
Desire Obtain Cherish
(USA, b. 1975)
藝術家 Desire Obtain Cherish本名 Jonathan Paul,畢業於紐約知名藝術學校 Parsons School of Design,擁有廣告和藝術理論背景。混合了街頭藝術、普普藝術與挪用的創作手法,他利用諷刺性的商業符號企圖驅動社會議題的討論。知名媒體 BLOUIN ARTINFO 形容他是「用最美麗與刺激的藝術外表、來包裝社會的良知」。從 DOC的別名也可以看出他的藝術信仰: 渴望、獲得、珍惜。活耀於紐約各大藝博會,曾在威尼斯雙年展、紐約Saks 第五大道百貨公司等展出。作品獲紐約文華東方酒店集團、NBA知名球星Dirk Nowitzki及Andrei Kirilenko、知名對沖基金執行長Joseph and Diana Dimenna、邁阿密房地產總裁Gilbert Benhamou及F1 賽車總裁 Bernie Ecclestone等重要機構與私人收藏。

2019.3.16 即將第三度於 Bluerider ART 敦仁館,推出全新創作個展「雲端噴出的氣體- Off-gassing from the CLOUD」,開幕當天,將以 “I’m not an artist unless the search engines says that I am.” 除非谷歌大神説我是藝術家,首次公開𣈱談分享他的創作理念、以及做為一位前衞觀念藝術家的心路歷程。

“I’m not an artist unless the search engines say that I am.”
From street art to international artist, DOC will share the development of his work and how it relates to societies quest for happiness; how distraction has become entertainment; and the struggles of being relevant as an artist in this age of social media saturation.

Date/ Time: 3.16 Sat. 2:00pm-3:30pm
2:00pm-2:20pm 入場
2:20pm-2:30pm 開幕致詞
2:30pm-3:30pm Talk & QA
4:10pm 藝術家將於現場創作 (免費觀賞)
Venue: Bluerider 敦仁館
Address: 台北市大安區大安路一段101巷10號1樓
Fee: 因座位有限,為確保出席,酌收報名費NT100,贈藝術家限量海報。

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