DSAM 1099 #2802

Artist:Dirk Salz


Size:140 x 100 x 12cm

媒材:Deep dives, pigments and resin on multiplex

受Abstract Expressionism(抽象表現主義)畫家 Barnett Newman、Mark Rothko及Ad Reinhardt影響甚深,Dirk Salz 以其透明度與反射性著稱,他擅以層層堆疊的顏料與環氧樹脂呈現如光學幻覺般的視覺效果,觀者自身的倒影及觀看環境內的漫反射(diffuse reflection)因此成為作品的構成因素。而視覺體驗、與作品的互動也是他的創作目標之一,當光線條件改變或觀者的視角變化時,作品上的細節也會因而改變。Salz 以顏料與環氧樹脂反覆構築出深不可測的抽象色塊,也使觀者在探究其作品深度時更被賦予神秘色彩。


Dirk Salz
(Germany, b. 1962)

Dirk Salz lives and works in Cologne. He was born 1962 in Bochum, Germany, to an artistic family. Through his childhood and high school, he grew up painting, drawing, and studying art history. Salz’ artistic work deals in different manners with human perception or rather with the insufficiency of our mind that shapes this perception. His work can be found in a number of private collections, as well as prominent corporate collections, such as the Akzo Nobel Art Foundation.

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