【台北·仁愛】 ‘迎秋 Autumn 22’ 2022. 10.27-2023.1.31

Bluerider ART 台北.仁愛

迎秋 Autumn 22

2022秋季台北・仁愛常態展間,換上新裝展出原有代理藝術家新作,以及推出 8 位全新代理藝術家不同風格語⾔作品。

里埃拉・伊.阿拉貢Riera i Aragó (西班牙, b. 1954),目前創作及居住於西班牙巴塞隆納。於西班牙聖霍爾迪美術學校取得藝術學士學位。阿拉貢Aragó可謂為一位視覺詩人,由於對深海環境、潛艇、飛機等引擎機械的熱愛,「機械」成為貫穿所有作品的主軸。以青銅和回收鐵進行雕塑,也以其雕塑為描繪對象進行繪畫和紙上作品,不僅模糊了雕塑和繪畫之間的傳統邊界,最終重疊了兩種藝術形式,也模糊了功能性機械與藝術品的界線。曾於歐洲美術館舉辦多次個展,如:比利時奧斯坦德現代藝術博物館、比利時弗隆基金會博物館、法國安德烈·馬爾羅現代藝術博物館、西班牙巴塞隆納城市歷史博物館、德國海布隆市政博物館等,作品永久收藏於西班牙巴塞隆納當代美術館、德國巴特洪堡ALTANA文化基金會等,其作品亦在許多知名大型公共藝術展出。

Janna Watson(Canada, b. 1983)uses abstraction as both an escape from and return to the real. As the world we know dematerializes into paint strokes, so too does her paint take stage as its very own character in a multi-act drama of composition. Bundles of colour, made up of discrete yet inseparable instances of pigment—what Watson refers to as “moments”—are teeming and poised as though caught mid-multiplication. Sweeps of paint re-direct sharply and fold over themselves; thin, rigid ink lines cut into the pictorial field as rudimentary elements in an increasingly complex system of painterly language. All the components play out on a surface of slow, chromatic gradation. Like many of Watson’s players, these backdrops tenderly gesture toward the familiar, stopping just short of representation. The result is a conceptual project (and distinct, stylistic signature) that speaks to a contemporary milieu in which abstract painting is not the retreat of meaning into an unrecognizable realm, but rather the emergence of medium as a “figure” in its own self-inscribed world of feeling and being. Watson does more than reveal paint’s potential to emote—she gives it a space to reveal itself, in its own time.

Originally from Spain, Beñat Olaberria is a London based artist graduated from City and Guilds from London Art School with an MA in Fine Art. Beñat has taken part in numerous group exhibitions around the UK and his work can be found in private collections across Europe, Canada and USA.

弗朗索瓦・邦內爾François Bonnel (法國, b.1968)是一位抽象藝術家,目前居住創作於法國圖魯茲。在從事25年廣告業主管之後,於2018年全心投入藝術及攝影工作中,他以一種即興的方式進行藝術創作,在過程中不斷探索各種創作技巧及媒材,經常使用數位媒體、攝影及拼貼技術。藝術的激情樂趣在他的創作中隨處可見,坦率單純的線條、形狀、色彩,消弭了蘊含的訊息,自由而純粹的釋放對於藝術的熱情。作品永久收藏於美國哈佛藝術博物館、紐約路易威登、巴黎歐萊雅、Longchamp等。

Susanne Kühn holds a Master's degree in Painting and Printmaking from the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts, currently lives and works in Freiburg and Nuremberg, Germany. She was awarded a scholarship from the Harvard University Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies. Central to Kühn's practice is her highly animated and vivid execution of a precise level of craftsmanship through which she interweaves various painterly vernaculars and styles. Via this aesthetic approach, she engages with the history of painting from a female perspective, as well as exploring everyday life and futuristic narratives in her current work. Kühn's work has been showcased in solo exhibitions at various renowned venues, including the Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna, the OMI International Arts Center in Ghent, New York, Haunch of Venison in London, UK, Sala Uno Contemporary Arts Centre in Rome, the Harvard Radcliffe Institute in Cambridge, USA, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, USA, the Museum für Neue Kunst in Freiburg, etc. Her work is represented in collections worldwide including viz. the Busch-Reisinger Museum Collection / Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA, USA, the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, the Knoxville Museum of Art, the Harvard Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, FRAC Alsace, France, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden Germany.. etc.

Philipp Donald Göbel currently works and resides in Frankfurt, Germany. His early works were predominantly figurative, but upon realising that traditional painting no longer expressed his ideas adequately, he adopted a process of "deconstruction" and "recomposition" of old works to create entirely new and unconventional modes of creation. His exhibition piece, "Untitled," showcases shapes breaking free from the frames, reflecting a transformative process akin to a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. The destruction symbolises a shift, much like the metamorphosis of a butterfly, bringing art into a new form and aesthetic state.

Pablo Leonardo Martínez was born in Havana, Cuba, currently lives and works in Barcelona. He was graduated from Escola Superior de Disseny i Art Llotja in Barcelona. Pablo Leonardo Martinez, an artist who lets intuition lead his creative explorations, embracing a profound sense of openness throughout his artistic journey. Rather than adhering to rigid concepts, Martinez allows each sculpture to organically inform its own evolution, fostering a dynamic synergy between the creator and creation. This process not only unveils new methodologies and insights but also emphasizes the collaborative essence between Martinez and his artworks. His works were collected by Cuban Museum, Amazon Barcelona Headquarters, Barcelona Technology Building.

Adrian Wald (Germany, b.1986) was born in Bavaria, Germany, currently lives and works in Munich. He studied graphic painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the Ecole Mediterraneo des Arts in Marseille, France. In Wald's creative field, there is no clear boundary between "sculpture" and "painting", installation works that combine sculpture and painting are the main forms of creation. He deconstructs objects and embodies the concept of "breaking the way or order of viewing paintings" through his works. Wald has been selected to participate in the artist-in-residence program in Riedenburg, Germany many times, and has received grants from the Bavarian Ministry of Arts and Culture.

Sven Drühl currently lives and works in Berlin. He studied both in art and mathematics. With a PhD in art theory, he is also an author and editor of publications on contemporary art. Conceptually, Sven Drühl dissects visual shapes and types taken from every era from Romanticism to the present day, re-mounting them and combining them with his own motifs. Drühl reacts to the crisis of expression in post-modern painting with these transformed citations, but has purposefully not ceased to paint. His exploration of art history and his continual questioning of painting as a medium are at the heart of his oeuvre. He became known through his compilations of famous landscape paintings and had been exhibited throughout Europe, Asia and the United States including the St. Matthäuskirche, Berlin, Museum Villa-Rot, Neue Galerie Gladbeck, National Museum of Art of Romania, Bucharest, Kallman-Museum, Ismaning, Museum Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe. His work is in collection of Berlinische Galerie -Museum für moderne Kunst, Berlin, Allianz Forum, Deutsche Bank, E.ON Art Collection, Düsseldorf, Collection Philara, Düsseldorf.

馬克Marck (瑞士, b. 1964)以錄像雕塑聞名,現居住創作於蘇黎士。馬克Marck是一名非典型的藝術家,年輕時自我叛逆,縱使才華洋溢進入知名藝術學府,卻因無法忍受制式教育而半途輟學,從事汽車拆解、機械電工、搖滾歌手、設計傢具及科技影音裝置等。馬克Marck異類豐富的人生體驗,顛覆一般人對學院藝術家的想像,自行創造的錄像雕塑獨特的語言表現型式,木箱框架、女性、膚色等議題深入人心,終究讓他走回專職藝術家的道路。馬克Marck受邀於歐美各大畫廊及藝博會展出,並由Bluerider ART介紹至亞洲。2021獲義大利Academia Culturale Internazionale Cartagine頒發International Culture Award獎項,作品於國際重要展覽展出,包含Kunstzeug-haus IG Halle Rapperswil拉珀斯維爾藝術中心、瓦爾登堡Ville des Arts Biennale雙年展、Museum Erarta聖彼得堡當代美術館等,並由波士頓藝術博物館(Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)、伊斯坦布爾藝術中心(the Art Center Istanbul)、韓國斗山藝術中心(Doosan Art Center, Korea)、卡爾斯魯厄多藝術與媒體中心(Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe)等重要國際機構收藏。

Graduated from Tufts University computer art and Insa University in Lyon, France. Digital artist Pascal Dombis currently lives and works in Paris. Dombis identifies himself as a modernist, creating visually captivating paradoxes through his dynamic and unpredictable presentations. Influenced by American writer William S. Burroughs, Dombis explores the liberation of text by randomly cutting linear texts into different parts and reassembling them into a new, unpredictable, and illogical "text." By collecting huge database and using algorithms, Dombis has been creating geometric and printed symbols, manipulating text, images, and lines through simple code with added random parameters, resulting in dynamic visual graphics. He considers "chance" and "randomness" as core artistic tools, aiming to control a degree of unpredictability. Dombis has also developed a database of human faces similar to AI, interconnects millions of images, allowing meta-pictures or meta-stories to interact based on set keywords. He emphasizes the interplay between randomness and control, reflecting on the impact of direct control in the digital age, shaping both the present and the past. Over the years he created monumental public works for the City of Perth, Australia, the Ministry of Culture in France, and an 8 meter long outdoor sculpture installation along the River bank in Shanghai, China. His art exhibited around the world including Musée en Herbe in France, Museum Kunstpalast in Denmark, Velchev Art Museum in Bulgaria, and the University of Georgia in the USA.

Graduated from Geneva University of Art and Design (Haute École d'Art et de Design), Feuz currently lives and works in Geneva. In his artistic realm, art, science, and philosophy converge as he explores the universal meaning of "existence" and presents unseen realms through his unique painting techniques. Thierry Feuz's works have been collected by significant institutions and museums, including Musée d'Art et d'Histoire in Neuchâtel, Singapore Art Foundation, UBS Bank, Saks Fifth Avenue in the United States, as well as the Breeze Crop. and E.Sun Commercial Bank, among other corporate collections.

克里斯蒂安.格琳 Christiane Grimm (German, b. 1957) 畢業於斯圖加特大學Universität Stuttgart建築所。她的創作被稱為「不插電的動態光影」。多年來她持續實驗研究光線、色彩、空間,與特殊玻璃、壓克力等材質的特性結合,有系統地、精確地、處理分層感知色彩,讓物理光線影響著圖像的具體性,作品隨著光線變化、觀看位置不同,顯示立體漸層以光作畫。作品於德國 Museum Ritter、Wilhelm Hack Museum 展出並獲頒 The public’s choice award 獎項。獲德國海德堡市政府、德意志銀行,以及眾多私人美術館Das Kleine Museum、 Kunsthalle Würth、私人機構PwC資誠聯合會計事務所…等永久收藏。

Exhibiting artists:
Riera i Aragó里埃拉・阿拉貢
Janna Watson珍娜・華生
Beñat Olaberria貝納特・奧拉貝里亞
François Bonnel弗朗索瓦・邦內爾
Susanne Kühn蘇珊娜・庫恩
Philipp Donald Göbel菲利普・唐納德・戈貝爾
Pablo Leonardo Martínez巴勃羅・萊昂納多・馬丁內斯
Adrian Wald阿德里安・沃爾德
Sven Drühl斯芬・杜爾Marck馬克
Pascal Dombis帕斯卡爾.多比斯
Thierry Feuz西瑞.菲茲
Christiane Grimm克里斯蒂安.格琳

迎秋 Autumn 22
展期:2022. 10.27-2023.1.31
地點:Bluerider ART 台北·仁愛
Tue.-Sat., 9am – 6pm
台北市大安區仁愛路四段25-1號10 F

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