張惠文(Eunice CHEUNG Wai Man,香港,1986年生)為當今香港「新工筆」繪畫代表人物之一,畢業於香港中文大學藝術系碩士學程,主修中國工筆動物畫創作。擁有豐富國際展出經驗的張惠文,於2013年至2016年期間連續四年參展香港巴塞爾藝術展(Art Basel Hong Kong),2013年亦受邀成為香港蘇富比藝術空間《一墨相承:香港藝術家十二人展》聯展藝術家,與新媒體結合之系列作品曾於台灣國立故宮博物館和義大利聖十字教堂(Basilica of Santa Croce)展出,2009年作品入選《香港當代藝術雙年獎》,雖為年僅三十歲的新生代新工筆創作者,實力與潛力卻備受多方肯定。
本次展覽以《The Immovable Feast 盛宴》為題,展出張惠文最新「新工筆」系列創作,並邀請香港著名雕塑家馮力仁透過木雕的溫潤與力度,一同演繹「情感」一題。對生活與自然環境具有獨到體察的張惠文,利用「新工筆」的縝密細膩捕捉毫無型制體例的感情狀態,以溫煦的色調烘托出場場盛宴間彼此的牽絆與相聚的熱絡,無論是作品《明將壽司》中共品美味與辛澀的貓兒,或者是《暖暖南瓜湯》裡相互依偎的海獺,藝術家藉由仿擬人生的動物型態描繪日常裡最尋常卻也最真摯的情愫。隨著聖誕佳節與新年的到臨,Bluerider ART以《The Immovable Feast》擺起的不散筵席溫暖你的心。
Eunice CHEUNG Wai Man – born in Hong Kong, 1986. Graduated from TheChinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Art. Shespecialises in Chinese gongbi (fine-brush) painting of animals, and herresearch is about the changing relationships between human and animalthroughout the Chinese Art history.
She is a frequent participant of different individual and jointexhibitions in Hong Kong and oversea. Her works were exhibited in ArtBasel Hong Kong for 4 years. In 2015, Her work is exhibited in National PalaceMuseum in Taiwan and Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence. One of her work wasselected for the exhibition “Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009” andmany became a part of a private collection.
Her desire is to capture the beauty of animals and to reflect the state ofanimals in different cultures, societies and geography. Through impartinghumanistic characters into the subjects in her pieces, Eunice bridgesthe chasm between humanity and the seemingly distant naturalworld. It is her dream and hope to be able to portray every known animal.