畢業於Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture and Space Studio, Bratislava, Slovakia。為斯洛伐克當代傑出的年輕藝術家代表,十歳開始接觸木雕天天為伍,學院時期師事雕塑家 Jozef Jankovič。作品結合環境深刻動人,利用雕塑語言,讓金屬、混凝土、木材、矽膠及蜂蠟,展現不同材質混和交織的精彩力道,看似柔軟的外表卻有自然粗糙、生命滄桑的觸感。2011年獲紐約布魯克林 Dumbo Arts Festival 的 Best Open Studio 獎項,2015年獲得斯洛伐克 NOVUM Foundation 首獎,2018於Bluerider ART亞洲首個展,作品被斯洛伐克國家藝廊、義大利梅斯納爾山峰博物館及重要私人藏家收藏。
Collaterales, Bienal De La Habana, 2019
Psycho-Vertical, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia, 2017/2018
Mountain climbers「登山者」是Papčo 作品的核心概念,「登山」做為創作的來源,代表的意義不只是在登山過程中體驗各種偏離日常的身體經驗,同時更提供了一種文本,以各種姿態呈現當代社會議題發展、及與過去的歷史產生對話及碰撞。巧妙地反轉物理思維成為藝術結構的語彙:點、線、面甚至是四維度的時間,都在 Papčo的掌握下。從抽象角度觀看身體經驗、視覺符號、地圖、虛構地平線及各片斷所組成的空間象限,動態與靜態都隱藏在這些紀錄式的雕塑文本中。
自1960-70 年代的歐洲藝術圈Robert Morris 發表的多篇文章對身體、時間與在場的設定,為當代藝術建立了新觀念,經過觀念藝術(Concept Art)及行為藝術(Performance Art)的浪潮,藝術家們從藝術型態的思考轉向文化及歷史,創作過程中以觀念先行來佈局,這樣的藝術基因影響了代代的藝術家。Papčo 所嘗試的,是在自然中進行探索活動時,對未知環境摸索、產生冒險感及感受到生命的遼闊,逐步打破領土疆域的試探,思想上嚮往自由及對於精神壓迫的反抗。
Štefan Papčo 亞洲首個展 Vertical 「垂直線」,講述的是一場利用登山活動反映人類純粹的精神層面的一系列故事。在白盒子中登山,如同電玩般,將虛擬空間切割及在場域中瞬間切換身分動作,登山所揚起的塵土,如同雕刻般塑造山形,登山的每一腳步都像雕刻著山的紋理,試著為生命做出突破,各種山壁如同道道可行走的切面,帶領觀眾通往自由的道路。不同於許多偉大登山者選擇的高峰挑戰及對山的崇敬感佩,Papčo 嘗試很多攀登路線,試圖紀錄不斷推進的時空所產生的土地及社會發展。作品 Along the right edge of the huge Corner 及Left Edge Tower ,充滿詩意的命名、表現了藝術家的獨到觀察及想像力,收納山脊的線條及反轉量體的空間感,與真實環境連結的個人經驗。作品 West Face,山的面孔被擠壓在牆面的金屬上,蒼白低彩度的、具有份量的作品由現成物及抽象空間所構成的雕塑。
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2019 Verticality as Fantastic Occupation, curated by Elena Sorokina, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN Bratislava
2019 The Impossible Is Just One of The Possibilities, Le Guern gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2019 Art Cologne, with Juraj Kollár, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2018/19 Cumuloniimbus, with Lucia Papčová, Plusminusnula gallery, Žilina, Slovakia
2018 Vertical, Bluerider ART Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Sky Gravity / with Roman Ondak, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Bratislava, Slovakia
2017/18 Štefan Papčo solo show curated by Elena Sorokina, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia
2016 Up the Middle of the Wall, Galerie mesta Blanska, Blansko, Czech Republic
2016 Cumulations, Galerie moderneho umeni, Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic
2015/16 Štefan Papčo, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Bratislava, Slovakia
2015 Cardinality, Regional Gallery in Liberec, Czech Republic
2014 Brokeback Mountain, Young International Artists (YIA art fair) – Hors les Murs, Musée
des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France
2014 Cardinality, Kunsthalle Kosice, Slovakia
2013 YIA #3 (Young International Artists), Paris, France
2013 All good things aim at the same point, ZAHORIAN&co GALLERY, Bratislava, Slovakia
2012 Rock, Galerie Die Aktualität des Schönen…, Liberec, Czech Republic
2010 Moraine, City Gallery of Bratislava, Slovakia
2010 Terra Cognita (with Daniela Krajčová), Nitra Gallery – Bunker, Slovakia
2009 Brokeback Mountain, Pavilon Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2009 Tatra – Version, An ancient power station – LYSE, Florli, Norway
2009 Double Fall, Cyprian Majernik Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2008 Indoor Sunset, Gallery 13M3, Bratislava, Slovakia
2008 Bivouac, an online picture transmission from Lomnický Peak (High Tatras, SK) and
Jossingfjord (NO) via IP camera, climb.sk, stefanpapco.com and dalane-tidende.no
2007 Vertical Holidays, St. John Chapel, Bratislava, Slovakia
Selected Group Exhibitions
2020 BEESTIG?, Stichting IJsberg,cStadsfestival Damme, Belgium
2020 CAST 2020, CAS | Contemporary Art Space, Zottegem, Belgium
2020 viennacontemporary, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2020 Acquisitions 2002 – 2019, Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
2020 Reserved for the future, exhibition on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Orava Gallery, Oravská galéria v Dolnom Kubíne, Slovakia
2020 Where Are the Lions? / Ubi sunt leones?, curated by Eva Riebová, Meet Factory, Prague, Czech Rep.
2020 Artivirals, Maalte Art, Maaltebruggekasteel, Gent, Belgium
2020 Middle European Mysticism, Thomas Erben Gallery, Chelsea, New York
2019 viennacontemporary, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2019 VOLTA Basel, Switzerland, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2019 Lijf & Beeld, Els Wuyts, Kunstencentrum Ten Bogaerde, Koksijde, Belgium
2019 External and Main Memory, Medium Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2019 XIII Bienal de la Habana | collateral, Havana, Cuba
2018 Art Taipei, Taiwan, represented by Bluerider ART
2018 viennacontemporary, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2018 Art Cologne, with Jiří David, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Cologne,
2018 Biennale Gherdeina, curated by Adam Budak, Ortisei, Italy
2018 Vertical, Gkg / Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung, Bonn, Germany
2018 Migration of Energies 2, Gandy gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2017 ART TAIPEI, Bluerider ART, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 SCOPE New York, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, New York, USA
2017 SCOPE represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Basel, Switzerland 2017 Pasce a Evidencie, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovakia
2017 Arc of Memory, curated by Tereza Jindrová, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Prague, Czech Republic
2016 YIA # 7 (Young International Artists) Paris, France, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2016 Crossroads, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, London, UK
2016 XXL Views of Contemporary Slovak Art, Gask – Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
2016 SCOPE Basel, Switzerland, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2016 YIA # 6 (Young International Artists) Brussels, Belgium, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2016 ARTEFIERA, Bologna, Italy, represented by ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN
2016 Opening Night: Part II, Chabah Yelmani Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2015 Reason and Defiance, Vychodoslovenska galeria Kosice, Slovakia
2015 YIA ART FAIR #05, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Paris, France
2015 THE SECOND DEATH OF GEORGE MALLORY, Karlin Studios, Prague, Czech Republic
2015 Reconstructions, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2015 Between Democracies 1989 – 2014, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa
2015 RESET 2015, Jozef Kollár Gallery, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
2015 ROMA VERSO EXPO Artisticamente…, Palazzo Vittoriano, Rome, Italy
2014 TWO LANDSCAPES An Image of Slovakia: 19th Century × Contemporary, Slovak
National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2014 Hast du Bergen geträumt II, Czech centrum Berlin, Germany
2013 Prague Biennale 6, Prague, Czech Republic
2013 Expansive Limits – Daniela Antonelli, Lucas Maddock, and Štefan Papčo, Residency
Unlimited, New York, USA
2012 Jeune Création Européenne, Biennial of Contemporary Art, Klaipeda Exhibition Hall, LIT –
Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany – City Gallery of Bratislava, Slovakia – Art
Exhibition Hall, Pécs, Hungary – Galerie im Traklaus, Salzburg, Austria
2012 Zero Years, Modem Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen, Hungary
2011 Maps II, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2011 Jeune Création Européenne, Biennial of Contemporary Art, La Fabrique, Paris, France
2010 Finalists of Oskár Čepan Award, Medium Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2009 1st Danube Biennial, Meulensteen Museum Danubiana, Slovakia
2008 TB Dalane Kunstprosjekt, European City of Culture 2008 – Stavanger, Eigersund, Norway
Selected Collections
MOCAK / Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, Poland
Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium
S.M.A.K., Gent, Belgium
IKOB | Museum for Contemporary Art, Eupen, Belgium
Voorlinden Museum, Netherlands
Aegidius Collection, Luxembourg / Denmark
Messner Mountain Museum collection, Italy
Museum Voorlinden, The Netherlands
Aegidius Collection, Luxembourg
Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
Bratislava City Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
Trebešice Castle Collection, Czech Republic
Cyprián Majerník Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
Awards / Scholarships
2015 Novum Foundation Award, SK
2014 NOVUM foundation, grand prize, Slovakia
2014 Le Vent des Forêts, France
2013 Tatra Bank Foundation Art Award – Young Artist, Slovakia
2013 Artist in residence, Residency Unlimited, New York, USA
2011 Artist in residence, Triangle Arts Association, New York, USA
2011 Best Open Studio, Dumbo Arts festival, New York, USA
2011 DAF Grand Prize 2011, Dumbo Arts festival, New York, USA
2010 Finalist of Oskar Čepan Award, Bratislava, Slovakia
2009 Artist in residence, Florli, Norway
2009 Meulensteen Art Award, Meulensteen Museum, Slovakia
2006 The first prize, Erasmus exhibition, My Neighborhood, Porto, Portugal