【上海·外滩】 ‘1.65’ — 雷诺·奥德霍恩Reinoud Oudshoorn中国首个展2022.10.29 – 2022.12.25

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p.s. 视觉高度不够1.65米高,可以柜台借小矮凳



‘1.65’ — 雷诺·奥德霍恩Reinoud Oudshoorn中国首个展

Bluerider ART 上海・外滩

雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn(荷兰,b.1953) 荷兰阿特利尔63学院艺术硕士(MFA, The Ateliers 63 Haarlem),阿尔特兹艺术学士(BFA, AKI School of Arts, Enschede),现居住创作于荷兰阿姆斯特丹,曾执教于荷兰皇家艺术学院。雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn以构筑空间的极简雕塑著称,认为解决问题是一切创作根源。统一设在1.65M高的灭点(Vanishing Point),从此开启每件作品的生命里程,透过单色极简材质的细腻叙述,点线面多点交错灭点的独特语言风格,实现其一贯理念:“我搭起一座始于实体作品、经由透视空间、通往精神世界的桥梁”。展览经历遍及欧美,曾于阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆(Stedelijk Museum),佛多尔美术馆 (Museum Fodor),苏黎世设计博物馆(Museum für Gestaltung)、第8届爱沙尼亚三年展Tallinn Applied Art Triennal等展出。作品集 ‘A Selection of Works’ 获评选为‘The Best Dutch Book Designs 2019’。作品获阿姆斯特丹市立美术馆(Stedelijk Musuem Amsterdam)、 荷兰AkzoNobel Art Foundation、荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)、德国私人美术馆(Sammlung Schroth)等永久收藏。

雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn成长于荷兰乡村,最近的邻居相距1.5km以上,童年在偌大的田野与多雾的森林中遨游,热爱绘画的他,培养出对雾中变幻风景细微观察的兴趣。进入学院后开启不同艺术创作阶段:

1. 绘画风格时期(distilled minimal fragments of interiors):学院时受到 ‘de Stijl’ 荷兰风格派主义运动,杰出的极简风格绘画人称“蒸馏极简空间片段”(distilled minimal fragments of interiors),受邀阿姆斯特丹美术馆(Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam )作品展出于蒙德里安Mondrian 、马勒维奇Malevich之间。

2.透视法雕塑转换时期:自80年代起绘画日益抽象简化,不满足于二维绘画的表现型式,逐渐展开对三维空间立体创作的实验。向往Paolo Uccello(1397-1475) 着迷于透视法中蕴藏着无限的魅力,以及Ellsworth Kelly、Barnet Newman 对于空间精准度、清晰度的影响,开始研究实验透视法雕塑,大量使用木头、铅、铁、铜、青铜、纸..等材质,以手工打造创作抽象极简雕塑。同时执教荷兰皇家艺术学院长达33年。

an early work from 1990, A-90, lead on wood 180 x 84 x 84 cm

an early work from 1990, copper and steel 144 x 262 x 89 cm.

3.灭点雕塑时期:自90年代起至今,深入研究 “视觉的模拟两可性” (ambiguity of seeing),专注透视法与空间的探索,将灭点(Vanishing Point)的视觉高度统一设在1.65M,复杂的创作过程中,以手绘草稿、数学运算、手做模型,掌握透视、精密度、不同材质精准镶接,游刃于作品、想象、诗意空间三阶段进化的创作风格。此时期材质简化为黑铁、钢材、毛玻璃、木质等,以黑色透明的单色,重现幼时多雾森林的多维度框景。受犹太历史博物馆(Jewish Historisch Museum)、委托创作,与阿姆斯特丹基金会合作,为900户每户新住宅创作独有数字门牌雕塑。

自古罗马时期艺术家就对透视有一定的认识,两条并行线在某个点聚集后消失,就是灭点。公元1011年阿拉伯科学家海什木Ibn al-Haytham的《光学全书》Perspectiva翻译拉丁文就是 “光的科学” 透视(Perspective),文艺复兴意大利画家马萨乔Masaccio(1401~1428)是第一位在绘画中使用线性透视,也是第一位在艺术中使用灭点技巧,自此艺术家营造平面绘画时,为使其具象化的透视手法,任何⻆度观看都只有一个灭点,将观者的视线牵引到艺术家想要带到的位置上,从而达到视觉上的收束。20世纪荷兰风格派运动(De Stijl)主张抽象和简化,外形上缩减到几何形状,颜色只用红、黄、蓝三原色与黑、白二非色彩的原色。艺术家们共同关心的问题是简化至本质的艺术元素,平面、直线、矩形成为艺术中的支柱,并通过数学的计算来达到视觉平衡 。奥德霍恩Oudshoorn的作品则开创多维风景,他进一步将此概念延伸在白墙、地板,创作被定义为一种载体,观者在接近墙面的那一刻,便可以体验一种图像,而这样的图像让空间感变得与众不同,观者视觉被牵引至想象灭点,进而打开大脑感官思维,进入想象世界遨翔。

这次于Bluerider ART上海·外滩”1.65”-雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn 中国大陆首个展,将展出其代表作、最新作品及手稿。展名“1.65”代表1.65M不仅是视觉灭点、消失点,也是打开大脑诗意空间的进入点。整个展埸由一条1.65M高的隐形水平线,串连起每一件展出作品,这些统一1.65M灭点高度的雕塑,每一件又各自拥有墙内延伸空间、墙外拓展空间、脑海中的诗意空间。作品K-10以多件极细黑铁线条组合,有如鸟羽翅膀凌空飞舞,层层迭迭延伸入⽩墙,宛如一幅空间中的立体绘画。作品C-21 由12片薄黑铁片组成,极简的外型呈现线与⾯的多重延伸、多个灭点,诱发观众在移动中,仔细发掘多层次空间的奥妙。展出的艺术家设计手稿,密密麻麻数学计算公式,有如速描作品,呈现艺术家创作思维历程。

雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn 作品削弱了现代雕塑的特质- 量体、材质、现实,他的计算成了再现与幻觉,在雕塑及非雕塑之间走出一条独特的路,数十年精钻精神埋首一贯理念:“我搭起一座始于实体作品、经由透视空间、通往精神世界的桥梁”。雕塑不仅呈现自身的量体,也并非只是空间减法,而是创造延伸的诗意空间,看似黑铁的冷静精准,实则带东方哲学禅意,细腻虚实穿透,优雅的、梦幻的灭点, 带给观者许多生命美好定格的宁静时刻。

— 雷诺·奥德霍恩Reinoud Oudshoorn中国首个展

◼️媒体预览 Press Preview:
10.29 Sat. 2pm – 4pm
◼️VIP Opening开幕式(藏家预览):
10.29 Sat. 2pm – 5pm
◼️Open to public大众开放:
10.29 Sat. 5pm – 7pm
Bluerider ART 上海·外滩
周二~周日 10am-7pm
上海黄浦区四川中路 133 号

艺术家 Artist

Reinoud Oudshoorn 雷诺·奥德霍恩
(Netherland, b. 1953

雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn(荷兰,b.1953) 荷兰阿特利尔63学院艺术硕士(MFA, The Ateliers 63 Haarlem),阿尔特兹艺术学士(BFA, AKI School of Arts, Enschede),现居住创作于荷兰阿姆斯特丹,曾执教于荷兰皇家艺术学院。雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn以构筑空间的极简雕塑著称,认为解决问题是一切创作根源。统一设在1.65M高的灭点(Vanishing Point),从此开启每件作品的生命里程,透过单色极简材质的细腻叙述,点线面多点交错灭点的独特语言风格,实现其一贯理念:“我搭起一座始于实体作品、经由透视空间、通往精神世界的桥梁”。展览经历遍及欧美,曾于阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆(Stedelijk Museum),佛多尔美术馆 (Museum Fodor),苏黎世设计博物馆(Museum für Gestaltung)、第8届爱沙尼亚三年展Tallinn Applied Art Triennal等展出。作品集 ‘A Selection of Works’ 获评选为‘The Best Dutch Book Designs 2019’。作品获阿姆斯特丹市立美术馆(Stedelijk Musuem Amsterdam)、 荷兰AkzoNobel Art Foundation、荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)、德国私人美术馆(Sammlung Schroth)等永久收藏。

2021年于爱沙尼亚Kai Art Center第8届Tallinn Applied Art Triennal三年展”Translucency”参展


雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn成长于荷兰乡村,最近的邻居相距1.5km以上,童年在偌大的田野与多雾的森林中遨游,热爱绘画的他,培养出对雾中变幻风景细微观察的兴趣。进入学院后开启不同艺术创作阶段:

1. 绘画风格时期(distilled minimal fragments of interiors):学院时受到 ‘de Stijl’ 荷兰风格派主义运动,杰出的极简风格绘画人称“蒸馏极简空间片段”(distilled minimal fragments of interiors),受邀阿姆斯特丹美术馆(Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam )作品展出于蒙德里安Mondrian 、马勒维奇Malevich之间。

2.透视法雕塑转换时期:自80年代起绘画日益抽象简化,不满足于二维绘画的表现型式,逐渐展开对三维空间立体创作的实验。向往Paolo Uccello(1397-1475) 着迷于透视法中蕴藏着无限的魅力,以及Ellsworth Kelly、Barnet Newman 对于空间精准度、清晰度的影响,开始研究实验透视法雕塑,大量使用木头、铅、铁、铜、青铜、纸..等材质,以手工打造创作抽象极简雕塑。同时执教荷兰皇家艺术学院长达33年。

an early work from 1990, A-90, lead on wood 180 x 84 x 84 cm

an early work from 1990, copper and steel 144 x 262 x 89 cm.

3.灭点雕塑时期:自90年代起至今,深入研究 “视觉的模拟两可性” (ambiguity of seeing),专注透视法与空间的探索,将灭点(Vanishing Point)的视觉高度统一设在1.65M,复杂的创作过程中,以手绘草稿、数学运算、手做模型,掌握透视、精密度、不同材质精准镶接,游刃于作品、想象、诗意空间三阶段进化的创作风格。此时期材质简化为黑铁、钢材、毛玻璃、木质等,以黑色透明的单色,重现幼时多雾森林的多维度框景。受犹太历史博物馆(Jewish Historisch Museum)、委托创作,与阿姆斯特丹基金会合作,为900户每户新住宅创作独有数字门牌雕塑。

自古罗马时期艺术家就对透视有一定的认识,两条并行线在某个点聚集后消失,就是灭点。公元1011年阿拉伯科学家海什木Ibn al-Haytham的《光学全书》Perspectiva翻译拉丁文就是 “光的科学” 透视(Perspective),文艺复兴意大利画家马萨乔Masaccio(1401~1428)是第一位在绘画中使用线性透视,也是第一位在艺术中使用灭点技巧,自此艺术家营造平面绘画时,为使其具象化的透视手法,任何⻆度观看都只有一个灭点,将观者的视线牵引到艺术家想要带到的位置上,从而达到视觉上的收束。 20世纪荷兰风格派运动(De Stijl)主张抽象和简化,外形上缩减到几何形状,颜色只用红、黄、蓝三原色与黑、白二非色彩的原色。艺术家们共同关心的问题是简化至本质的艺术元素,平面、直线、矩形成为艺术中的支柱,并通过数学的计算来达到视觉平衡 。奥德霍恩Oudshoorn的作品则开创多维风景,他进一步将此概念延伸在白墙、地板,创作被定义为一种载体,观者在接近墙面的那一刻,便可以体验一种图像,而这样的图像让空间感变得与众不同,观者视觉被牵引至想象灭点,进而打开大脑感官思维,进入想象世界遨翔。

雷诺・奥德霍恩 Reinoud Oudshoorn 作品削弱了现代雕塑的特质- 量体、材质、现实,他的计算成了再现与幻觉,在雕塑及非雕塑之间走出一条独特的路,数十年精钻精神埋首一贯理念:“我搭起一座始于实体作品、经由透视空间、通往精神世界的桥梁”。雕塑不仅呈现自身的量体,也并非只是空间减法,而是创造延伸的诗意空间,看似黑铁的冷静精准,实则带东方哲学禅意,细腻虚实穿透,优雅的、梦幻的灭点, 带给观者许多生命美好定格的宁静时刻。

Reinoud Oudshoorn 創作手稿,以數學的方式計算線條與視角

收藏纪录 Collection

媒体报导 Press

Reinoud Oudshoorn
(Netherland, b. 1953

Solo Exhibition
2020 Fragmented Truth (with Alice Quaresma), Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London
2019 Vanishing Point,Bluerider ART, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Dimensions of three, Allouche Gallery, New York, US
2017 Recent Sculptures, Patrick Heide Art Company, London, UK
2015 Ramakers Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands
2013 Recent Sculptures, Patrick Heide Art Company, London, UK
2012 Dimensions, Gallery Skape, Seoul, South Korea
2011 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2010 Poetic reality in space, Gallery Skape, Seoul, South Korea
2009 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2008 Art Amsterdam, Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2008 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2003 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2000 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1998 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1996 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1995 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1994 Path Gallery, Aalst, Belgium
1993 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1992 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1991 Path Gallery, Aalst, Belgium
1990 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1988 Waalkens Gallery, Finsterwolde, The Netherlands
1987 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1985 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1983 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1981 Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1979 Museum Fodor, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1978 Waalkens Gallery, Finsterwolde, The Netherlands

Group Exhibition
2022 The Blue Danube, Bluerider ART ,Shanghai , China
2021 Mental Space,Bluerider ART ,Taipei. , Taiwan
2020 For the Love of Art Part 1and 2, Gallery Ramakers, The Hague
2020 Gallery Ramakers at Art Rotterdam.    
2019 Uit het atelier, Gallery Ramakers, The Hague, The Netherlands
2018 3D “Schrift am Bau”, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, Switzerland
2018 Volta NY, Allouche Gallery, New York, USA
2017 Machinerie, Proviciehuis, Haarlem, The Netherlands
2017 Art Rotterdam, Ramakers Gallery, The Netherlands
2017 Art Geneva, Patrick Heide, Geneva, Switzerland
2016 PULSE Miami, Patrick Heide, Miami, USA
2016 Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day, Ramakers Gallery, The Hague, The
2016 Grand opening new space” Gallery Allouche Gallery, New York, USA
2016 Volta Basel, Patrick Heide, Basel, Switzerland
2016 Konstruction Construction, Museum Sammlung Schroth, Soest, Germany
2016 Art Geneva, Patrick Heide, Geneva, Switzerland
2016 Licht en transparantie, Thomas Elshuis en Reinoud Oudshoorn, Nieuw
Dakota, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2016 Ramakers Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands
2015 Patrick Heide Gallery on the Miami Pulse, Miami, USA
2015 A call for drawing, Symposium, HKU, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2015 Volta Basel, Patrick Heide Gallery, Basel, Switzerland.
2014 PULSE Miami, Patrick Heide Gallery, Miami, USA
2014 Nanjing International Art Festival, Nanjing, China.
2014 Short-hand-made, Grindel 117, Hamburg. Germany.
2014 20 years anniversary, Ramakers Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands
2014 Volta Basel, Patrick Heide Gallery, Basel, Switzerland.
2013 PULSE Miami, Patrick Heide Gallery, Miami, USA
2013 Hidden dimension, Gallery Skape, Seoul, South Korea.
2013 The last picture show, Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013 Hidden dimension, Gallery Skape, Seoul, South Korea
2013 Capriccio, JCA de KOK centre for contemporary art, The Hauge, The
2013 Reinoud Oudshoorn and Jérôme Touron, Ramakers Gallery, The Hauge, The
2012 PULSE Miami, Patrick Heide Gallery, Miami, USA
2012 Gallery Skape, Gallery Seoul Art Fair, Seoul, South Korea
2011 PULSE Miami, Patrick Heide Gallery, Miami, USA
2011 Permanent Exibition, Skape Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2010 PULSE Miami, Patrick Heide Gallery, Miami USA
2010 Space A 2010, Gallery Space, Seoul, South Korea
2008 Ten Feet De Vishal, Haarlem, The Netherlands
2007 De keuze van Lucassen Ramakers Gallery, The Hague
2006 Façade Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2001 A Public Space 2001 Odyssey Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1997 Nooit zag ik Awater zo nabij Oude Kerkje, Kortenhoef, The Netherlands
1997 One Line Drawing, Ubu Gallery, New York, USA
1996 The Dutch Connection Marshall Art Gallery, Memphis TN, USA
1996 Weatherview Norwich Gallery, Norwich, UK
1994 The Collection Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1994 De keuze van Betty van Garrel Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The
1993 Atelier Mémoire, Paris, France
1993 20 Years Wetering Gallery Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1993 Kai,Sagaert et Oudshoorn Atelier Mémoire, Paris, France
1992 Le Génie de la Bastille Paris, France
1992 Gemeente Kunstaankopen 1991 Museum Fodor, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1990 Liberations Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1989 Kunstlijn Sculpture Route Zwolle-Emmen, The Netherlands
1989 AMRO Bank Collection, A Choice Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The
1988 Spiel der Uberraschungen der Europaïschen Kunst des 20 Jahrhundert,
Bochholt, Germany
1986 KunstRai, Wetering Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1984 De Kampanje, Den Helder, The Netherlands
1981 Felison op Beeckestijn, with Marlene Dumas, Velzen Zuid, The Netherlands
1979 Van Krimpen Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1976 11 Painters, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1975 Markt 17, Enschede, The Netherlands
1974 Rijksmuseum Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Akzo Nobel Art Foundation
Collection Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
ABN AMRO Art Collection
The Chadha Art Collection
Eleanore De Sole Collection
Joods historisch museum
University Medical Center Utrecht
Collection Sammlung Schroth, Germany

学术评论 Art Critique

Building a Path toward Infinity

by Won-seok Koh


Reinound Oudshoorn 的作品结构源于他图稿中以准确计算结果发展出的样态。观察他的创作过程,似乎是以西方科学方法中,先建立规矩再逐步转化出结果的方式来完成作品。而有趣的是,其作品的特殊之处却在于他以相反的顺序展开创作。Reinound 的灵感源自于生活周遭各式各样稀鬆平常的物件,并赋予他们视觉上的意义。「举例来说:当我沿著海滩漫步,我会将视野所及的海岸线转换为一个特定的曲线,或在穿梭于云雾之间时联想到一些有趣的云朵形状。」Reinound Oudshoorn説。他也提到自己会从过去的作品中获得新型态的灵感。

以这样的方式思索事物表面,不仅消弭了潜意识中对物件既定的想法,同时,建构超越物件表面的秩序也作为是一种冥想的过程,可以视为一种趋向于东方文化的方式。Oudshoorn 透过融合了数学计算的绘图,去理解这些三维空间中的抽象量体。这些数学计算在他虚幻的作品形体中传达了精确与准确的表彰,而作品中材料的选择则强化了空间的物理面向。

引领西方文艺复兴的透视法源自于对二维限制的反动,在尝试複杂计算与理解线稿、选择媒材到最终完成艺术作品框架的过程中,Oudshoorn 以艺术家的视角成就了二维平面中的三维空间。


Reinound Oudshoorn 作品以框架元素完成的空间呈现,为观看展保留了开阔的解读空间。儘管作品中三维空间的展现依附于原有空间的牆面与角落,他的作品仍清晰的存在于整个环境之中。

在他第二次举办于韩国的个人展览中,Reinound Oudshoorn以更为直接的手法将作品的呈现与空间结合。作品被挂在牆上或是直接放置在地面。有些以钢爲材料的大型创作,则同时固定于牆面和地板。以看似无所谓的姿态传递了安定性,又或是一种强大的紧张感。这些作品处在一个万有引力与抵抗万有引力的微妙交界点。


Reinound Oudshoon 的每一件雕塑都是一个独立的作品。然而当他们一同在画廊展出时,他们不再是个别独立的个体,反之,他们会共同联成一线,唤醒一个隐形的新空间。Oudshoorns主张:「雕塑应创造比作品本身更大的空间」,这是理解他作品背后概念的重要关键。从这点可以了解,他不是以研究原理与计算的结果来填充空间,而是在现有的空间创造出一个隐藏、不可见的空间与路径。 Oudshoorns 透过观者的水平视角与组合元素创造出新的空间,例如缓慢延展的曲线和严实的线条、半透明表面折射的雾面深度与触觉纹理的木材。

Reinound Oudshoon 的作品将一个「空间」转化为「特定的场域」,他的作品揭示了一条从有线实体到无框架非物质概念的无限空间。观众透过他的艺术因此获得了对于「一种认知自己存在」空间感知的新体验,因为它照映了我们所存在的地方,一个人所属的强烈冥想空间。 Oudshoorn 作品中强烈的冥想面向来自于-他将物质空间扩展到心灵空间的方式,而不仅仅是展现由几何形状组成的抽象图。

在我们的生活中,我们时常自己限制、抑或被他人限制我们的潜力。现代人的生活迫使我们的身体适应人类规范的框架,而当面对现实面时,我们的思维就因此被打断。跨越这样的壁垒,Reinound Oudshoorn 的艺术成为一条连接我们与外部世界和存在于我们自己宇宙中无限可能性的道路。在这条道路上邂逅了一个新维度的宇宙,一个既不属于你也不属于我的世界。

作者: Wonseok Koh高元硕

现任韩国首尔美术馆总策展人。曾任釜山市立美术馆总策展人、韩国文化艺术委员会美术馆(Arko Art Center)、国立亚洲文化殿堂(ACC,光州)档案部负责人、SPACE画廊、Space Pool等多家艺术机构担任策展人。高元硕亦为英国伦敦大学亚非学院研究员,韩国艺术大学、首尔电子大学讲师与客座教授。

Building a Path toward Infinity
Won-seok Koh

It’s a general proposition in philosophy, regardless of the differences between Eastern and Western thought, to seek the ultimate order inherent to our ever-changing, phenomenal world. While Western philosophers attempted to understand the phenomena of the complex universe by analyzing it according to previously proven theories, Eastern philosophers focused on the interaction between human consciousness and the unclear elements of variability. This might be considered too generalized a perspective, but it is surprisingly effective in understanding cultural differences between the Eastern and the Western worlds. The differences in these viewpoints still exist today, in both cultural domains.

Reinound Oudshoorn builds structures by first making preparative drawings, in which he lines up outcomes from calculations. Observing this process, it seems to me that he is using a Western scientific method, one that first establishes order and rules, then generates results by following the process through. The specific character of his work comes from approaching this method in reverse order. He is first inspired by various objects that he finds around him, in ordinary place. He then gives them visual expression. He says, for example, that he might make an analogy for a certain type of curve in a coastline while walking along the beach, or think of an interesting shape of cloud as he wends his way through a fog. He also notes that he gets inspiration for new shapes from his past art works.

In contemplating given surfaces, this approach cancels out potential prejudices toward or against any subject. At the same time, establishing an order that exists beyond the surface is a process of meditation. It could therefore be considered ass very Kastern. In order to realize abstract shapes in three dimensions, generated from such a process, Oudshoorn goes through a drawing stage, in which mathematical calculations are added. These calculations serve to produce accurate representations of his intended illusory shapes. The materials are selected and. Employed with the purpose of strengthening the physical aspect of space.

The rules of perspective that guided the Renaissance in the West were derived from the artistic will to defeat the limits of two dimensions. In the process of making complicated calculations and study drawings, choosing of art, Oudshoorn’s artistic vision creates three-dimensional space in the context of limited surfaces.

As a result of this process, his works are composed of simple, yet restrained shapes, which generate a contemplative atmosphere. His art explores the gap between the finitude of physical subjects and an infinity of immaterial subjects. This is the principal theme that has penetrated his art since he began painting, and which he is presently applying to his sculpture.

Reinoud Oudhoorn’s works are open to a wide range of viewer interpretations. That is because the initial shape is finalized as a structural component of space. Despite its three-dimensional aspects, presented on a wall or filling a corner of the space around to, his sculpture clearly exists within the structure of the surrounding

In his second solo exhibition in Korea, Reinound Oudshoorn presented works that unite with space in a more distinct way. The works hung on the wall or, more often, were place on the floor. A few large pieces, made of walls and the floor. Through their seemingly careless stance, they gave rise to a certain sense of stability, as well as a feeling of heavy tension. These works are at the subtle point of contact between gravitational force and its counteraction.

In addition, the shapes of the works change according to the viewer’s position. As one moves from left right, or from above to below, new shapes keep appearing. For instance, the work made of thin lines in steel, displayed in one corner of the gallery space, absorbs attention by transforming its shape from lines to planes, then from planes to three-dimensional space, according to the distance and angles view.

Each of his pieces is an independent sculpture. When gathered together in a gallery, however, they see, instead to work as independent elements that evoke a  new space altogether, rather than just accepting the space one by one. His statement that, ‘’a sculpture must generate more space than it consumes’’, is an important key to understanding the concept underlying his work. It shows that his approach is not about filling the space with something resulting from studying certain principles, but suggests a path that connects new, invisible spaces hidden in the existing space. Encountering viewers’s horizontal viewpoints, Oudshoorns’s sculptures create new space by composing elements, such as slow-developing curves and strict lines, semi-transparent surfaces showing uncertain depth, or wood with a tactile texture.

Reinound Oudshoon’s work transforms place into specific space, His work reveals a cognitive path toward the uncertain space to infinity. Visitors gain a new experience of perceiving space to through his art. Such experience becomes an action towards recognizing one’s existence, as it mirrors the place where one belongs. The strongly meditative the place where one belongs. The strongly meditative aspects in Oudshoorn’s work come from his way of extending physical place into mental space, rather than just showing its abstract aspects, composed of geometric shapes.

In our lives we cut off our own potential, or it is done by others. Modern life obliges our bodies to fit the frame of their artificial structures. Our thinking is interrupted when it confronts this spectacular surface. Transcending such a barricade, Reinound Oudshoorn’s art is a path that connects us to the infinite possibility that exists in the outer world and the universe that resides in ourselves. The world encountered on this path is in a universe of a new dimension, one that belongs to neither you nor me.

The Magic of Mist


一部电影是无数静止图像的串连,有些图像埋藏在我们的记忆中,有些则消失得无影无踪。尔后,任何一位看过电影的人都会建构一个属于自己的电影。维姆文德斯(Wim Wenders)所执导的经典电影「巴黎,德州」(1984),是 Reinoud Oudshoorn 最喜欢的电影之一,在开场时就创造了无数的图像和视觉体验。对Reinoud Oudshoorn 来说,镜头的影像,从近景和远景的交替展现了沙漠的广阔,是一种崇高的空间体验。

Reinoud Oudshoorn 工作室的墙面上挂着一件于 2005 年创作,一个由水平"直角"组成的无题作品,作品的两个短边被磨成了一个半圆与嵌入的磨砂玻璃。站在作品前,透着玻璃看过去,如一个回形针的形状,而藉由一个消失在透视中的暗影,体现了一个大框架里小小的回声。你的视觉因此被拉至深处,进入一个虚空世界中,成就一个矛盾联想的舞台。

「在空间体验中被引领」是 Reinoud Oudshoorn 作品中的一个主题。正如 Reinoud Oudshoorn 在他的工作室中解释,他的雕塑成形过程中总是从:注视着一个白色的表面、一张纸或一堵空白的墙开始。由于高强度的注视,白色的墙从二维表面变为立体三维状态的那一刻,它同时创造了一个具有意识的可能性。这种凝视与观察因此产生了新的想法,也使过往尚未成形的计划、尚未找到解答的形式、格式和体积、材料与技术循环上有所进步发展。新作品的轮廓是从白色的虚空中与艺术家的经验交叉融合后萃取的结晶。这就是无形的、非物质的东西成为物质的方式。

在研究白墙创作的力量来源与可能性的过程中,我们发现有一段来自于艺术家童年的记忆。Reinoud Oudshoorn 的童年是在 Ommen 附近的一个乡村庄园里度过的,在这个广阔的地方,他可以独自在田野和树林中无休止地游荡。他最喜欢在浓雾笼罩大地的时候散步。这不仅创造了一种低沈的静默,还有着一种虚空,以及因自己幻想出的画面填补这虚空寂静的兴奋感。这与在作品上,我们可以扩张空间的体验感有关,而这种体验会随着画面的扩散变得更加强烈。雾就像是一个安全的毯子,守护了这个不被打扰的幻觉。

Reinoud Oudshoorn 在 18 岁左右看到了 Barnett Newman 的作品展览。在阿姆斯特丹 Stedelijk 博物馆举办的回顾展令他大开眼界:像 Cathedra 这件画作,其宽敞的空间、强烈的蓝色和旁边的白色带状线条,让人目不暇接。「就像你可以走入画中一样。对我来说,那是一个起点。」

三维空间、透视、对和谐的渴望以及对经典透视法则的迷恋,这些因素对 Reinoud Oudshoorn 的创作中扮演了重要角色。离开高中后,他选择在恩斯赫德(Enschede)的艺术和工业学院学习。他的才华获得了肯定,但一年半后,他感觉看够了而搬到了伊比萨岛(Ibiza,),在岛中央的一个小房子里居住数月,希望藉由日复一日沈浸于创作中而有所启发。为了赚取生活费,他在闲暇时间清洗私人游泳池。近一年后,Reinoud Oudshoorn 决定返回荷兰。通过画家卢卡森(Lucassen),他被哈勒姆的 "63 工作室"(Ateliers ’63)录取,在那里他遇到了安苏亚布洛姆(Ansuya Blom)、伊莱康特(Eli Content)以及后来的埃里克安德烈斯(Erik Andriesse)、玛琳杜马斯(Marlene Dumas)和利奥弗罗金德韦伊(Leo Vroegindeweij)。Oudshoorn 在这里找到一种被真诚对待的归属感。大家对作品进行了批判性的讨论,并建立了终生的友谊。 在"63 工作室"最后一次展出之后,Oudshoorn 搬到了阿姆斯特丹。而他为 63 工作室最后一个项目展出的作品获得阿姆斯特丹 Stedelijk 博物馆的邀请,Oudshoorn 因此参加他们 1976 年的展览「11 位画家」。
(Marlene Dumas)和利奧弗羅金德韋伊(Leo Vroegindeweij)。 Oudshoorn 在這 裡找到一種被真誠對待的歸屬感。大家對作品進行了批判性的討論,並建立了終生的友誼。 在”63 工作室”最後一次展出之後,Oudshoorn 搬到了阿姆斯特丹。而他為 63 工作室最後一個項目展出的作品獲得阿姆斯特丹 Stedelijk 博物館的邀請,Oudshoorn 因此參加他們 1976 年的展覽「11 位畫家」。

1970 年代后期,雷诺.奥德霍恩受到了 Jan Roeland、Ad Dekkers、Ben Akkerman 和 Carel Visser 以及 Elsworth Kelly 作品的启发他越来越多地开始设计雕塑,先是伴随着绘画一同创作,但他最终搁置了颜料和画笔。”绘画导致了太多的幻觉,”他解释说。"我希望我的作品更有形。对我来说,我的工作是在二维和三维之间。绘画是太多的幻觉或欺骗,而雕塑是太多的障碍。我想在观众的物理元素和空间之间创造一座桥梁。一件作品产生的空间必须大于它所消耗的空间。我使用源自绘画幻觉语言的透视,并将透视的潜力应用于我的雕塑。这样,我试图在平面的幻觉空间和三维雕塑的具体现实之间建立一座桥梁"。

Oudshoorn 的早期作品之一是 1990 年的一件无题作品,由阿姆斯特丹的犹太历史博物馆收藏。这件垂直作品由铅覆盖的木头制成,由四个独立的形式构成,放置于彼此间隔且接近的距离,外观是一个正方形,而里面是一个圆形的轮廓。四个角扬升至四个高点,比人还高。这种垂直方向给人感觉到:这四点所包含空间的内部实际上也永远在延续,在空中蔓延。这件作品与 Oudshoorn 早期的绘画作品和 Barnett Newman 和其他美国画家,包括埃尔斯沃斯凯利(Elsworth Kelly)和马克罗斯科(Mark Rothko)作品的空间体验有直接连结。观众可以看到这件雕塑轮廓是对巴内特纽曼(Barnett Newman)画中之画带的直接演绎。更具意义的是将图像或雕塑作为一个字面意义上的载体。

近期的作品探讨关于灭点。因为雕塑的实体体验对 Oudshoorn 来说非常重要,他想方设法让他的观众感觉到他们被融入在整体的空间中,被融入在可见世界背后的世界中。灭点在Oudshoorn 的作品中总是设定在 1.65 米的高度,这与他年轻时经历的迷雾相同,激起那种神奇的、永无止境的无穷感觉。在他的工作室或其他地方展示他的作品时,很明显地,奥德霍恩以许多不同的方式定位消失点。他总是展示不同形式的作品,例如,与地面接触的雕塑与悬挂的雕塑在一起,2007 年的一件无名作品就是如此,包括一条靠在墙上的铁质曲线,被涂成深色的钢灰色。曲线的角度变化,随着曲线宽阔、平展的两端接近观众而按比例增加,这是由于雕塑实际上有两个消失点的结果。一个是把眼睛向下拉,拉到深处,另一个是消失在墙上,在眼睛的高度,在曲线的最高点之上。

「如果你站在雕塑前面,你会知道这一切真的发生在视平线。 你的感觉就像你站在海滩上,当你看向远方时,你仍然可以看到海浪在你的眼角移动。这给人一种迷失方向的感觉」。此外,每件雕塑都需要观众的移动。从侧面看这些雕塑,不仅可以清楚地看到它们的构造,还会产生线条与体积和形式的对比。

Reinoud Oudshoorn 的工作方法是非常精确的。当他坐在工作室时,墙壁或一张白纸就成了他的起点。然后,他画一些小草图,在这些草图中,他试验了雕塑的基本形式圆形和椭圆。他喜欢在粉红色的方形纸上画画,因为随着时间的推移,粉红色会褪去,变成漂亮的各种色调,所以每幅画都会有自己的颜色。当草图产生了要进一步发展,成为雕塑的形式时,Oudshoorn 就开始按照最终雕塑的尺寸画全图。这些是令人着迷的白纸,在这些白纸上,连同雕塑的草图,他写了无数的,似乎形成了痴迷的数列:几何学与椭圆的计算。


根据安伯托·艾柯在《美的历史》中的说法:在古希腊,哲学家苏格拉底开始讨论「万物的开端是什么」的问题之时,是要找到「世界作为一个有序的整体,遵循单一规律的定义」。希腊人将世界视为形式,而形式等同于美。毕达哥拉斯后来在宇宙学、数学、自然史和美学之间建立了不可分割的关系。他是第一个说万物之始是数字的人。对 Oudshoorn 来说,伴随他绘画的计算只是一个过程,然而这些有序的系列唤起了毕达哥拉斯人学派对无限和对记忆中无法追踪之物边界的神圣敬畏。


鉴于他对空间性和透视度的偏好,在他的玻璃、铁的雕塑中尤其明显。Reinoud Oudshoorn 延续了一个荷兰悠久的艺术传统-绘画之源。玻璃经常被认为是形而上和沈思的象征,一方面是因为玻璃的清晰度,另一方面是因为它的神秘性。这个因素在Reinoud Oudshoorn 雕塑的空间质量中完美地产生了。在这些雕塑中,不同种类的哑光玻璃,内含于铁中,共同构成了一个建筑。正如 Jan Hoet 曾经说过的,"与玻璃有关的透视性正与蒙德里安画派吻合。蒙德里安绘画中的白色像玻璃,几乎像水一样。它有一种风景的质感"。Reinoud Oudshoorn 的作品也属于这种传统,即追求结构的清晰和连贯性。对透视的偏爱来自于深度的思虑感知,也是为了避免既定的边界和框架。

这一点在 Oudshoorn 一件作品(无题)中表现得很清楚。”我在玩云的概念,不断变化膨胀的一个形式。我想制作玻璃泡沫,会涵盖空间本身而位移,但也创造新的空间。这个墙面雕塑让人联想到一个光学仪器,比如眼科医生会使用的开阖复杂镜片。它是由三个不同格式的圆圈组成的,在一个较大的圆圈中包含另一个内圈,在它后面的又是相同形式的回声,现在是一个较小的、渐进的视角。这些由铁制成的圆圈,上面焊接着玻璃,而不同圆圈之间的关系始终是相同的。”Oudshoorn 想要以运动和多重性解释三个圆圈。因为「三」是多个物体的最低数字,圆圈为我们提供了一层地薄雾,而铁的颜色和质地使圆圈上的孔看起来像石墨,使雕塑有一种无休止的作图感。这种结构使较小的形式以恰到好处的方式漂浮在其他表面的背后,强调了阴影部分。三个圆圈外线的厚度是以这种:非平面、强调透视轮廓与保留了铁的质感而选择的。 这也是一件玩弄幻觉和三维空间的雕塑。我成为了一个雕塑家,"Reinoud Oudshoorn 喃喃自语,"但也许我仍然是那个寻找魔法的画家。

Pietje Tegenbosch 皮耶杰·泰根博斯

皮耶杰·泰根博斯(Pietje Tegenbosch)为艺术史学家与艺评家,荷兰人民报《de Volkskrant》 和 《Het Parool》日报的自由撰稿人。亦为荷兰银行艺术基金会顾问与 董事会成员。2009 年,Tegenbosch 与合作伙伴 Martin van Vreden 于阿姆斯特丹成 立 Tegenboschvanvreden 画廊,经营国际当代艺术项目与表演讲座。

The Magic of Mist
The Work of Reinoud Oudshoorn

The camera glides over bare mountain ridges and sandy plains. Punished by the sun, the earth seems an ancient pink. The landscape lies motionless in the blistering light. The stillness in the vast valleys is guarded by giant rock formations eroded over time into irregular shapes that divide the landscape into different compartments, one after the other, complete with passageways and panoramic views, like rooms in a sand castle of superhuman dimensions. The shrill, whining blues sounds of a slide guitar accompany the birdlike flight of the images, which come to a stop as the lens focuses on a figure in the middle of the empty expanse of the desert.

A film is a succession of countless still images. Some of these images nestle themselves into our memory. Others disappear into obscurity. After the fact, anyone who has watched a film constructs a film of his own. The opening scene of what has since become a classic, Paris Texas (1984) by Wim Wenders, one of Reinoud Oudshoorn’s favourite films, is characteristic in generating numerous images and experiences. For Oudshoorn, the camera’s images, which alternate from showing the immensity of the desert from up close and then from far away, is a sublime experience of spaciousness.

Hanging on the wall in Reinoud Oudshoorn’s studio is an untitled work from 2005, made up of a horizontal ‘right angle’ whose two short sides are rounded off into a semicircle into which matte glass has been worked. Standing in front of the work, you look through the glass, shaped like a paperclip, by way of a dark shadow that disappears into perspective, into a smaller echo of the larger form. Your eye is pulled into the depth, into an emptiness that proves a stage for contradictory associations.

The image of the rear view mirror of a car looms up. The reflection of passing impressions in mirrors like this are linked to a different memory, that of the physical experience of the enclosed character of the car itself, a selfcontained volume within the landscape around it, a capsule that skims along other capsules, shaves past other spaces, whether they are automobiles, woodlands or buildings. But the memory is incomplete, and as the image vanishes from the mirror and the eye once again looks
from the large form back to the emptiness in the small oval form, it remains hanging in the shrouded transparency of the glass, in the living details of the iron, in the beauty of the basic simplicity of form, as a silence descends across the image. The threedimensionality in the image is imperceptibly transported into a space for one’s own imagining. The image has become a vehicle, an intermediary.

Being carried along in the experience of space is a leitmotif in the work of Reinoud Oudshoorn. The process in which his sculptures take shape, as Oudshoorn explains in his studio, invariably begins with staring at a white surface, a piece of paper or an empty white wall. Because of the intensity of looking at it, at the moment this white surface of the wall alters from a surface into a state, it creates a consciousness of enormous potential. That staring and looking results in tapping into new ideas, as well as further development in older sculptures, on plans not yet developed and the recycling of forms, formats and volumes, materials and techniques not yet completely worked through. The contours of a new work are extracted from the crossfertilization of the white emptiness and the experiences of the artist. This is how the intangible, the immaterial, becomes material.

In the discovery of the power and the possibilities of a white surface lies a memory from the artist’s childhood Reinoud Oudshoornspent his childhood on a country estate near Ommen, an expansive area where he could wander alone, endlessly, through the fields and woods. He enjoyed walking most when a thick mist lay over the land. It not only created a muffled silence, but it also meant a kind of emptiness and the excitement of filling that emptiness with his own fantasies, thoughts and images. ‘It has to do with the fact that we can experience space as something larger and that this experience becomes more intense as an image becomes more diffuse. The illusion is not disturbed. Mist is a safe blanket.’

When he was about 18, Oudshoorn saw an exhibition of work by Barnett Newman. The retrospective at the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum was an eyeopener. ‘The spaciousness in a painting like Cathedra, its intense blue and that white band next to it, was overwhelming. You could walk into the painting, as it were. For me, that was a starting point.’

Threedimensional space, transparency, a desire for harmony and a fascination for the classic rules of perspective are ingredients that would later play a major role in the work of Reinoud Oudshoorn. On leaving high school, he chose to study at the Academy for Art and Industry in Enschede. His talent was recognized, but after a year and a half, he had seen enough and moved to Ibiza, where he lived for some months in a small house in the middle of the island, hoping to discover what it meant to be occupied with art day in, day out. To earn his keep, he cleaned private swimming pools in his spare time. After nearly a year, Oudshoorn decided to return to the Netherlands. Through the painter Lucassen, he was accepted at Ateliers ’63 in Haarlem, where he met Ansuya Blom, Eli Content and later, Erik Andriesse, Marlene Dumas and Leo Vroegindeweij. Oudshoorn had the feeling here that he had found a place where he was taken seriously. There were critical discussions about the work and lifelong friendships were forged. After his final presentation at Ateliers ’63, Oudshoorn moved to Amsterdam. The work he exhibited for his final project resulted in the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum inviting Oudshoorn to take part in their 1976 exhibition, 11 Painters.

In the late 1970s – a period when Reinoud Oudshoorn was inspired by the work of Jan Roeland, Ad Dekkers, Ben Akkerman and Carel Visser, as well as Elsworth Kelly – he increasingly began making sculptures, first alongside his painting, but he eventually set aside paint and brush. ‘Painting became too much illusion,’ he explains. ‘I wanted my work to be more physical. For me, my work is between the twodimensional and the threedimensional. Painting is too much illusion or deception, and a sculpture is too much of an obstacle. I wanted to create a bridge between the physical element of the viewer and the space. A work must produce more space than it consumes. I use perspective, derived from the illusionary language of painting, and apply the potential of perspective to my sculptures. That way, I try to create a bridge between the spatial illusion of the flat surface and the concrete reality of the threedimensional sculpture.’

One of Oudshoorn’s earlier works is an untitled piece from 1990, purchased by the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam. The vertical work, made of wood covered with lead, is constructed from four independent forms that are placed with as little space as possible separating them, forming the contours of a square on the outside and a circle on the inside. The four corners rise to four tall points, higher than a man. This vertical orientation gives the feeling that the interior of the space contained by the four points actually also continues forever, up in the air. This work has a direct connection to the early paintings and the spatial experience that Oudshoorn had with the work of Barnett Newman and other American painters, including Elsworth Kelly and Mark Rothko. One can see the contours of that sculpture as a direct translation of the painted band in Barnett Newman’s painting. What matters is the idea of the image or sculpture as a container, the literal containment of space.

More recent works investigate the vanishing point. Because the physical experience of a sculpture is so important to Oudshoorn, he seeks ways to give his viewers the feeling that they are included in the totality of the space, in the world that lies behind the visible world. The vanishing point – always at a height of 1.65 metres in Oudshoorn’s case – is identical to the mist that he experienced as a youngster, activating that magical feeling of neverending infinity. In presentations of his work, in his studio or elsewhere, it is clear that Oudshoorn locates vanishing points in many different ways. He always shows works of varying formats, or for example, a sculpture in contact with the floor is alongside a hanging sculpture, as is the case with a recent untitled work from 2007, comprising an iron curve leaning against the wall and painted a dark, steel grey. The changing angle of the curve, which increases proportionately as the wide, spreading ends of the curve come closer to the viewer, are the result of the fact that the sculpture actually has two vanishing points. One pulls the eye downwards, into the depths, and the other disappears on the wall at eye level, above the highest point of the curve.

‘If you stand in front of the sculpture, you know that it all really happens at eye level. You feel just like when you are standing on a beach and as you look into the distance, you can still see the waves moving in the corner of your eye. That gives a sense of disorientation.’ Each sculpture moreover demands movement from the viewer. Viewing the sculptures from the sides not only makes it clear how they are constructed, but it generates a play of lines against volumes and forms.

Reinoud Oudshoorn’s working method is extremely precise. As he sits in his studio, the wall or a sheet of blank paper serves as a starting point. He then makes small sketches, drawings in which he experiments with the basic forms for a sculpture – circles and ellipses. He prefers to draw on pink, squared paper, because in the course of time, the pink fades and changes into beautifully varied tints, so that each drawing takes on colours of its own. When the sketches produce forms to be further developed into a sculpture, Oudshoorn starts on a fullscale drawing in the dimensions of the final sculpture. These are fascinating sheets of white paper on which, along with the sketch for the sculpture, he has written countless, seemingly obsessive series’ of numbers: descriptive geometry with calculations for ellipses.

‘People often ask me if I have a fascination for mathematics, but for me, the math is just a tool, the same way aesthetics is a tool and the same way that striving for technical perfection is a necessary ingredient in my work. But it is not an objective in itself. Craftsmanship does not interest me in that sense. I started writing down those formulas on my drawings because I would forget them if I didn’t. What I most want in a work of art is intensity and integrity. Concentration is not a discipline for me. It grows out of fascination. That way, I know how I relate to the world.’

In ancient Greece, when the preSocratic philosophers began discussing the problem of what the beginning was of all things, according to Umberto Eco in The History of Beauty, it was finding a definition of the world as an ordered whole, following a single law. The Greeks experienced the world as Form, and that Form was equal to Beauty. Pythagoras later made an inextricable link between cosmology, mathematics, natural history and aesthetics. He was the first to say that the beginning of all things was the number. For Oudshoorn, the calculations accompanying his drawings are just a device, yet these ordered series’ evoke the sacred awe the Pythagoreans had for infinity and for the frontiers of what cannot be traced in memory.

‘I have developed an interest in all the problems involving the use of perspective. If you look at the development of perspective, you see that centred perspective is an awkward phenomenon. Just consider being at the beach and the discovery of seeing that horizon was not a straight line. What we learn in order to determine that space is central prospective. I play with that experience, for example, in the floor sculpture with the curve (mentioned above). As you stand at the edge of a large circle, which you cannot completely see because its edges are beyond your vision, you experience a parabola. I have an enormous fascination for those forms. I do not try to make attractive drawings or sculptures. I try to somehow get a grip on something, and in order to do it, I need that precision. Once the form for a sculpture has been determined, the choice of material follows. Each form, like the construction that has to support the form, demands its own material. Iron can refer back to a graphite pencil. Wood is interesting because of the lines of the grain and the warm character of the material, asking to be touched. I take all of these factors into account in the choices I make.’

Given his proclivity for spatiality and transparency – best expressed in his sculptures in glass and iron –Reinoud Oudshoorn continues a long, Dutch tradition of art – primarily painters. Glass is often perceived as a symbol for the metaphysical, the contemplative, on the one hand because of the clarity of glass and on the other because of its mysteriousness, a factor perfectly generated in the spatial quality of Oudshoorn’s sculptures, in which different kinds of matt glass, contained in iron, together form a construction. As Jan Hoet once said, ‘Transparency in relation to glass fits Mondriaan. The white in Mondriaan’s paintings is like glass, almost like water. It has a landscape quality.’ The tradition to which the work of Reinoud Oudshoorn also belongs is the tradition of seeking structural clarity and coherence. The preference for transparency comes from the need to bring depth to perception and also to avoid established boundaries and frameworks.

This much is made clear in one of Oudshoorn’s most recent (untitled) works, from 2008. ‘I was playing with the idea of clouds, the swelling of formations that are constantly changing. I wanted to make glass bubbles, forms that seem to move and themselves contain space, but that also create new space.’ This wall sculpture is reminiscent of an optical instrument, such as an ophthalmologist would use, with complicated lenses and open and closed parts. It is made up of three circles of different formats, captured within a larger circle, and behind it an echo of the same forms, now in a smaller, progressive perspective. The circles are made of iron, with glass soldered into it. The relationship between the different circles is always the same. Oudshoorn wanted movement and multiplicity, which explains the three circles, for three is the lowest number for multiple objects. The circles offer a mist we look through, and the colour and texture of the iron in which the holes for the circles have been cut looks like graphite, giving the sculpture the feel of an endlessly worked drawing. The structure causes the smaller forms to float in just the right way, behind the other surfaces, partly reinforced by shadows. The thickness of the outside line of the three circles is chosen insuch a way that the material feel of the iron is retained, without it becoming a flat surface, but rather a contour that accentuates the transparency. This too is a sculpture that plays with illusion and threedimensionality. ‘I became a sculptor,’ muses Reinoud Oudshoorn, ‘but maybe I am still that painter in search of magic.’

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