藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾 “Marck: MARCK’s Playground”絡繹不絕好評如潮,感謝大家與我們分享 ‘byU 你的視角’ 觀展心得:
“Video art is the future, and Marck’s works are at another level, they are remarkable”
“This exhibition is very unique. Even though there are hundreds more exhibitions listed on Galleries Now, I was drawn to Marck’s Playground and came to visit.”
“The works by other galleries are rather boring. Marck’s artworks are definitely different and how each artwork provokes our personal emotions is very clever.”
“Marck’s works continually inspire me with fresh perspectives; each viewing sparks new ideas, ensuring I’ll return for more.”
“I’m completely unfazed by the nudity of the female performers in Marck’s artworks; in fact, I find them empowering. They inspire me by showcasing the ability to navigate through any circumstance or “frame” with grace and ease.”
“As artists, staying disciplined is key, not just in our work, but in life as well. Despite Marck’s artworks appearing eclectic, they actually reflect the immense effort it took to bring everything together. It’s a great example of discipline in action.”
“Split No. 4 impresses with Marck’s clever mix of video and real objects, showing how water is stored in a fascinating and never-ending display.”
“He’s masterfully sculpted the video screens into having such depth, works very well with the subject of water in the film”
“I do special effects for work, and I find the quality of these effects (Clockwork, Hair nerds, Black Hair) excellent!”
“It’s truly delightful to witness craftsmanship shining through Marck’s video sculpture, especially in an era dominated by CGI.”
“It’s interesting to see technology and art mixed together”
“Human Watch is a representation of time being constant and always moving, every twitch from the performers, as they lay there, defines every second there is in a minute.”
“I’m drawn to the way Marck combines video and sculpture. It’s not about gimmicks; there’s a genuine sense of organic unity to it.”
“The artist is a genius!”
“Marck’s black and white echoes the phenomenal essence found in Bill Viola’s work.”
“Contemporary art often brims with profound meaning, yet can feel distant. Marck’s work stands out with its refreshing clarity and inspiration.”
藝術家 Artist
Marck 馬克
(Switzerland, b. 1964)
馬克Marck(瑞士,b. 1964),瑞士當代藝術家以錄像雕塑(Video Sculpture)聞名,現生活和工作於蘇黎士。馬克Marck是一名非典型的藝術家,年輕時才華洋溢進入知名藝術學府,卻因無法忍受制式教育而半途輟學,之後從事汽車拆解、機械電工、搖滾歌手、設計科技裝置等。馬克Marck異類豐富的人生體驗,走出學院派藝術家的想像,自行創造的錄像雕塑表現型式,以框架、女性、觀看、互動,拋出社會議題深入人心。由Bluerider ART介紹至亞洲,2019年獲義大利Academia Culturale Internazionale Cartagine頒發International Culture Award獎項。作品於國際重要展覽展出,拉珀斯維爾藝術中心、聖彼德堡當代美術館等,並由波士頓藝術博物館、伊斯坦布爾藝術中心、卡爾斯魯厄多藝術與媒體中心等重要國際機構及全球眾多私人收藏。
「Marck: Marck’s Playground」-2024 Solo Show
展期 :2024.3.14 – 2024.5.26
Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾
Daily 10am-6pm
47 Albemarle St, London, W1S 4JW
T: +44 20 3903 7827