九月 BlueClub 藏家活動現場
9.19周四倫敦設計節期間,Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾舉辦了 BlueClub 特別活動,探討了藝術在空間中的角色,並邀請了設計師們參與。Marck 的錄像雕塑作品格外引人注目,Dirk Salz 的作品因其帶來的獨特平靜感受而備受讚賞。感謝所有嘉賓,與我們積極交流分享關於藝術與設計的創新想法!
九月 WALKER 精緻導覽
九月的 WALKER 導覽在倫敦設計周期間,我們為眾多藝術愛好者和團體介紹“黃金時代-藝術和現代空間”,引發眾人關於當代藝術如何改變環境的熱烈討論,使空間成為藝術體驗的重要組成部分。感謝參與我們導覽活動的朋友們,期待在未來的展覽中再見!
ByU 你的觀展心得
藍騎士藝術 Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾 “黃金年代-藝術與現代空間” 參觀者絡繹不絕好評如潮,感謝大家與我們分享 ‘byU 你的觀展心得’ ,摘錄部分如下:
“I’m so tired of the current world filled with HD sharp images. In contrast, Christiane Grimm’s blurry effect artworks feel like a soothing meditation for the eyes.”
“I just love the way that Angela Glajcar’s ‘Terforation’ reimagines a typically overlooked medium like paper. Her skill and craft is a breath of fresh air, and inspires me to look differently at ‘everyday’ objects.”
“Christiane Grimm’s works are so attention grabbing, I knew when I walked past your gallery I had to come in and see them up close. Her use of colour and light is unlike any artwork I’ve seen before.”
“I am in awe of your new exhibition, ‘Golden Age’. The curation and placement of the pieces gives a harmonious and visually pleasing effect, not to mention the incredible quality of the works themselves.”
“This exhibition is such an exciting journey through contemporary art. The way that the artworks transform the modern space into individually immersive experiences is delightful and inspiring.”

“Theirry Feuz’s piece is simply magical, it lights up the room and sparkles with talent.”
“Dirk Salz’s resinworks are an inspired vision of patience and meticulous artistry. The care and planning of each work is evident in their beauty.”
“This exhibition is amazing. Marck’s piece ‘Human Watch 2024‘ is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I love the way that Marck infuses humour and creativity into his video works.”
“We love Theirry Feuz’s work, you can feel the joy and creativity hurting through the canvas.”

“Tim Freiwald’s artistic process is truly fascinating. He clearly has a very unique artistic vision, and it reflects in the beauty of his work.”
“Reinoud Oudshoorn is clearly a master of his craft, and his mathematical process is evident in the stunningly symmetrical pieces he creates. The work is extremely attention commanding, yet subtle at the same time.”
“Angela Glajcar’s works are just stunning, her attention to detail and use of bespoke paper is phenomenal.”
“Tim Freiwald’s ‘Toy Machine’is visually stunning, I just adore how bright and mesmerising it is. His exploration of form fascinates me. He is clearly a very inspired and talented artist.”

“Nick Veasey’s work is a remarkable example of the levels of depth and thought that can go into an artwork.”
“Dirk Salz’s process is fascinating. The reflective surface of the resin making photography of the work difficult could be deliberate, and that seems like a very interesting facet of the works.”
“Dirk Salz’s resin works are incredible. As an artist who has worked with resin, I know how challenging it is to achieve that perfectly smooth and reflective surface.”
“Marck’s pieces captivate me. His work’s ability to blend technology with profound human themes and humour is truly inspiring.”

“Marck’s ability to transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary visual narratives is truly remarkable.”
“All the artworks in this exhibition are captivating, but Christiane Grimm’s work caught my attention the most. The way she plays with colour and light is truly phenomenal.”
“I admire Beñat Olaberria’s stance on not wanting his art to be categorised. There shouldn’t be any ‘right answers’ when it comes to art.”
“I love how Nick Veasey transforms the mundane into captivating art. His unique approach offers a fascinating glimpse into an unseen world.”