【倫敦.梅費爾】倫敦開幕展 “宇宙家園” Homeland Universe 預告

Bluerider ART London・Mayfair(倫敦・梅費爾)新空間,將於2023 年9月9日推出開幕首展“Homeland Universe 宇宙家園”,邀請16位代理藝術家以藝術為共同語言,表現各自心中的宇宙家園,為Bluerider ART 正式進駐英國倫敦揭開序幕,也代表Bluerider ART 十週年,開啟東西方交流新的里程碑。

“… the fatherland of a virtuous soul is the entire universe” ─ Democritus, Ancient Greek philosopher

“人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然” ─ 道家思想家老子

“Universe 宇宙”,是所有時間、空間與其包含的內容物所構成的統一體。宇宙從何而來?是否存在主宰?人類從何而來?自古以來一直是東西方思想家們探索的問題。西方古希臘哲學家的原子論,認為事物由原子組成,物質與規律皆是天然存在。東方有易經道家思想,人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然;天下萬物生於有,有生於無,易有太極,是生兩儀,物質與規律是從混沌與虛無而來。

Regardless of the different cosmological views and cultural ideologies in the East and West, as humanity accelerates towards the space age, a deeper recognition emerges when looking from various perspectives: Earth is the common home of all human beings. In the future, interstellar travel and interstellar migration will extend humanity's presence from Earth to the universe, transcending national and cultural boundaries. The concept of a universe home will surpass Earth, becoming a vision of coexistence for humanity. Through the transcendent language of artistic spirituality, art serves as a bridge that connects the atomic theory, the vastness of the universe, and the past, present, and future, opening up a pathway of freedom filled with imagination, passion, and creative expression, transcending linguistic barriers.

Bluerider ART 倫敦・梅費爾開幕首展 ‘Homeland Universe’ 宇宙家園,來自東西方不同國家的16位藝術家們,共同以藝術的共通語言,創作藝術家心中的宇宙家園。華人坦培拉畫家Cao Jigang曹吉岡 作品 ‘Half Mountain’《半山、半山》玉質冷感的遙遠山形對 “道法自然、天人合一” 的詩意呼喚;美國銀針筆藝術家Carol Prusa卡蘿・普魯莎作品 ’Limen‘《極限》創造人類在未知的暗黑能量間凝聚的空間;瑞士錄像雕塑藝術家Marck馬克作品 ‘Live in a Deep Neon Square’《居住在一個深邃的霓虹方格》以錄像雕塑建構超現實穿越虛實框架的無限空間;法國數位藝術家Pascal Dombis帕斯卡爾・多比斯作品’Obsolete Future‘《過時的未來》探討語言與文字在未來的流動性與潛在轉變;德國裝置藝術家Caro Jost卡蘿・傑斯特作品‘Homeland Universe’《宇宙家園》則以藝術家個人的心跳圖抽象表述深刻感受。開幕展展出期間亦將邀請現場觀眾參與互動,寫下心中理想的宇宙家園,並挑選透過Bluerider ART 平台公佈!

Exhibiting Artists:
Willi Siber
Reinoud Oudshoorn
Cao Jigang
Carol Prusa
Nick Veasey
Caro Jost
Pascal Dombis
Peter Krauskopf
Sven Drühl
Thierry Feuz
François Bonnel
Susanne Kühn
Angela Glajcar
Jan Kaláb
Tim Freiwald

“Homeland Universe 宇宙家園”
Vernissage: 7 September Thu. 6pm – 9pm

Grand Opening: 9 September Sat. 4pm – 8pm

展期:2023.9.9(六)- 2023.11.5(日)

Bluerider ART London·Mayfair
47 Albemarle St, London,W1S 4JW

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