Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾已於2023年9月正式開幕,開幕首展 “宇宙家園” Homeland Universe為Bluerider ART倫敦新據點正式拉開序幕! 2023年9月7日開幕VIP之夜,創辦人Elsa Wang 王薇薇榮幸邀請英國首相對台貿易特使、上議院副議長福克納勳爵(Lord Faulkner of Worcester)、Bluerider ART藝術家Nick Veasey 尼克・維西、 Carol Prusa 卡蘿・普魯莎代表藝術家為本次開幕致詞,當晚超過二百位受邀嘉賓蒞臨,Bluerider ART代理藝術家們齊聚一堂,在感人歡樂氛圍中,共慶Bluerider ART倫敦畫廊的成立, 也祝賀Bluerider ART十週年。 2023年9月9日開幕首展 「宇宙家園」 Homeland Universe 正式對外公眾開放,當天過百位與會嘉賓聚精會神,一同沉醉在藝術家現場導覽的輕鬆帶深刻內涵的氛圍中。 感謝所有到場祝賀的藝人們及蒞臨開幕的貴賓們,與我們共度美好時光。 We had a good time with YOU!
Bluerider ART 創辦人 王薇薇 Elsa Wang 致詞全文
Dear guests, dear friends, Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you all for joining us on this important day as we celebrate the grand opening of Bluerider ART’s London gallery, which is also our fourth gversery, 1030m 2030 月 30 月 ART. Over the past decade, we’ve taken a rather unique path. Starting in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2013, named after the Kandinsky movement, we introduced Western contemporary artists to Asia. In 2021, we broughd Western contemporary artists to Asia. In 2021, we brought gallery at the Bund, where our exhibitions often drew large crowds beyond our imagination. And ten years later we return to Europe with these artists, but for the first time, there’s a sense of homecoming and localization, Today, Vincc are thrilled, because over the past ten years, what we’ve seen most often hasn’t been artists, but rather truck drivers and crates. Tonight, for the first time, we gather with so many artistsunderur one pion. features exceptional works created by 16 artists specifically for the theme Homeland Universe, I hope you will enjoy them as much as i do. For this reason, it’s the first time in this decade that I find myf that I find the first time in this decade that I find notf that I finding not first time in this decade that I finding notf not I find not first time in this decade that I finding not first I find the not first time in this decade that I finding not first. English, but because I’m concerned I might be too emotional to remember all the people I want to thank. This includes all our friends in Taipei and Shanghai and Juliet Su from the British Office Taipei, London-based de Russers Annette, Tony-based de Russers, Tony-based de Russers, Tony-based de Russers, Tony-based de Russers。 , and our friends Ju Chu-jien, Alex Sing, Tony, Merridy and team. Most importantly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all our talented artists to support us always, over the decade, we’ve worked artists to support us always, over the decade, we’ve worked western with we’ve artists and currently representing 50 well developed artists, some of them are here today. Every time when we open the crates and saw their amazing works arriving were the most enjoying moment of all wank, to sooo, sooo, lemment of ango, to 它, ah. and, my two dear regional directors Vincci and Angela, for having been striving with me for ten years, whatever crazy ideas I brought up, our passionate team will tried their best to make than happen. I beveed in paunier in item ion’al paition 是 ity by ityal’t in ityion and ityion and ityion and ityion er’el ional’t in ionaly ionalwion 是 ity 成為 this inaugural exhibition Homeland Universe. It represents a common language in art that transcends politics, geography, culture, and words. Lastly, I want to thank all the guests who are present today, especs for my fle, myfid today, Rosy, my today, this exhibition holds special meaning for me personal too. When i look up at the universe, it contains my recently departed parents, and in that vast cosmos, we will always remember our beloved ones. I wishope mos you have a delightful evening!”
感謝大家蒞臨今天這個重要的日子,Bluerider ART 的倫敦畫廊開幕,也是我們的第四間畫廊。 今年2023年是Bluerider ART 的十週年,過去十年,我們走了一條比較奇特的路,2013年從台灣台北市開始,以康丁斯基的運動為名,代理西方當代藝術家推向亞洲,2021年 把這些藝術家帶到上海外灘,經常展覽是人山人海,2023年我們回到歐洲還是這些藝術家,卻第一次有了本土化、回家的感覺! 今天我想Vincci, Angela我們都很激動,因為過去十年,我們最常見的,不是藝術家,而是卡車司機和木箱,今晚是第一次,我們和這麼多藝術家們共聚一堂。 開幕首展Homeland Universe 也獲得16位藝術家們特別為此展創作的精彩作品。 也因此,這十年來我首次看稿子念講稿,倒不是因為英文,而是我擔心太過激動忘了接下來我要感謝的很多人,包括台北、上海的好朋友們,以及英國駐台經濟 辦事處的Juliet Su, Lord Faulkner, 倫敦的設計師Annette, Tony, Russel, 以及Alex Sing, Tony, 以及Merridy 團隊。 還有我們優秀的藝術家們,在台北和上海的團隊夥伴,最重要的是一起打拚十年的伙伴Vincci 和Angela,以及台北、上海、倫敦的團隊,無論我有什麼瘋狂的想法,他們都可以 付諸實現。 我想所有的感動與感謝,都融在這𠆤開幕首展 Homeland Universe,它代表著跨越地域、政治、文化、文字、代表著藝術共通的語言。 最後我感謝今天到場的所有嘉賓,特別我的家人們,這個展對我意義非凡,當仰望宇宙,那裡有我去世不久的父母,那浩瀚的宇宙有我們思念的故人! 祝福大家身體健康萬事如意,也希望大家有個愉快的夜晚!
福克納勳爵 Lord Faulkner of Worcester 致詞全文
Thank you so much, Elsa, that is such a wonderful introduction. I cannot see many heritage railways on the wall today, but there is some fantastic art here and I would like to congratulate you, and your artists, on putting together such a wonderful show for us. As you said, this is a very significant occasion, because this is your first gallery in Europe, and it’s wonderful that you chose London, and chose Mayfair to be the site of the gallery. I am hoping when I go to Taipei in a couple weeks time, it will be possible for me to include in my programme to visit one of your galleries there.Exchanges like this, and events like this, are really important, and my role as the British government trade envoy, is to encourage investment by Taiwanese in Britain and British companies to invest in Taiwan. And the relationship between Britain and Taiwan in the present couldn’t be better, we have a wonderful working relationship. And what we are looking at tonight, is an indication of just how fruitful a relationship could be. And your decision to bring staff of 10 or 11 to London, to run this gallery, is fantastic and I wish you every possible success with it. It’s what parade and culture are all about, both attached in huge importance, culture and trade. And I hope you go from strength to strength, and you will follow this with other galleries, and in other cities in the United Kingdom, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, anywhere, who knows. To start here with such wonderful works of art you’re showing us is a terrific achievement, so may I offer my warmest congratulations, and I’d like everybody who got a glass. Can I have my glass back? Everybody with a glass, to raise their glasses, and raise a toast to Elsa and the gallery.
非常感謝Elsa,感謝如此完美的介紹。 我在畫廊沒看到什麼復古火車軌道等,但有很多非常優秀的藝術作品。 恭喜你們和藝術家們,給我們一個如此美好的展覽。 就如同你所說,這是一個非常重要的時刻,因為這個是你第一個在歐洲的畫廊,並選址在倫敦梅菲爾是最好不過的選擇了。 馬上幾週後我要去參訪台北,我會盡量安排去參觀你們其中一個台北畫廊。 這種交流與活動非常重要,我身為英國首相對台貿易特使,我的職責是鼓勵台灣企業投資英國企業,也促成英國企業投資台灣。 目前台灣與英國的關係是史上最良好的,我們有很好的合作關係,光從今天,我們就能見識到這段關係可以如此的豐富。 你帶著10多位員工來經營倫敦這個畫廊非常的好,我預祝所有可能的成功,這反映著文化與交易的重要性。 也希望畫廊能強強聯手,與其他畫廊ㄧ樣,甚至開到伯明罕、曼徹施特等任何地方。 在倫敦能有如此美好的開始是非常高的成就,請容許我再次祝福也呼籲每位有酒杯的賓客,來敬Elsa與Bluerider ART 畫廊!
藝術家 尼克・維西 Nick Veasey 致詞全文
Thank you, Elsa, thank you very much. It’s a pleasure and an honour to be here. I think the first thing that I would like to say is, how brave you are, and I wish you every success with it. You’re adventurous, it’s a long way from home, planning a business in a different time and half way across the world. You don’t make your life easy, Elsa, and again, if anyone is going to succeed, it’s you guys. Ten years ago, as Elsa said, I had a call from Vincci. She was quite interested in what I’m doing with x-rays and they showed their faith in me, it’s not me showing my faith in them. In another way, I feel honoured that somebody on the other end of the world found me and talked about my works in their gallery, but it’s all a pipe dream, we don’t know how things will turn out, I must say it’s actually much better than I can ever imagine. The way the team has grown and matured, the roster of artists, has not only increased but improved, I probably now the worst artist they’ve got. They have hung on to me, I think it’s out of loyalty rather than anything else, but I’m still very proud to be part of it. I think Elsa, in particular, you don’t really have to do this, but you wanted to do this, your obsession and drive, your love of art, you have integrity. In the art business, there are good people, bad people and indifferent people, and Elsa is the strongest and the most honourable and professional person I ever come across in the art business. I hope they succeed, they deserve it.
謝謝Elsa,非常感謝。 我感到非常開心與榮幸。 我想先說的是,Elsa你實在是太勇敢了,我祝福你一切順利。 你冒險家的精神使你來到地球的另一邊,在一個新區域且不同時區的地方,建立新的畫廊,你總是不會讓自己好過對吧? 不過如果有人要這麼做,成功的一定是你們。 十年前,就如Elsa所說,我突然接到Vincci的電話,他說我用X光創作很有趣,給我的作品信心。 從另一個角度來說,我是感到非常榮幸,在世界的另一端,竟然有人發掘到我,說要代理我的作品。 當時根本不知道會怎麼樣,但我得說結果比我想像的好太多了。 從Bluerider ART 團隊的擴建與成熟,代理藝術家的名單不僅增加也更好,我現在可能是畫廊裡最糟糕的藝術家了。 謝謝你們持續支持我,我覺得可能忠實的因素多於我的才華。 但我還是非常驕傲可以參與這個展覽,我覺得,特別是Elsa,其實是不需要做這麼多的。 在藝術領域裡,有好人、壞人或不好不壞的人,但你的執著與力求進步的個性,還有你對藝術的熱愛與誠信,絕對是我在藝術領域見過最強大,具榮譽 感和專業的人。 祝Bluerider ART成功,這是你們應得的!
藝術家 卡蘿・普魯莎 Carol Prusa 致詞全文
My deepest thanks to Bluerider Gallery, to Angela and Vincci, for their belief in my works. Because if an artist works alone, you can keep on working, but when people believe in your works, you’d really step forward. So they have pushed me, supported me and encouraged me and honoured me for ten years, I cannot believe it, I’m so grateful, and the professionalism in this gallery, and as mentioned, the integrity of this gallery is beyond words. I won’t keep you long, I’m just gonna tell you that I am deeply honoured to be a part of this, so thank you Elsa, Vincci and Angela, and the other staff, too many to mention but, beautiful, and I’m honoured, thank you.
我獻上我最誠摯的感謝給Bluerider ART 畫廊, 給Angela 和Vincci,感謝他們給予我的作品信心。 當藝術家獨自經營,可能會持續埋頭苦幹的創作而不前進,但當有人給予你信任時,將會促使你再更往前突破自己。 這十年來,他們不間斷的鼓勵我、支持我、尊敬我,我非常感謝他們,這畫廊的專業與誠信是無從比較的。 我不會佔用大家太多時間,我只想說我非常榮幸可以參與這個展覽,再次謝謝Elsa, Vincci 和Angela 與所有Bluerider ART 團隊,太多人值得被提起,謝謝,十分榮幸。
9.7 開幕VIP之夜酒會影片
9.7 藝術家之夜
9.9 開幕公眾日照片
“Homeland Universe 宇宙家園”
2023.9.9(六)- 2023.11.5(日)
Bluerider ART London·Mayfair
47 Albemarle St, London,