Bluerider ART 很榮幸宣佈,經過長期計劃佈局,即將於2021年新增Bluerider ART, Shanghai 及Bluerider ART, London 兩地畫廊營運點,透過國際重點城市點增設,實現東西藝術交流平台目標,持續深化專業收藏服務,邁向新的里程碑 。Bluerider ART, Shanghai 上海,將於今年春季啓動,倫敦空間視疫情發展推出。敬請持續關注!Stay tuned!
Bluerider ART is pleased to announce our new gallery expansion plans in Shanghai and London in 2021. Bluerider ART, Shanghai expected to start its operation in spring, 2021, while Bluerider ART, London will be announced after Covid slowdown. The expansion plan is to pursue our goal to build an international fine art platform connects East and West, and continue to provide professional collection services. Please stay tuned!