BlueriderDaily 作品介紹 2 “縫合”
卡里・安妮・赫勒伯格・巴赫里 台北·敦仁
挪威織品藝術家卡里.安妮.赫勒伯格.巴赫里 Kari Anne Helleberg Bahri 作品融合服裝工藝,利用舊衣、碎布、殘片織品,混亂中透過解構、縫合、再造,賦予作品新意象,以中性色彩的織品藝術(Textile Art)探討當下社會集體的限制、期待、秩序、孤立議題,形成個人獨特風格。
作品「Garment Bag」是由 80 件衣架衣袋組合,向著同一個方向整齊排列的大型裝置作品,整體裝置像是商店陳列,也像是檔案庫。藝術家將二手布袋染上咖啡漬,以此痕跡作為象征符號來代表衣服底下的「人」。
另壹件作品「Lag」中則隱藏了一首60年代的挪威老歌”Det hender så mangt på Hovedøen”(仲夏之夜在 Hovedøen 發生了很多事情)歌詞,這首歌是關於發生在 Hovedøen 的一個愛情故事。敘述者是一個年輕的女孩,她和她的追求者約翰壹起乘船旅行。他們在 Hovedøen 上岸並在那裏過夜。
卡里・安妮・赫勒伯格・巴赫里 Kari Anne Helleberg Bahri (挪威, b.1975)
畢業於挪威奧斯陸國家藝術學院服裝設計,自小在充滿創造力的環境長大,跳脫典型挪威式極簡風格,承繼著北歐憂郁冷冽的氣質,融合服裝工藝,利用舊衣、碎布、殘片織品,混亂中透過解構、縫合、再造,賦予作品新意象,以中性色彩的織品藝術(Textile Art) 探討當下社會限制(Limitations)、秩序(Restrictions)、期待(Expectations)、孤立(Isolation) 等議題,形成個人獨特風格。曾於挪威Kunstmuseet NordTrøndelag、Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum等美術館、及丹麥Socle Du Monde雙年展出,作品由Kongsberg Municipality,Den Norske Husflidforening等機構永久收藏。
2006 2009 National Academy of the Arts, Oslo BA
2004 2006 University of Oslo, study of Esthetics
1997 2000 Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitutt ( The Interdisciplinary Institute of Art )
Solo Exhibitions
2022 “Re fleksjon” Siloen, Drammen,NO2020 “Overcover – Undercover”The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands, Torshavn, FAROE ISLANDS
2019 Anniversary exhibitor, Buskerud,Østlandsutstillingen (annual exhibition of the eastern region) 40 years anniversaryKongsberg Kunstforening, NORWAY
2018 “Jeg kler meg/ergo er jeg?” Group show+ solo show going on tourKunstvisitten, Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm, NORWAY
2017 “Uncontaminated 2017” Art and Fashion Festival, Mellomstasjonen/The National Museum,Oslo, NORWAY
2016 “Constraint where placed on the circulation of clothing” Oppland Kunstsenter, Lillehammer, NORWAY
2016 “Inside – Extra” Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, NORWAY
2016 “Surgo”Kunstparken, Risør, NORWAY
2015 “Close(d)”Bærum Kunsthall, projectroom, Fornebu, NORWAY
2015 “Modify”Kongsberg Kunstforening, NORWAY
2015 “Needless” Trafo Kunsthall, projectroom, Asker, NORWAY
2015 “Procrustesbed” Det Gule Huset, Nesbru, NORWAY
2014 “Caught in the web” Ram Galleri, Oslo, NORWAY
2014 Kunstløa, Nome county, NORWAY
2013 “Uncustomized” Kunstmuseet Nord Trøndelag,NORWAY
2012 “Living in a box”display cases in the city Sandvika,Bærum,NORWAY
2011 display cases at Oslo Bussterminal, Oslo,NORWAY
2011 “You are never fully dressed without a smile”Galleri Blakstad, Asker,NORWAY
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 “Sørlandsutstillingen 2022. Bølgenkulturhus, Lindtvedske Hus, and Ibsenhuset, NO
2021 «Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends» curatorTijs Visser 8th«Socle du Monde» Herning, DK
2021 “stipendiatutsstilling” Kunstparken Risør,NO
2020.”Summer Exhibition” Royal Society og Sculptors Dora House, London, UK
2019 «Sommerutstilling 2019 » Buskerud Artcenter, Drammen, NO
2017 «Uncontaminated 2017» art & fashion festival Mellomstasjonen
2017 «Telemarksutstillingen» Ibsenhuset,Skien & Kragerø, NO
2017 «Sommerutstilling 2017» Buskerud Artcenter, Drammen, NO
2015,17, 20 «Stipendutstilling» Buskerud Bildende kunstnere Buskerud Artcenter, Drammen, NO
2014 «The wearable art show» regi, Kreutzberg pavillon, Berlin Knipsu, Bergen, NO
2014 «Stipendutstillingen» Agder Artcenter, Kristiansand;NO
2014 «Det potensielle rommet» former Dikemark Hospital, Asker, NO
2014 «In a lonely place» Art Museum KUBE, Ålesund,NO 2014 «Østlandsutstillingen 2014» (annual exhibition of the eastern region) Kunstbanken Hedmark, Buskerud Artcenter & ØKS, NO
2014 «NOoSPHERE Arts’3rd Anniversary Show & Benefit Auction» NOoSPHERE Arts, New York City, USA
2013 «The Spring Exhibition 2013» Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, DK
2013 «Craft 2013” The Nasjonal Museum of Art, Architecture & Design , NO
2013 «Byrom og andre rom» Bærum Art Union, sandvika, NO
2013 «A house full of friends» NOoSPHERE Arts, New York City, USA
2013 «Huntenkunst 13» SSP–Hall, Ulft, NL
2012 «International juried show» Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo,NO & NOoSPHERE Arts, New York City, USA
2012 «Lost Garden» BKiB in collaboration with HOK Henie — Onstad Art Center, Høvik, NO
2011 «The Norwegian sculpture Biennal 2011» The Vigeland–Museum, Oslo, NO 2011 “Craft 2011” The National Museum of art, architecture & design Oslo, NO
2011, 2012,2013, 2015,2016, 2019 «Novemberutstillingen»Lychepaviljongen,Drammens Museum, NO
2010 «Essens, Theme–Exhibition 2010» NK Art Museum KUBE, Ålesund & Kunstbanken, Hamar, NO 2010 «Østlandsutstillingen 2010» (annual exhibition of the eastern region) Peder Balke senter, Øvre Toten, NO & Østfold Kunstsenter , NO
2007 «Paperwork» DTK–project Gallery, Høvik, NO
2006 « hjerte for husflid», husfliden 115 år Oslo Town Hall Gallery, NO
2006 «Jubileumsutstilling» The Drawing Center of Norway, Oslo, NO
2021 Stikk -Norwegian Crafts, UDs travel grant
2021 Art Councils diverse grant
2020 Stipendutstilling 2020 Buskerud Kunstsenter Grant sponsored by The Relief Found for Visual Artists
2018 Government Grants, 10 years work grant for established Artists
2018 Art Councils Projectgrant
2017 Stipendutstilling 2017 Buskerud Kunstsenter Grant sponsored by The Relief Found for Visual Artists
2016 Art Councils diverse grant, The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists
2015 Art Councils exhibition grant
2015 Stipendutstilling 2015 Buskerud Kunstsenter Grant sponsored by The Relief Found forVisual Artists
2015 1 year specializationgrant, Norwegian Association for Applied Art
2014 Risør county art grant
2014 Travelgrant, Norwegian Association for Applied Art
2014 Art Councils diverse grant
2013 Office for Contemporary Art, International Support
2013 Kanalstipendet, Nome county
2012 Travelgrant, New York International juried show, Galleri Ramfjord
2012 award – most significant piece at Novemberutstillingen 2012,Drammens Museum
2011-13 Government grants for young, newly establ. artists , Norway, 3 years (NK)
Public collections
Buskerud Kunstsenter – the work was given to Kongsberg Municipality and are now part of the permanent collection shown at the city library
Den Norske Husflidforening
「縫合 Sew up」
卡里.安妮.赫勒伯格.巴赫里 Kari Anne Helleberg Bahri 亞洲首個展
■ 展期:2022. 10.8 – 2022. 12.11
■ 地點:
► Bluerider ART 台北.敦仁
Tue.-Sun., 10am – 7pm
台北市大安區大安路一段 101 巷 10 號 1F
► Bluerider ART 台北.仁愛
Tue.-Sat., 9am – 6pm
■ 免費參觀