BlueriderDaily 媒體合輯5 空間撕裂

空間撕裂 Torn Space

感謝 ArtAlpha藝術阿爾法 Shanghai Daily 藝厘米ArtCM AONEFM 周末做啥 今日大上海 收了



Shanghai Daily 

“Glajcar tears overlapped layers of paper from the inside out, creating what appears to be a hollow or laceration in the middle of the sheets, through which light enters and casts different shadows, presenting a cavernous void reminiscent of natural landforms.”



— 安格拉·格萊札 Angela Glajcar 中國首個展
◼ Open to public 大眾開放:
7.16 Sat. 5pm – 7pm
◼ 展期:
◼ 開放時間 /地址:
Bluerider ART Shanghai · The Bund
Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-7pm
上海⻩浦區四川中路 133 號
◼ 免費參觀

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