Bluerider ART 安格拉·格萊札 Angela Glajcar 倫敦大型展

Bluerider 代理德國藝術家 Angela Glajcar 安格拉·格萊札近期於英國倫敦金融區知名Canary Wharf One大廳受邀展出全新創作。Angela Glajcar 安格拉·格萊札依然展現其不斷創新活力,有別於以往懸吊式紙作品,此次因展廳挑高太高,而有全新型態立地作品,更具作品尺寸的空間彈性。同時Glajcar格萊札於Bluerider ART 上海·外灘的個展「空間撕裂Torn Space」也將持續展出至10.16。

SCALE MATTERS: Angela Glajcar
Canary Wharf , One Canada Square London
9.6.2022 – 11.11.2022


Angela Glajcar
(Germany, b.1970)

Born in Mainz, Germany, Angela Glajcar studied sculpture at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Nuremberg from 1991 to 1998. Glajcar's work embodies sculpture and installation, it examines the way in which space is experienced using a material that is fragile and light. In the act of ripping and perforating a material that is traditionally used as a two-dimensional support, Glajcar gives paper a strong sculptural presence. Terforation is the title of Angela Glajcar's famous cubic pieces. The staggered arrangement of the vertically hung series of sheets of white paper, with torn edges, produces cave-like recessions. These extend into the depth of the sculpture. The sharp ridges and deep caverns gives viewer a fascinating room of harmony and silence. Glajcar has exhibited extensively and been the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships including Studio Award of the Kunststiftung Erich Hauser, the Asterstein scholarship in 1999 and Vordemberge Gildewart Award in 2004. Glajcar's works have been showcased in various prominent public art exhibitions, including Cologne Cathedral, the Frankfurt Department of Culture, the Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Mainz Gutenberg Museum. Permanent collections of Glajcar's works can be found at the Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art in the United States, the Wiesbaden Museum in Germany, the Mainz Arts and Sciences Center in Germany, and the Hanten Schmidt collection in Austria.

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‘空間撕裂Torn Space’
— 安格拉·格萊紮 Angela Glajcar 中國首個展

◼ 展期:
◼ 開放時間 /地址:
Bluerider ART Shanghai · The Bund
Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-7pm
上海⻩浦區四川中路 133 號
◼ 免費參觀

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