2020首場Bluerider WALKER,將延續長達一年好評,帶來經典優質的深度導覽。
三月,從 [台北・敦仁 ] “Terforation 紙的顛覆與構築”,由當代德國雕塑家Angela Glajcar帶來亞洲首個展,層層堆疊、在紙的邊緣展現戲劇張力的作品。其中一件長達六米於展場中懸吊的大型裝置藝術,透過光線折射,更顯堅韌而奔放。再沿路享受春日洗禮,來到 [台北・仁愛] “Algorithm & Appropriation 演算 & 挪用” 雙人展,由法國藝術家Pascal Dombis 與德國藝術家 Caro Jost 以圖像、文字探索數位時代的圖像閱讀以及時空場域的重新詮釋,跳脫時序空間限制的藝術觀點。在 X by Bluerider “Slash Generation / 斜槓世代”,將介紹當紅藝術家的多重身份。最後一起享用下午茶及交流。Bluerider WALKER 全程120分鐘的深度導覽,邀請您參與共享春日午後這場別出心裁的當代藝術對話!一個打開感官感受當代藝術的新境界!
【 Open Studio | Bluerider WALKER 】Mar.
In March Bluerider will be presenting its highly rated event – Bluerider WALKER with classic and quality in-depth guided tours in English. The tour will start from our DunRen gallery with contemporary sculptor Angela Glajcar’s Asia debut – “Terforation” solo exhibition, presenting her seemingly weightless, yet substantial compositions of hand-torn sheets dramatized under lights and shadows. Then after 10min. short walk along the famous DaAn district’s alleys and lanes, will arrive RenAi Gallery with two exhibitions await – “Algorithm & Appropriation” duo exhibition and X by Bluerider “Slash Generation”. Featuring two artists, Pascal Dombis and Caro Jost , the duo probes into the interrelationship between images, texts and time as they apply different creative methods. At X by Bluerider “Slash Generation”, will introduce the multiple identities of popular artists and their books. Finally we will enjoy afternoon tea and discussions together. In the 120-minute in-depth tour, Bluerider WALKER invites you to participate in this unique dialogue of contemporary art!
👉[台北・敦仁]‘Terforation 紙的顛覆與構築’- Angela Glajcar 亞洲首個展
👉[台北・仁愛]‘Algorithm & Appropriation 演算 & 挪用’- Pascal Dombis, Caro Jost 雙人展
👉 X by Bluerider- ‘Slash Generation / 斜槓世代’
【 Route 】
👉Bluerider ART DunRen Gallery, Taipei ‘Terforation’- Angela Glajcar first solo show in Asia
👉Bluerider ART RenAi Gallery ‘Algorithm & Appropriation’ – Pascal Zombis and Caro Jost duo show
👉 X by Bluerider- ‘Slash Generation’
3月場次:3.14 Sat. 3pm-5pm
集合:Bluerider ART 台北・敦仁
【 Date / Time 】
3.14 Sat. 3pm-5pm
Meet at Bluerider ART DunRen Gallery
Add: 1F, No.10, Ln. 101, Sec. 1, Daan Rd., Taipei
$200 / 人 (內含 Joël Robuchon 侯布雄法式三明治或 甜點 乙份)
【 Event Fee 】
NT$ 200 per person (Joël Robuchon sandwich or dessert included)