GELBES BILD Z_, B 021115 (Pkra-06)

藝術家:Peter Krauskopf

尺寸:150×100 cm


媒材:oil on linen

Peter Krauskopf 彼得.克勞斯科夫(德國,b. 1966)生於德國萊比錫,就讀萊比錫視覺藝術學院,並受萊比錫畫派先驅 Arno Rink阿諾.林克指導完成學業。目前居住及創作於柏林。克勞斯科夫是萊比錫畫派中第一位由寫實走向抽象的藝術家。早期作品在觀念藝術上探討,也嘗試過「條幅畫」 (strip painting),而後不斷嘗試抽象藝術的可能性。2015年他獲得國際當代藝術知名項目 Falkenrot Prize,曾受邀於歐洲重要城市柏林、慕尼黑、萊比錫、里斯本等城市舉辦個展,作品被紐倫堡日耳曼國家博物館(Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg)、G2萊比錫藝術館(G2 Kunsthalle Leipzig)、慕尼黑Munich Re風險管理藝術收藏(Munich Re Art Collection Munich)等機構典藏。此次展出作品之一“GELBES BILD Z”(黃色的圖像),以刮除塗料再反覆疊加的方式形塑層次,如同對時間的「反覆書寫」(overwriting of time),抹去了過去的時間與回憶,再塗上新的一層歷史與記憶,被認為是「時間的拼貼畫」。

Peter Krauskopf 彼得.克勞斯科夫
(German, b. 1966)

Peter Krauskopf studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in his birth town Leipzig and later continued as a post-graduate under Arno Rink. Known for his break with the figurative tradition of Leipzig painting, Peter Krauskopf especially interested in the process of overpainting, which he understands as an overwriting of time. All of his pieces – the intensive colored smaller plates, as well as the big monochrome color gradients, seem to be abstract at first sight, but they are all ‘concretions of a period of time’. On homogeneous, smooth grounds which either consist of an old, former abandoned painting or a monochrome under painting, Krauskopf performs one single intervention to form a new picture. In 2015 he received the Falkenrot Prize. His paintings were widely exhibited including the Mies van der Rohe-Haus, Berlin, the Forum Kunst Rottweil, the Kunsthalle Lingen and Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, works presented in the collection of the Albertinum in Dresden, the Ludwig Forum in Aachen, the City Museum of Wrocław, the Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, the Museum Schloss Morsbroich in Leverkusen, Kupferstichkabinett and the Galerie Neue Meister in Dresden, Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg.

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