Silent Winds Mistral

Artist:Thierry Feuz


尺寸: 110 x 90 cm

Media:Lacquer and acrylic on canvas

藝術家曾表示代表系列作品Silent Winds的靈感來源是兒時與祖⽗躺在鄉野中的回憶,歡愉地展現了繽紛絢爛的⼩宇宙,漫遊漂浮及持續動態的有機⽣命體,銘記著⽣命美好的時光。他的作品混和了多種繪畫基因,從靜物畫到抽象的表現,帶入各式各樣的藝術風格:從西班牙巴洛克時期細膩的靜物畫、Jackson Pollock的滴流畫、Joan Miró 的超現實主義、 Cy Twombly的古典神話都可以看到一些Feuz創作元素的端倪,而將具體之物放入虛實之間,正是Feuz所擅長的。


Thierry Feuz
(Switzerland, b. 1968)

Graduated from Geneva University of Art and Design (Haute École d'Art et de Design), Feuz currently lives and works in Geneva. In his artistic realm, art, science, and philosophy converge as he explores the universal meaning of "existence" and presents unseen realms through his unique painting techniques. Thierry Feuz's works have been collected by significant institutions and museums, including Musée d'Art et d'Histoire in Neuchâtel, Singapore Art Foundation, UBS Bank, Saks Fifth Avenue in the United States, as well as the Breeze Crop. and E.Sun Commercial Bank, among other corporate collections.

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