London·Mayfair|“Hangover” Nick Veasey

”Hangover“ is one of Nick Veasay‘s latest sculptures. Crafted as a gold velvet brain, it is encased behind acrylic panels with a diffusing film. The magic happens as you engage with it: when you look at it straight on, it’s clear, but as you walk past it, it goes all foggy. Tackling issues like hangovers we all experience or the more daunting challenges like dementia and Parkinson‘s that touch our lives in various ways, this minimal and elegant piece is again an in

“Hangover ”, 2023, Steel cube acrylic and diffusing polymer, artwork size 275x275x295mm, Ed. 6/15

Upcoming WALKER tour with Nick Veasey
Sat. 17 February 2024 15:00-16:00
Register: guided tour)

Nick Veasey: Forensic Beauty
Exhibition Date:
2023年12月7日 – 2024年2月29日
Bluerider ART London·Mayfair
47 Albemarle St, London, W1S 4JW
Opening Hours:Daily 10:00-18:00
T: +44 20 3903 7827

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