(Austria, B.1982)
畢業於維也納應用藝術大學跨媒體藝術系,以維也納與漢堡為創作據點,目前亦任教於維也納藝術大學。師事奧地利藝術家Adolf Frohner與捷克當代攝影藝術家Jiři David。自2006起積極參與維也納的展覽,2018在維也納White Cube Yellow舉辦個展,於維也納當代藝術館、維也納博物館區等多種藝術機構展出。獲奧地利超級聯賽100周年藝術競賽Art Challenge首獎。Kohlhuber以文字為題,透過繪畫、裝置、雕塑、動畫等不同形式的創作,主張藝術作品為傳遞訊息的載體,探討在溝通過程中,圖像或文字如何傳達意義,又是如何被詮釋和解讀。作品獲奧地利知名藏家 Martin Lenikus收藏機構Sammlung Lenikus收藏。
Isabella Kohlhuber 的創作核心,相當特別的是,她思考了當代藝術形式的深層意義,許多在當代藝術中被認為是常用的手法,如:複製(Reproduction)、擬象(Simulation)、挪用(Appropriation)等手段,都被她一再挑出來檢視及質問。藝術作品傳遞了訊息,而知識則是讓觀眾如何去「理解影像」,她想要探求的是這樣「理解的過程」其中的脈絡。因此,擅長使用各種媒材創作的她,也創造了一種字母,稱為Bastards (混合許多字母的原型),讓這些文字在被閱讀時,需要自行「解碼」,發展出新的意義。而文本的選擇,也反映出Kohlhuber所關心的、批判的及認同的想法。
思考意義在藝術的創作歷史中並非少見,1968年時,由Seth Siegelaub策畫,被認為是第一個觀念藝術的展覽,展示列印出來的文本材料,因為文字的意義已經表達了觀念,並且做為一種藝術形式。當1960年代西方進入高度發展社會的階段,大眾傳播與廣告業的蓬勃,尤其媒體即訊息 (The medium is the message) 的環境,對觀念藝術的產生有著重要作用,如何解讀訊息也同樣是現代人所面臨的課題之一。法國哲學家布希亞也曾提到,這是一個影像比真實更真 實的紀元;也是在後現代主義的概念中,大概也沒有什麼新東西可以獨創,所以過去的一切及其副本皆可以重新使用,並且視為同等。發展至今,在龐大的訊息洪流下,卻往往暗藏著對真實的追求,促使藝術理論走向觀念性的表達,而意義的製造、傳達及真實性備受重視。
2018 在 Bluerider ART 的亞洲首個展’Untitled’,分別呈現了Isabella Kohlhuber在不同媒材上展現獨特的敘事邏輯。作品From the Law,文本取材過去奧地利的聲音載體法律授權聲明,並使用Bastards字母金屬薄片列印出來,實則也在批判藝術中「挪用」的手法,在知識產權的原創概念下如何界定的問題。作品B+0066–B+0090,則是使用Bastards字母的筆畫形成一個動畫,使用視覺動態、變換造型的方式,不斷延展字母的順序及輪廓,漸進緩慢如同手工動畫的質感,觀眾在閱讀時便解讀意義,語言就被表現成一種開放的發展過程。作品 Untitled (Lines),則是另一件帶有溫度及活力的創作,藝術家使用墨水及身體運動,以規律的震盪公式,完成了一種綿延不絕的視覺動態,象徵了每日生活的機械性,像時間的洪流、快速移動的高速風景,從點至線,當線條成為一種語言,視覺的自主性就此展開。
Isabella Kohlhuber 的藝術作品,透過了「語言」(非傳統指涉的語言) 來活在藝術中,並且利用藝術做為一種量體,介入城市空間中。避免用張揚的形式,讓語言可以在藝術中自治且獨立,是一種「對理解做出的深邃理解」、更對「意義被製造的過程」有了新的詮釋,在每一回清醒便接受大量訊息的當今社會中,邀請觀眾一起解碼,追求世界真實的模樣。
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2022 Whispering Waters ,Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
2021 Altar room design, Church of St. Leonhard, Pesenbach, Austria
2020 It’s wet out there ,Traklhaus, Salzburg
2018 Isabella Kohlhuber Untitled – Bluerider Art Gallery Bluerider Art Gallery Taipei ,Taiwan
2018 White Cube Yellow in progress: Art in Public space U1 Schwedenplatz, Vienna, Austria
2017 Vienna Contemporary solo presentation at booth Galleria Doris Ghetta Vienna, Austria
2017 Zikadien Kunstraum haaaauch quer Klagenfurt, Austria
2017 The Substance of Value One Work Gallery Vienna, Austria
2016 No No No Artistic Bokeh Museumsquartier Vienna,Frei_raum Q21, Vienna,Austria
2016 Space for an Agreement Galleria Doris Ghetta temporary Gallery Milano, Italy
2015 You got me really interested Public space Salzburg Austria
2016 Was gezeigt werden kann kann nicht gesagt warden Werkstadt Graz, Austria
2015 Kohlhuber Sigmund Freud Galerie Graz, Austria
2012 Bastards Hallway Hallway Gallery Vienna, Austria
2012 Crosswalk Passage Wildpretmarkt–Bauernmarkt/ Lenikus Studios Vienna, Austria
2011 Seitenwechsel The Austrian Football League’s headquarter Vienna, Austria
2010 Paramusikalisches Ensemble Schloss Kittsee Burgenland, Austria
2010 Lorem Ipsum Galerie F43 Prague, Czech Republic
2009 We will do it Galerie Ve Sklepe Prague, Czech Republic
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 Faking the Real , Kunsthaus Graz
2022 Art and Language , Puchenau Castle near Linz
2022 Chambre d’amis 5, Salon Seliger Vienna, Austria
2021 KULTUM Graz, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Austria
2021 Language Images – Visual Language , Gallery Unttld Projects Vienna, Austria
2021 Concrete Poetry and such , Kunsthaus Muerz, Mürzzuschlag, Austria
2021 Memphis Editions 2021, Memphis Linz, Austria
2021 Neo-Baroque , Blueríder ART Shanghai Gallery, China
2021 Multiple Art Days ,Fiminco Foundation, Paris, France
2021 fair with Atelier Vis-à-Vis , Art-o-Rama, Marseille, France
2020 Du singulier au multiple , Galerie Charivari,Atelier Vis-a-Vis, Marseille
2020 Character Image Art ,Art Granary, Beijing
2019 Buchstabenfest / Praznik črk /Alphabet day Zollamt bad radkersburg Austria
2018 Under Pressure Museumsquartier Vienna Frei_raum Q21, Vienna, Austria
2018 Buchstabenfest Zollamt Bad Radkersburg Austria
2018 Is it language that they’re after Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus Kunsthalle Exnergasse Vienna, Austria
2017-2018 Reinheit in der Unvollkkommenheit Salzburger Kunstverein Salzburg, Austria
2017-2018 Nominierungen 2017 Kardinal König Kunstfonds St. Virgil Salzburg, Austria
2017-2018 Winter 2017 Grazer Kunstverein Austria
2017-2018 Inside Semiosis Pavelhaus Bad Radkersburg, Austria
2017 Type Please (Curated_By Vienna Sabine Folie) Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna, Austria
2017 Autumn 2017 Grazer Kunstverein Austria
2017 The Arbitrary Nature of Language Galerija Vodnikove domačije Šiška Ljubljana, Slovenia
2017 Summer 2017 Grazer Kunstverein Austria
2017 Spring 2017 Grazer Kunstverein Austria
2016 Master Builders Zieselrot Gewölbe Schwechat, Austria
2016 Abstract Now Galleria Doris Ghetta Ortisei, Italy
2016 Sighs Trapped by Liars. Language in Art Künstlerhaus Graz Austria
2015-2016 Sharing Space Alte Post Vienna, Austria
2015-2016 Significant Other Korea Kulturhaus/ public space Vienna, Austria
2015 Encounters: Isabella Kohlhuber & Esther Stocker Galleria Ghetta Ortisei, Italy
2015 Immutable Mobiles Memphis Linz, Austria
2015 58 weasels in a trenchcoat (die Güte) wellwellwell Vienna (AT), Austria
2014-2015 From Inner To Outer Shadow Austrian Culture Forum Istanbul, Turkey
2014 Buchstabenfest Zollamt Bad Radkersburg, Austria
2014 Klangmanifeste 2014 Künstlerhaus/ Echoraum Vienna, Austria
2014 Room to Move. Isabella Kohlhuber und Imre Nagy Korea Kulturhaus Vienna, Austria
2014 Polarity and Resonance Lenikus Studios Vienna, Austria
2014 Der späte Trakl Galerie im Traklhaus Salzburg, Austria
2013-2014 Für die Fülle. Annual Exhibition 2013 Salzburger Kunstverein Austria
2013 Kunstgastgeber Gemeindebau 2013 Rennbahnweg/ public space Vienna, Austria
2013 Über Reason und Resonanz LWZ Projekte Vienna, Austria
2013 Desire Creates Distance Ve:sch Vienna, Austria
2013 Der Hundsturm bellt Hundsturm Vienn, Austria
2012-2013 Lafin C’estmerde Founding member of the cultural association Vienna, Austria
2012 Humanimals Baba Vasa’s Cellar Shabla, Bulgaria
2012 Still Lenikus Studios Vienna, Austria
2011-2012 In Passing 13 Künstlerhaus Passagegalerie Vienna, Austria
2011-2012 Metamart – Kunst und Kapital Künstlerhaus Vienna, Austria
2011 Kubatur des Kabinetts Fluc Vienna, Austria
2011 Ferne Rohr Heiligenkreuzerhof Diploma Show of Transmedia Arts, Vienna, Austria
2011 Zur Zeit–Blossoms of a Multitude Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis Bregenz, Austria
2010 Kollateral Offspace Spenglerei Vienna Austria
2010 Videoromanzen 2 Gerisch Skulpturenpark Neumünster, Germany
2010 Schaust du noch oder gehst du schon Flatfair Ennsgasse Vienna, Austria
2009 Aquisitions 2007–2009 Galerie im Traklhaus Salzburg, Austria
2007 The Essence 07 MAK Museum Vienna Vienna (AT), Austria
2006 The Essence 06 MAK Museum Vienna Vienna, Austria
2017 Residency stipend by the federal state of Salzburg for the Cité Internationale des Arts Paris France
2016 Catalogue funding by the Austrian Federal Chancellery the federal state of Salzburg and the city of Vienna Austria
2015 Fundings for the project Significant Other by the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the city of Vienna Austria
2012 Start-Scholarship Austian Federal Chancellery Austria
2011 Sammlung Lenikus private collection scholarship and residency acquisitions for the collection
2011 First prize in the Art Challenge of the Austrian Football Association acquisition of a sculpture
2009 Acquisition by the federal state of Salzburg
2007 University of Applied Arts Vienna scholarship
2004 IT-Paper scholarship and Creative-Award
Awards and Collections
2022 Award of the Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade and the organization Lichtfelder
2022 Art purchase by the Kulturzentrum der Minoriten, Graz
2022 Art purchase by the City of Linz
2021 Project funding from the Hamburg Cultural Authority (DE)
2021 Facade design residential building Bozen (IT), permanent
2019 Individual project funding by the Austrian Federal Chancellery
2018 Purchase of the State of Salzburg
2017 Residency stipend by the federal state of Salzburg for the Cité Internationale des Arts Paris, France
2016 Catalogue funding by the Austrian Federal Chancellery the federal state of Salzburg and the city of Vienna, Austria
2015 Fundings for the project Significant Other by the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the city of Vienna Austria
2012 Start-Scholarship Austian Federal Chancellery, Austria
2011 Sammlung Lenikus private collection scholarship and residency acquisitions for the collection
2011 First prize in the Art Challenge of the Austrian Football Association acquisition of a sculpture
2009 Acquisition by the federal state of Salzburg
2007 University of Applied Arts Vienna scholarship
2004 IT-Paper scholarship and Creative-Award