
藝術家:Philipp Donald Göbel


尺寸:162 x 198 x 25cm

媒材: Mixed media

In the final three pieces of the "Skeletons" series that Philipp Donald Gobel began creating in 2004, along with three earlier paintings, he employed a technique of cutting and even leaping forcefully onto the canvas until it ruptured. He then reconfigured the form of the canvas, resulting in the creation of a completely new "Untitled" piece in 2021. The overlapping canvases in this work mirror Gobel's reexamination of himself, demonstrating the courage to break through constraints and challenges. In the constant struggle between his body and the canvas, Gobel opens up a new dialogue mode between the artist and the viewer.


Philipp Donald Göbel
(Germany , b. 1966)

Philipp Donald Göbel currently works and resides in Frankfurt, Germany. His early works were predominantly figurative, but upon realising that traditional painting no longer expressed his ideas adequately, he adopted a process of "deconstruction" and "recomposition" of old works to create entirely new and unconventional modes of creation. His exhibition piece, "Untitled," showcases shapes breaking free from the frames, reflecting a transformative process akin to a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. The destruction symbolises a shift, much like the metamorphosis of a butterfly, bringing art into a new form and aesthetic state.

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