藝術家Hogan Brown 霍根・布朗(英國,1966年生)以當代油彩繪畫著稱,Brown的創作擅以細膩的筆觸繪出人物與場域微妙的關係,並以色彩牽引觀者目光的游移、故事性地組織起畫面空間,同時也讓想像住進留白之中。
Ongoing Exhibitions
Langham Gallery, Lamb’s Conduit Street, London, WC1N 3LE
Fairfax Gallery, Royal Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom
2018 Exhibition
Group show, Langham Gallery, London, December
Group show, Fairfax Gallery, Royal Tunbridge Wells, December
Summer Group show, Fairfax Gallery, Royal Tunbridge Wells, June
Group show, Bluerider ART, Taipei, May-July
Group show, Langham Gallery, London, February
2017 Exhibition
Group show, Fairfax Gallery, Royal Tunbridge Wells, December
Group show, Willow Brook, London, November
Art Taipei, with Bluerider ART, October
Summer show, Langham Gallery, London, July
2015 Exhibition
Group show, Langham Gallery, August
Autocatalytic Future Games, curated by playpaint, June
2013 Exhibition
Genova Art Fair
Bergamo Air Fair
2012 Exhibition
Solo show, Langham Gallery, London, May
2011 Exhibition
Dark Places, Open Spaces, Solo Show, Wannabee Gallery, Milan, February
2010 Exhibition
Step 09, The Art Fair, Milan, November
Unfolding , Dac Gallery, Los Angeles, April
Group show, Wannabee Gallery, Milan, March
2009 Exhibition
Group Show, San Diego Art Institute, San Diego, June
2008 Exhibition
Solo show, Wannabee Gallery, Milan, October
Group show, Contemporary Art Projects, August
Close-Up, Solo show, Wannabee Gallery, Milan, February
2007 Exhibition
City’s Edge, Solo show, Rona Gallery, November
Group show, Rona Gallery, London, June
Group show, Rona Gallery, London January
Affordable Art Fair, London
Pre 2005
IAF, London 2005
Apart Art, London 2004
Novos Britanicos, Sao Paulo 2004
Affordable Art Fair London 2004
Affordable Art Fair London 2003
Fresh Art London 2003
Fresh Art London 2001
Frameworks Gallery Deptford 2000
Dark Places Open Spaces: Cristina Ferraro, 2011
(translated from Italian by Cristina Ferraro and Silvia Pettinicchio)
Distant Figures, Mysterious Spaces: The Paintings of Hogan Brown by Philip Vann