Wood wall object

Artist:Willi Siber


Size:Dimension variable

Media:Wood, chrome enamel

此作品為藝術家經典牆上裝置系列創作,作品無固定展示形式或排列順序,以木頭為底,繽紛的鉻漆組成視覺焦點。Willi Siber的精神感官陶冶於豐富的表現形態中,並將浪漫主義帶出的豐沛想像傾於自身的藝術創作,作品不僅承襲巴洛克藝術的流動性、戲劇性和華麗的視覺效果,更由當代的視角為傳統的雕塑、繪畫帶入極大的轉變。Siber探索物質可塑性之美學,色彩的覆蓋更玩味其簡練風格的表現。令他感興趣的並非材質的美感表現,而是突破媒材的設限。跳脫創作類別、媒材使用的形制框架,Siber的創作更適合被形容為一項不曾停止的研究,不斷地驗證與推翻既定的認知。


Willi Siber
(Germany, b. 1949)

Born in Upper Swabia, the center of Baroque art history, Willi Siber studied art history at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. His creations inherited the fluidity, theatricality, and splendid visual effects of Baroque art also incorporated a contemporary perspective. Siber once said "My creations stem from change." Over the long artist career he not only excels in painting, but also known for art objects , installations, sculptures. Using wood, steel, epoxy resin, exploring the malleability of materials, focusing not just on the aesthetic expression of materials he constantly research, validation, and overturning of established perceptions, breaking through the limitations of materials. His playfulness with colors further highlights his concise style. Willi Siber's exhibitions have spanned across Europe and the United States, his works permanently collected by German Federal Parliament, the German Embassy in Argentina, Deutsche Bank, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Städtisches Kunstmuseum in Singen, and private art museums Kunstwerk Sammlung Klein, Museum Ritter and private collectors worldwide.

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