歐亞週報 Vol.8 本期:
👉公告|聖誕/元旦 假期各館開閉館時間
👉上海 BlueClub 耶誕藏家午會現場
👉上海 考夫曼個展 “白鯨記” 媒體2
👉台北 Xmas WALKER
👉倫敦 新展預告 “Carol Prusa: Strange Attractors”
👉倫敦 Xmas WALKER
👉倫敦 英國媒體 Antiques Trade Gazette Elsa Wang 快訪
👉倫敦 “曹吉岡:天徑” ByU你的視角 之三
👉幕後花絮:三地 Xmas 禮物交換
公告聖誕節/元旦 假期各館開閉館時間
12.23 Mon. 正常開放 Open
12.24 Tue. – 1.2 Thu. 公休 Closed
1.3 Fri. 起換檔不開放
12.24 Tue. – 12.29 Sun. 正常開放 Open
12.30 Mon. 公休 Closed
12.31 Tue. 正常開放 Open
1.1 Wed. 公休 Closed
1.2 Thu. 起正常開放 Open
12.24 Tue. – 12.28 Sat. 正常開放 Open
12.29 Sun. – 12.30 Mon. 公休 Closed
12.31 Tue. 正常開放 Open
1.1 Wed. 公休 Closed
1.2 Thu. 起換檔不開放
12.24 Tue. – 12.29 Sun. 正常開放 Open
12.30 Mon. 公休 Closed
12.31 Tue. 正常開放 Open
1.1 Wed. 公休 Closed
1.2 Thu. 起換檔不開放
BlueClub 耶誕藏家午會現場
BlueClub 耶誕藏家專屬活動在冬日暖陽的午後,與熱紅酒的香氣中,我們與受邀賓客一同開啟了一場德國藝術家“魯普雷希特・馮・考夫曼:白鯨記”的藝術之旅。考夫曼畫作中迷人的色彩與人物構圖,吸引賓客的視線不斷在畫面中探索以及分享對作品的感受,那些如夢似幻的場景,充滿著奇幻的色調與獨特魅力。感謝蒞臨的賓客們,與我們共度溫馨又精采的耶誕佳節。
“”魯普雷希特·馮·考夫曼 :白鯨記”媒體2
感謝 Shanghai Daily、AONEFM、VantageinMind、藝見ArtC 專文報導
Shanghai Daily:German artist reimagines literary classic
AONEFM:新展播報 | 德國當代藝術家魯普雷希特・馮・考夫曼中國大陸首次個展「白鯨記」
藝見ArtC:Bluerider ART 上海・外灘重磅推出魯普雷希特・馮・考夫曼中國大陸首次個展「白鯨記」
WALKER 聖誕專場導覽現場
12.14 及11.9 聖誕專場導覽,我們與藝術之友們在熱紅酒的香氣中,一同進入 台北・敦仁“蘇珊・庫恩:烏龜出任務”,庫恩以超現實的擬人植物構築的奇幻世界,並深入解析藝術家如何從不同藝術運動中藉鑒技法、主題和美學感知,並在當代語境中進行重新詮釋。而台北・仁愛「風之呢喃:Wind Whisper」青年藝術家群展,則介紹十馀位青年藝術家精選之作,導覽期間藝術之友們皆對橫跨當代工筆畫、岩彩、動力裝置等媒介多樣性感到驚艷。感謝參與的朋友們,與我們溫暖歡聚午後美好時光。
新展預告”Carol Prusa: Strange Attractors”
WALKER 聖誕專場導覽現場
12月12日及12月14日兩天,我們很高興迎接藝術愛好者,參加我們的 WALKER 聖誕專場導覽,一同欣賞曹吉岡的展覽《天徑》。導覽激發了與會者之間的熱烈討論與深刻思考,大家共同探索其作品中蘊含的精妙主題。參加者表示,坦培拉蛋彩畫的半透明質感讓他們感覺彷彿可以走進作品之中,這些寧靜作品在當今快節奏的現代生活中所帶來的精神益處。感謝您與我們在聖誕節前夕,一同踏上這段心靈之旅,期待在未來的活動再次與您相見!
英國媒體 Antiques Trade Gazette Elsa Wang 快訪
five Question
Bluerider ART was established in 2013 by Taipei-based IT entrepreneur Elsa Wang. With two ventures in Taipei’s city centre and a presence in The Bund, Shanghai, Bluerider ART recently expanded its cultural footprint to Mayfair, London ( its first in Europe). The new gallery is in a historic building dating to 1715. As well as operating across four permanent venues, Bluerider ART has recently participated in major international fairs including LAPADA, Focus London and Art Taipei.
1. How did you get your start at a dealer?
When I realized I wasn’t destined to become an excellent artist myself. Instead, I found my passion in promoting the spirituality and essence of art, helping others connect with its deeper meaning. Our focus is Contemporary art with an international perspective. We aim to represent emotionally resonant, innovative works and introduce artists to collectors worldwide.
2. What challenges are facing the trade in the coming months?
Managing international logistics and operating four galleries across Europe and Asia remains a key challenge. Additionally, adapting to increasingly refined collector preferences while balancing cultural differences across markets is an ongoing effort. Collectors are paying more attention to emerging artists and sustainability in art. There’s also a strong preference for unique, distinctive styles that reflect individuality in collections.
3. What is one great discovery you’ve made?
Over the past 11 years, we’ve introduced many Western artists and concepts to Asia. We have also successfully introduced the large-scale tempera works of Chinese artist Cao Jigang to the European audience. These masterpieces are currently being exhibited at our London Mayfair gallery, offering a unique opportunity for collectors and art enthusiasts to experience the depth and serenity of his artistic vision, bridging new dialogues across Europe and Asia.
4. One lesson you’d like to pass on to others in the trade?
Long-term relationships with artists and collectors are invaluable. Focus on building trust and prioritising quality and depth over short-term gains for sustainable growth. I’m very lucky to be the foundation of everything we achieve, enabling us to pursue ambitious goals and overcome challenges together.
5. You desert island dirk of choice?
A pot of Longhing tea – simple, refreshing, and with its beautiful dancing green leaves, it embodies elegance and serenity, much like the art we strive to represent.
‘曹吉岡:天徑’ ByU你的視角 之三
藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾 曹吉岡Cao Jigang 歐洲首個展 “天徑” Skypath 絡繹不絕好評如潮,感謝大家與我們分享 ‘byU 你的視角’ 觀展心得:
“I love the serene vibe of Cao Jigang’s large-scale tempera works. They’re like a breath of fresh air, with their soft light and shadows creating such a peaceful, reflective space. It’s the kind of art that makes you want to just stop and soak in the tranquility.
“You can’t help but get lost in the delicate balance between nature and humanity that Cao Jigang captures so beautifully. It’s like each piece is a window into a tranquil, contemplative world.
“Cao Jigang’s transition toward minimalism absolutely captivates me. His ability to convey profound emotion and depth with such simplicity is nothing short of extraordinary. It’s truly a testament to the power of less being more.
「曹吉岡走向極簡主義的轉變讓我著迷。他以如此簡單的方式傳達深刻的情感和深度的能力,簡直是非凡。這確實證明了少即是多的力量。 」
“Standing before Cao Jigang’s ethereal landscapes, I feel transported to another realm; the delicate interplay of light and shadow in his technique leaves me in awe.
「站在曹吉岡的空靈山水面前,我彷彿進入了另一個境界;在他的繪畫技巧中,光與影的微妙相互作用讓我驚嘆不已。 」
“Cao’s works are like a treasure box. Though minimal at first glance, the more you look at the painting, the more details you uncover—and it is truly spectacular.
「曹老師的作品就像一個寶箱。乍看之下很簡單,但你越看這幅畫,就會發現更多的細節——它確實很壯觀。 」
幕後花絮:三地 Xmas 禮物交換
在濃厚節慶感的12月,台北、上海、倫敦三地的藍騎士成員們難得換下大家熟悉的黑色服裝,穿上舒適自在的居家睡衣,在畫廊裡開起Pajama Party。我們跨越距離遠端交換聖誕禮物,為彼此獻上佳節祝福,在笑聲不間斷間享受專屬團隊的聖誕歡樂時光,一同期待2025年的到來!