(Germany, b. 1990)
Luisa Zay路易莎.扎伊 (Germany, b. 1990)出生德國,現創作與居住於科隆。曾在位於柏林的插畫設計學院(The AID in Berlin)專攻繪畫學習。Luisa Zay 路易莎.扎伊描繪帶有包裝的商品靜物為題,由特殊的視角觀看並展示當今的社會。自2018年起以藝術家和插畫家的身份在柏林、哥本哈根生活與工作,展出經歷包含科隆、波恩等地。
Luisa Zay路易莎.扎伊以靜物畫構圖,描繪帶有不同材質包裝的商品和各種容器,藉由純粹的繪畫方式,試圖揭露現今複雜且易碎的物質世界。作品展現當下的瞬間狀態和真實的社會樣貌,讓觀者賦予畫面聯想和故事。
2014 – 2018 Illustration and art study at Akademie für Illustration und Design, Berlin, Germany
2012 – 2013 ”Klasse Mappe” art course by Angelika Margull, Berlin, Germany
2012 Kunstschule, Kulturhaus Babelsberg, Potsdam, Germany
2011 Highschool Diplom with focus on Art
2023 One Month Group Exhibition at The Stage Gallery, Bonn, Germany Exhibition
event at Kunstkeller, Cologne, Germany
Art collective exhibition at The Turf, Cologne, Germany
2022 Collaborative project called ”Separee – geteilter Raum“ at Motoki, Cologne, Germany
Exhibition collaboration with Art to Connect, at Chapmans store, Cologne, Germany
2021 Exhibition collaboration with IRDK, at Helius37, Cologne, Germany
2018 Visual showcase of Diploma, AID, Berlin, Germany
2017 Visual showcase of collaborative art magazine project, at Fedrigoni-Design Award, Berlin, Germany
Scholarship and Awards
2022 ”Auf geht‘s – 2022“, Scholarship programm, MKW, Cologne, Germany
2021 ”Auf geht‘s – 2021“, Scholarship programm, MKW, Cologne, Germany
2017 ”Nachwuchs-Gold“, Fedrigoni-Design Award, Hamburg, Germany