豎琴家 陳欣意 Cindy Chen
南加大(University of Southern California)音樂藝術博士。回台任台北市立交響樂團客席豎琴及台北豎琴家聯盟理事長,任教於國立台灣藝術大學、每年定期在國家音樂廳舉辦慈善音樂會將音樂散佈到社會的每一個角落。
Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Southern California. Harpist of Taipei Symphony Orchestra. Professor of National Taiwan University for the Arts. Cindy helps disadvantaged children and elderly people to get music education and is involving with chamber ensembles with concerts at National Music Hall.
Date/ Time: 5.11 Sat. 4pm-5pm
2:00 觀眾入場
2:20-3:45 講座
4:05-4:15 開場
4:15-4:30 開場獨奏表演
4:30-5pm 豎琴伴奏
4:30-4:45pm Artist tour
Venue: Bluerider 敦仁館
Address: 台北市大安區大安路一段101巷10號1樓