Bluerider ART| 封面故事 DÉJÀ VU 似曾相識

美國作家威廉.柏洛茲(William Burroughs)是最具文化影響力和最具創新力的前衛作家之一。帕斯卡爾.柏洛茲(Pascal Dombis)自言受到柏洛茲影響甚深,尤其是巴勒斯文學上的「切割技法」(cut-up technique),透過隨機和非線性方式解構文本,間接創造了全新語言,在多比斯的作品上也可經常看見柏洛茲的文本字句。

作品The Limits of Control,以巴勒斯同一主題的文本為基礎,對於藝術家來說,這篇與全球監視概念相關的文字是靈感的源泉,他以用有機增長演算法(Algorithm)使原有文本長度增加數百萬倍,而文字卻自然形成如 X 或十字等幾何形狀的圖像,然而,圖像稍縱即逝,若非藝術家的介入停止(控制),眼前出現的則僅有一片全黑圖像。從X圖像的偶然出現,借以探討數據過剩(大數據)、元數據、非線性、幾何和語言等問題。

2013年,前美國中央情報局(CIA)職員愛德華.史諾登(Edward Snowden)在香港將美國國家安全局關於稜鏡計劃監聽專案的秘密文檔披露給英國《衛報》和美國《華盛頓郵報》,在美國國家安全局全球監視活動計劃披露後,多比斯在此事件影響之下開始研究控制的極限。

Pascal Dombis 帕斯卡爾·多比斯
(French, b. 1965)

Graduated from Tufts University computer art and Insa University in Lyon, France. Digital artist Pascal Dombis currently lives and works in Paris. His focus involves the exploration of language, noise, control, and irrationality. Dombis has been using computers and algorithms to generate and elaborate repetitions of simple processes, which computationally reproduce geometric or typographical signs. Started as a painter, Dombis notes that his encounter with William Burroughs’s art was a key moment for his new investigations into digital art. Dombis uses optical materials such as lenticular plates to revisit the way viewers look at things, and to question the very nature of images in the broad sense of the word. By using lenticular, allows him to play with the viewer’s gaze. The incessant circulation of images has made the way of looking at things more dynamic. Moreover, the lenticular material questions this new reading paradigm and brings about a physical and time-related experience. Over the years he created monumental public works for the City of Perth, Australia, the Ministry of Culture in France, and an 8 meter long outdoor sculpture installation along the River bank in Shanghai, China. His art exhibited around the world including Musée en Herbe in France, Museum Kunstpalast in Denmark, Velchev Art Museum in Bulgaria, and the University of Georgia in the USA.

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DÉJÀ VU 似曾相識
–  Pascal Dombis帕斯卡爾.多比斯個展

Bluerider ART Taipei·DunRen
展期:2021.11.20 – 2022.1.29
Tue.-Sun., 10am – 7pm
1F, No.10, Ln. 101, Sec. 1, Daan Rd., Taipei

Bluerider ART 上海.外灘
展期:2021.11.27 – 2022.1.29
Tue.-Sun., 10am – 7pm
No. 133 Sichuan Middle Rd., Huangpu Dist., Shanghai

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