享譽國際的英國X光藝術家Nick Veasey 尼克・維西,藉由獨特X光穿透特性,揭示表面下隱藏的面貌,幽默而頑童式探索人事物內在的本質。近年先後於瑞典、俄羅斯舉辦大型美術館展覽,並獲英國皇室威廉王子王妃及瑞典王儲親臨觀展。而近期推出特殊人物的主題新作,也開始嘗試以立體光柵形式呈現,增添觀看動態趣味。
“Rat Pack”為2021年最新創作,以X光表現六〇年代以Humphrey Bogart為首的美國演員團體「鼠黨」,其標誌性的紳士帽、香菸、波本威士忌及蛋椅,也成為經典男士魅力的象徵。而 ”Captain America” 則是巧妙以光柵動態,呈現超級英雄美國隊長拿起雷神之鎚的劇情橋段。
■ Bluerider ART 台北·仁愛
Tue.-Sat., 9am – 6pm
10F., No. 25-1, Sec. 4, Renai Rd., Taipei
Nick Veasey
(British, b. 1962)
Internationally renowned X-ray artist Nick Veasey reveals the hidden facets beneath the surface using his unique X-ray penetration technique. His work humorously and mischievously explores the essence of people and objects' inner nature. Nick Veasey uses x-ray to strip back the layers and show what it is like under the surface. The technique reveals what, and often how, things are made, which grants his art to penetrate the surface and take us on a journey into a world otherwise hidden and unseen. Veasey has an extensive exhibition experience worldwide, with his artwork featured on the cover of TIME magazine and invited to give a TED talk. In 2018, he held a large-scale exhibition at the renowned Fotografiska museum in Sweden, visited by The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Crown Princess of Sweden. He also photographed important antique costumes for the Victoria and Albert Museum and collaborated with various brands such as Louis Vuitton, United Airlines, Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen. Works collected by the Victoria and Albert Museum, National Science and Media Museum in the UK, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Museum at FIT in the USA, the BMW Museum in Germany and the Museum of Applied Arts and Design (MUDAC) in Switzerland.