作品 ‘Balance’ 平衡
2008於倫敦Kinetica Museum 美術館開幕展出,展場位於London Bridge Station 倫敦塔橋站地底的深隧道Shunt Vaults 。Hans Kotter 漢斯·卡特 以極簡燈光線條,重新詮釋空間包括角落、邊界、表面.. 拋棄傳統觀看方式,光徑延伸視覺,光的藝術成為空間主角,賦予歷史幽暗場域一個全新當代氛圍。
‘Balance’, a thin band of luminescent foil, was shown at the opening exhibition of Kinetica Museum in Spitalfields, and at Shunt Vaults, deep in the tunnels under London Bridge station. Accustomed ways of seeing are thrown off completely as the glowing blue line appears to have its source of light within the walls. It negates the perspective of corners, edges and surfaces as its linearity robs the spaces of all sense of spatial continuity.’ – Kinetica Museum