潔西卡.芮娜(Jessica Rayner,英國,1985年生)畢業於全球頂尖藝術設計學府─英國皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art),主修繪畫與印刷藝術(printmaking),豐富的創作訓練背景使芮娜靈活運用各類媒材於不同主題中發揮,2012年以新秀之姿入圍德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank Awards)十大潛力年輕藝術家,近年常於北歐各國進行多項光影創作計畫,亦曾於冰島拍攝地球能源耗損情況與氣候變遷議題的作品《Metabolic Landscape》,關注光影、科學與自然的探索。
在看似冷調的創作概念背後,實為藉由無形的光影探討我們感知最深層的意識,芮娜的作品如同自然與科學不斷地相應對照。首度來台個展以《Faces of Light》為題,由八件系列作品揭示光的多樣面向,將觀者置身於稜鏡發散多彩的一端。展出作品Afterimage以拍立得(polaroid)拍攝一天四個時間點下光線於晶體中的折射變換,於時刻流轉間捕捉光與色彩;An Awareness of Light系列使用具極佳聚光特質的菲涅爾透鏡(fresnel lens)蒐集環境光線,並透過特殊印刷技術將成像印製於鋁板上,鋁板柔和的金屬質地不僅映出光的爛漫色澤,同時也使觀看當下的光源融入作品本身。「與現在相較,或許孩提時期的我們對於自然有更多的好奇與想像,而這也是藝術與科學發展的原因,我也想藉由創作與我的疑問進行對話」,芮娜不僅以有限的知覺探索無垠的議題,更讓他的憧憬引領我們往未知邁進。
Jessica Rayner received her Master of Art from prestigious Royal College of Art. Majoring in printmaking and painting provides Rayner multiple resources to create with different materials. In 2012, Rayner was included as a finalist in Deutsche Bank Awards which uncovered her potential in contemporary art. Recently, she works on several light projects in Nordic countries and continues her investigations into the properties of lenses, prisms, light and human perception.
“We think we see the world directly,” says Jessica Rayner, “but it’s the mind that provides meaning to what we see.” While traveling to Iceland, Svalbard and Greenland, Rayner was exposed to different perspective towards nature apart from her personal experience growing up in London. She began to examine the science, technology and energy of ‘things’, and focuses on ‘light’ and ‘human perception’. By adopting a wide range of media, including photography, drawing, video, printmaking and three-dimensional sculpture, she offers stories of origination, discovery, scientific analysis and social meaning. Granting viewers another point of view to see the world.