The Aliens can smell our blood, Block Projects, Melbourne
2007 Verus Painters TOBEY FINE ARTS, New York USA
2007 Points of Departure (Six Australian painters) curated by John Aslanidis,
2007 John Aslanidis, Cathy Blanchflower, Richard Bell, Christopher Dean, Helga Groves
2007 And Matthew Johnson TOBEY FINE ARTS, NewYork USA
2007 Verus Painters 03/08/07 TOBEY FINE ARTS, NewYork USA
2006 Arts and Minds curated By Nick Vickers Delmar Gallery, Sydney
2006 The colour of Music Curated by Annabelle Pegus Adelaide Central Gallery, Adelaide
2005 Dreams in the Abstract Paintingss1933-2005 TOBEY FINE ARTS NYC
2005 Disorientate, curated by Paul Zika, Plimsoll Gallery University of Tasmania
2005 Conceptual crochet, curated by Christopher Dean, The Cross Art Projects Sydney
2005 Vibration, curated by Nick Vickers with Jurek Wybraniek and Andrew Leslie, Sir Hermann Black Gallery, Sydney (parallel program to the Sydney Biennials)
2003 Abstraktion 100 years later two part exhibition, Moscow Artists Union Moscow Russia and
2002 Lines 2 Fireworks gallery Brisbane
2002 GOOD VIBRATIONS The Legacy of OP Art in Australia
2002 Heidi Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne
2001 Dirty Drawings TOBEY FINE ARTS, New York USA
2000 Lines Fireworks Gallery, Brisbane
1999 stripp Victorian Ministry of the arts exhibition space
Optics The Herman Black Gallery, Sydney
Sixth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Melbourne
1997 Electronic’ with Pierre Stokx and Kazumichi Grime Pendulum, Sydney
1996 4 Sydney Artists’ Ether Ohne Titel, Melbourne
1995 Bathurst Art Purchase, Bathurst Regional Gallery, Bathurst NSW
1993 Flux Airspace, Sydney
Grants and Awards
1990 Mercedes Benz Youth Art Scholarship Award
1993, 94, 97 NSW Ministry of the Arts NAVA Marketing Grant 2003 Export and touring fund Arts Victoria
2003 Pollock Krasner Art Foundation grant
2006 New work grant established Artist Category Australia Council for the Arts
2010 Skills and Development Grant Australia Council for the Arts
2016 Skills and Arts Development Grant Australia council for the Arts
International Studio and Curatorial Program New York Australia Council for the Arts
Public and Private Commissions
2012 Sonic Network no.11, Hamer Hall the Arts Centre, Melbourne Australia
2017 Sonic Network no.18 Longchamp Maison Omatesando, Toyo Japa