【台北·仁愛】 蝴蝶Schmetterling – Tim Freiwald 提姆・佛萊瓦德 亞洲首個展
9.26-12.12 , 2020
Bluerider ART代理藝術家Tim Freiwald 亞洲首個展‘Schmetterling蝴蝶’ 9月17日於Bluerider ART [台北.仁愛]舉辦媒體記者會,9月19日正式開幕。開幕當天由Bluerider ART執行長Elsa Wang與代理藝術家Tim Freiwald 舉行遠端視訊對談及直播,Tim Freiwald前衛的獨創理念及語彙,獲得媒體與資深藏家的高度關注。

Tim Freiwald 提姆.佛萊瓦德 亞洲首個展
Show Statement
Graduated from the Fine Arts at the Munich Art Academy, Tim Freiwald now work and live in Berlin. Tim Freiwald's creative process involves "destruction, decomposition, and reconstruction" generating negative spaces in his works, constantly exploring the questions of whether "destruction can still be beautiful" and "what is art." Fragments, fractured lines, and delicate structures, all portrayed through intense colors, define his aesthetic style of destructiveness. Freiwald mentioned “I want the paintings to be on the verge of physical collapse so that they only become stable through the painterly attraction between their elements.” In 2011, Tim Freiwald received the BMW Brilliance Automotive Art Award. In 2014, he became a student of the artist Thomas Scheibitz. In 2018, Tim Freiwald was awarded the New Positions prize at the Art Cologne, a prestigious art exhibition in Cologne. Tim Freiwald has already held significant solo exhibitions at various European venues including Walter Storms Galerie in Munich, exhibited at the Kunsthalle Bremerhaven in Bremen.
2018 New Positions, Art Cologne (Prize Winner) 2018 Chimaerica, International Artist House Villa Concordia
Freiwald's works emerge from the intellectual ping pong-like process of action and reaction. Just as Fontana once slashed his canvases, Freiwald saws, cuts and scorches his, only to reassemble them using paint, wood, plastics and metal. “I want the paintings to be on the verge of physical collapse so that they only become stable through the painterly attraction between their elements.” The image here is a fragile pictorial structure; it seems to break into fragments, line splinters, angles and islands of color. Yet, it is held together by the playful and highly-volatile spirit that characterizes this kind of painting, as well as by the compact physique of the object-like image.hic Dadaist spirit lives on in Freiwald’s work.
Lucio Fontana
Tim Freiwald對繪畫的「主題」不感興趣,而是希望觀者將想像力打開,他的作品可以是任何觀者想像的指涉事物。藝術家的靈感來源是:「時間」,以及伴隨著歷史的生命片段,因他曾在德國東部成長,那邊擁有許多殘破的磚瓦建築及歷史印記,深深影響著他。他以木板畫為基礎,透過「破壞、分解並重新建構」的種種步驟,使用各種不同的材質及工具,對材質進行解構重組,作品中可見層層疊疊的材料,部分裸露、遮蓋與連結,呼應著彼此。Freiwald對於毀壞的過程「是否仍為美麗事物」以及「藝術是什麼」等問題,不斷地進行辯證。從碎片、斷裂線條、脆弱的結構體,色彩引導著觀者的視線,朝向畫面的不同方向前進,同時色彩也令人炫目神迷。美與暴力在繪畫表面並存,是兼具破壞性美學的藝術作品。
2020年在Bluerider ART台北.仁愛的亞洲首個展Schmetterling「蝴蝶」,將展出Tim Freiwald為此展創作的全新作品,如理性構圖伴隨張狂邊緣的作品Schmetterling(2020)、絢麗充滿斷裂線條與撕裂感的作品Passionate Affair(2020 ),以及顏色強烈對比與充滿情緒的作品Tomic II(2020)…等。Schmetterling是德語「蝴蝶」之意,Tim Freiwald表示蝴蝶經歷蛻變的過程,就如同藝術創作一樣,需要花費許多時間,才能從開始的醜陋走到美麗的一刻,這同時也是他創作中的基本概念,修改及毀棄舊的事物息息相關,是為了騰出空間給新的想法。他的作品始終是有趣的辯證方式,如同蝴蝶一樣,會蛻變、微小、脆弱,卻也終將美麗飛舞!
展場實景 Bluerider RenAi Gallery
媒體預覽 Press Preview 9.17
開幕 Opening 9.19

Tim Freiwald 提姆.弗萊瓦德
(Germany, b. 1986)
畢業於慕尼黑藝術學院純藝術組Akademie der Bildenden Künste München。師承藝術家Jerry Zeniuk及Myriam Holme。為Bluerider ART代理極具潛力年輕藝術家。Tim Freiwald的創作利用「破壞、分解並重新建構」的過程,開創作品的負空間,對於毀壞的過程「是否仍為美麗事物」以及「藝術是什麼」等問題,不斷地進行辯證。從碎片、斷裂線條、脆弱的結構體,強烈的色彩表現其破壞性的美學風格。2011年獲BMW Brilliance Automotive Art Award藝術獎項;2014年成為藝術家Thomas Scheibitz的學生;2018年獲得科隆藝術展Art Cologne的New Positions獎項;2018-19年期間完成了班伯格Villa Concordia的駐村贊助計畫;雖然年輕,但已在歐洲多地,包括慕尼黑歷史悠久的Walter Storms Galerie等,舉辦重要個展,及不萊梅港美術館(Kunsthalle Bremerhaven)展出。
The viewer’s gaze is guided in different directions through reduced color lines, which are as appealing as they are enigmatic. Because Freiwald does not shy away from the destruction of the image surface; artistic beauty and violence are artistically juxtaposed and the chimerical horror is artistically banned, qualities that may reflect the prevailing zeitgeist. Aesthetically speaking, an anarchic Dadaist spirit lives on in Freiwald’s work.
2018 Artist in Residence International Artist House Villa Concordia, Bamberg
2018 Sponsorship Programme, NEW POSITIONS, Art Cologne 2018
2016 Exhibition Grant, Ritter Collection
2015 Grant The First Years of Professionality, BBK München (Catalog)
2014 Debut Grant – Debütantenförderung, BKK Nuremberg (Solo Exhibition, Catalog)
2013 Prize Examenspreis Outstanding Artistic Achievement, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
2011 Prize BMW Brilliance Automotive Art Award, Shenyang, China
2009 Grant Oscar Karl Forster Scolarship
2008 Prize Jung Artists 18-28, BBK Ingolstadt
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2020 Schmetterling, Bluerider ART, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Tim Freiwald, exhibition and book presentation, Walter Storms Galerie, Munich
2020 Keeping Things Whole, Kunsthalle Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven
2019 Painting. 3 Positions, Walter Storms Galerie, Munich (with Steven Aalders and Marco Gastini)
2019 Broken Hard Drive, Conrads Gallery, Düsseldorf
2018 Chimaerica, International Artist House Villa Concordia, Bamberg
2018 NEW POSITIONS, Art Cologne
2017 Attracting Samples, Walter Storms Gallery, Munich
2015 Save Your Best Friends, Big Pond Artworks Gallery, Munich
2014 How to Play with Skyscrapers, Kunstvilla im KunstKulturQuartier, Nuremberg (Catalog)
2013 Go Ahead Young Man, Weltraum, Munich
2010 If You Can Talk About It, Why Paint It?, City Gallery, Neuburg a. d. Donau