London·Mayfair|Marck‘s early work “Moving spider”

Before delving into videos, Marck was captivated by kinetics. Throughout his childhood, his insatiable curiosity propelled him to dismantle objects to unravel their inner mechanisms, acquiring skills such as welding and electronics in the process. The 90s emerged as a transformative era for Marck, characterized by exploration and experimentation. “Moving Spider”, one of his earliest creations, epitomizes his inventive spirit of that time: a mechanical spider walking in a room, and when it hit a wall, it turned back, like a curious explorer retracing its steps.

”Marck: Marck‘s Playground“ – Solo Show 2024 
Dates: March 14th – May 26th 
Bluerider ART London · Mayfair
Open: Daily, 10am – 6pm
47 Albemarle St, London, W1S 4JW 
Phone: +44 20 3903 7827

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