歐亞週報Vol.3 參展ART021 & 西岸藝博完售捷報連連

歐亞週報 Vol.3 本期:

👉ART021 多位藝術家作品完售感謝藏家信任支持


👉台北新展預告 “蘇珊・庫恩:烏龜出任務”

👉倫敦 ‘曹吉岡:天徑’ ByU你的視角 之一



藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART 參展ART021展出10多位重量級代理國際藝術家,首先,新展德國藝術家魯普雷希特・馮・考夫曼(Ruprecht von Kaufmann)2024個展“白鯨記”的三連幅大尺幅作品《白鯨》甫開展即由國際藏家搶購,考夫曼全新創作多幅小件畫作VIP日幾近完售。德國藝術家迪爾克・薩爾茲(Dirk Salz)、瑞士藝術家馬克(Marck)的大尺寸作品與西班牙藝術家里埃拉・伊・阿拉貢(Riera i Aragó)的螺旋槳作品完售,代理中國青年藝術家湯嘉欣完售,代俊鵬、青格樂圖、皮凱新作熱度高。創辦人Elsa Wang 王薇薇表示,「雖然大環境未見明顯轉變,但好的名家作品還是不受景氣影響,整體銷售熱絡買氣旺盛,而我們新代理的四位中國青年藝術家甫亮相即獲高度評價成績亮眼,感謝藏家們對我們的信任支持與認可,期待很快再聚! ”


藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART今年再度以個展形式於西岸藝博會呈現代理中國藝術家”曹吉岡:目光之外-2024個展」(Cao Jigang: Beyond the Gaze)。大尺幅2011年稀有作品《雲台山》甫開展即由國際藏家收藏,中小尺幅坦培拉新作《立春》、《掠過山脊》及小尺幅水彩作品相繼陸續收藏。創辦人王薇薇 Elsa Wang 表示,「今年曹吉岡個展,吸引來更多原本不熟悉曹吉岡的海內外藏家。倫敦剛開幕的曹吉岡歐洲首個展‘天徑’初獲許多歐洲藏家的青睞,作品《荒寒9》更在歐洲藝博會上獲獎,這是藏家們給予的肯定。的青年藏家們,非常感謝大家支持,期待很快再聚! ”


台北・敦仁 新展預告

Bluerider ART很榮幸宣布,將於台北.敦仁推出代理藝術家「蘇珊‧庫恩:烏龜出任務」(Susanne Kühn: Turtle Quest)– 2024 個展,展出其近期精選新作系列。


‘曹吉岡:天徑’ ByU你的視角 之一

藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾 曹吉岡Cao Jigang 歐洲首個展 “天徑” Skypath 絡繹不絕好評如潮,感謝大家與我們分享 ‘byU 你的視角’ 觀展心得:

“It’s amazing to see how Cao’s works have evolved from realistic oil paintings to minimal tempera landscapes. I feel as though I’ve matured alongside his artistic journey.

“Although these are all large paintings, the calm and elegance of the abstract landscapes don’t make the gallery feel crowded; instead, they extend the overall space.儘管展出的都是大尺幅創作,但抽象風景的平靜和優雅並沒有讓畫廊感到擁擠,反而讓空間更加擴展。

“Seeing Cao’s progression through the four painting stages is truly intriguing. It felt like I went on a journey with him, and now I’ve reached a sense of zen.

“The jade-like color and texture in 《White U Shape》 is beautiful. Cao has mastered this Western technique, and it’s fascinating to see how he uses it to portray traditional Chinese shanshui.

“Cao’s use of egg tempera is fascinating, I did not know much about tempera before visiting this show and I feel as though a whole new artistic world has opened up for me. The way that Cao expresness the concepts inter pcepts ​​☺ I feel like I could stare at these works for hours!

“Cao’s work’s pure nature is very calming and clear. Would be great to meditate while looking at his work.

“It’s interesting to see the development of Cao’s work throughout his career, and his movement towards a lonelier and more desolate depiction of China’s landscape. His use of tempera on such large scale is curapers the notnate to sctechn.

“The ‘Skypath’ exhibition by Cao Jigang is a mesmerizing blend of ethereal landscapes and intricate detail, offering a fresh perspective on the natural world. It’s an absolute must-see for anyone who appreciates contemporary art with a poetic touch.

“I really like the relationship between the size of the paintings and their mood. They seem so strong and stable but at the same time they’re giving off a deep sense of loneliness.

“Even though Cao’s works are minimal, it’s clear that each piece takes time to create due to the multiple layers of tempera. The empty space invites the viewer to dream, making the artworks extremely impactfulites the viewer to dream, making the artworks extremely impactful.

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