【台北.敦仁】藍色地平線上 Blue Horizon - 楊・克拉Jan Kaláb 2023全新系列個展 2023.03.11 – 2023.05.28




Press Day



Show Statement
Bluerider ART

楊・克拉Jan Kaláb(捷克,b. 1978)畢業於捷克布拉格藝術學院(Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),現居住創作於布拉格。捷克塗鴉先驅的楊・克拉Jan Kaláb 30年創作,持續走在一條非傳統藝術家之路,從街頭塗鴉走入純白空間,以點出發,發展出圓的形變及3D立體雕塑,將戶外狂放濃縮在幾何形變畫布上。2023 「藍色地平線上 Blue Horizon」個展,再次突破轉為純粹沈靜。做為楊・克拉Jan Kaláb亞洲首間發掘代理畫廊,Bluerider ART於2018年舉辦其「圓的進化 Concentration」亞洲首個展,並陸續推廣至其它城市,熱度擴大受到廣大亞、歐藏家收藏。曾代表捷克在上海世界博覽會捷克館展出,作品收藏於捷克和斯洛伐克國家博物館、巴西國家藝術博物館、中國德基美術館、韓國烏山美術館,更獲DIOR、Tiffany等國際精品及眾多私人收藏。

展名「藍色地平線上 Blue Horizon」,那海天交界最初與最後的一線「曙暮光」,在藍色漸變的地平線上,抒發著藝術家專注創作的當下,時間緩緩流動,逐漸成為一種東方式禪學的內在寧靜。從街頭塗鴉,到藍色地平線的30年藝術生涯,楊・克拉Jan Kaláb說出當下的心境:「我真正想成就的藝術是把複雜的內容以一個很簡單的形式呈現,不是在講述一個故事,更像是在表達一種情感,或是無意識的喚醒一些記憶。」

Those sculptures lead him to abstraction, a path he’s been exploring through canvas from 2007, using acrylic painting and brushes. In the meantime, this admirer of Kupka graduated from the Academy of fine Arts of Prague – becoming the first Czech writer to do so. Jan Kaláb had his first solo exhibition in 2008 in Prague. Others solos took place in Romania, Argentina, Germania or in the United States. With time, his forms became more and more geometric. He used colourful squares and circles as an obsessive vocabulary for infinite variations around depth, time, and motion. Playing with circles conveyed organic imperfection and swing into his work. Dynamic is also crucial in his recent experiments, when he took pictures of some of his paintings in the streets of New York or other cities. The project became a social one when he realised he needed help from strangers to carry the canvas. This is no surprise, since collective energy is crucial in his creative process. The artist is very invested in collective events. He’s the co-creator of a highly dynamic cultural space in Prague, called Trafačka. More than 160 exhibitions took place there from the opening in 2006 till the closure in 2015. On his own or collectively, the motto is the same: always getting higher, always inventing new forms – a tribute to the soul of graffiti.

此次「藍色地平線上 Blue Horizon」楊・克拉Jan Kaláb 2023全新系列個展,展出作品專為此個展創作。在此新系列作品中,藝術家減少了調色板,專注於讓繪畫中的動態形狀平靜下來,畫面中的主色表現對色彩最為純粹的迷戀,經不斷的簡化與削減後,所有的視覺張力得以在微妙的色調差異中表現,這與楊・克拉Jan Kaláb過去其它系列、充滿動態張力非常不同。作品Vibrating Turquoise Square(震動的綠松石方形)作品,基於創造顏色條紋漸變的視覺效果,和通過將剪影後退到深色調中,創造深邃的透視。作品Carbunculus Bulla(拉丁語中的藍色氣泡)是「漸變透視」的 3D 版,有如水母形狀的懸浮裝置,由 13 個鋁製橢圓組成,在每一層改變色調和形狀,形成如同水下氣泡的空心物體 。Melting Purple Ellipse(融化的紫色橢圓)、Bracing Embrace (支撐的擁抱 )則是兩個漸變形狀在相互作用中組合在一起,其中一個形狀流過另一個,產生互依和諧的平衡。



Jan Kaláb楊‧克拉
(Czech Republic, b.1978)

Jan Kaláb graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Czech Republic, and currently lives and works in Prague. As a pioneer of Czech graffiti art, Jan Kaláb has been constantly forging a path as a non- traditional artist. He transitioned from street graffiti into pure white spaces, starting with points and developing them into circular transformations and 3D sculptures, condensing the exuberance of the outdoors onto geometrically distorted canvases. He represented the Czech Republic at the Shanghai World Expo in the Czech Pavilion and his works are held in collections at The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library (NCSML), National Art Museum of Brazil, Deji Art Museum in China, Daejeon Museum of Art in South Korea, and cooperate with numerous international luxury brands including Dior and Tiffany.

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「藍色地平線上Blue Horizon」 -楊・克拉Jan Kaláb 2023全新系列個展
VIP Opening 開幕式 (藏家預覽)
3.11 Sat. 2:30pm – 5pm
Open to public大眾開放
3.11 Sat. 5pm – 7pm
展期:2023.3.11 – 2023.5.28
地點:Bluerider ART 台北.敦仁Tue.-Sun., 10am – 7pm
台北市大安區大安路一段 101 巷 10 號 1F

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