Slippery painting

藝術家:Adrian Wald


尺寸:24 x 31 x 7cm

媒材:Oil paint, canvas, glue, paint brush


Adrian Wald 阿德里安・沃爾德
Germany, b.1986)

Adrian Wald (Germany, b.1986) was born in Bavaria, Germany, currently lives and works in Munich. He studied graphic painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the Ecole Mediterraneo des Arts in Marseille, France. In Wald's creative field, there is no clear boundary between "sculpture" and "painting", installation works that combine sculpture and painting are the main forms of creation. He deconstructs objects and embodies the concept of "breaking the way or order of viewing paintings" through his works. Wald has been selected to participate in the artist-in-residence program in Riedenburg, Germany many times, and has received grants from the Bavarian Ministry of Arts and Culture.

Wald 喜歡探索不同的材質,他認為沒有絕對適合繪畫的媒材,精緻的亞麻布或廉價泛黃的棉帆布、兔皮膠、亞麻油、厚油漆、楔子、夾子、刷子等都可以是他創作的媒材。他將物件重新解構,並以作品體現「打破繪畫觀看方式或次序」的概念。經常使用木條、畫布構成如傳統繪畫作品的背面,並於中央留白,顛倒前後;或如“Heavy paint”系列中,將繪畫表面製成如枕頭般的柔軟型態,使厚重的顏料變成塑形媒介,在柔軟的亞麻布料上留下或深或淺的凹陷印記,賦予輕的東西重量,讓堅硬的東西顯得柔軟,進而挑戰觀者對於畫布的既定認知。最終以“Würfelbild”(德文為立方體繪畫)呈現,使他的作品更像是一件雕塑而不是一幅畫。

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