藝術家:Reinoud Oudshoorn
尺寸:64 x 70 x 24cm
媒材:Steel and frosted glass
靈感來源於自己家鄉的氛圍,地景、薄霧、海岸線的形狀,使用數學的方式計算線條與視角,Oudshoorn將手繪的工程草圖手工製成雕塑,作品削弱了現代雕塑的特質-量體感、材質、現實的美,他的計算成了再現與幻覺, 如同他一貫的聲明「雕塑應創造比作品本身更大的空間」,雕塑並非只是一種空間的減法,而是創造出不斷延伸的空間,他的作品在一個 被劃定範圍的牆面或微型空間,假定了一個相同視角的完美消失點,其輕薄、神秘、充滿透明感,傳達著人的意識及變化性。Oudshoorn將兒時走在充滿雲霧森林中的經驗,表現在觀看作品的動態移動過程中。
Reinoud Oudshoorn
(Netherland, b. 1953)
Reinoud Oudshoorn is a contemporary minimalist artist from the Netherlands. He graduated from the AKI Art Academy in the Netherlands and currently lives and works in Amsterdam, where he used to teach at the KABK (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten). Reinoud Oudshoorn is renowned for his minimalist sculptures focus on "Vanishing Point" to construct three dimentional spaces: physical space, invisible space and poetic imagination space. He advocates that "sculpture should create space larger than the work itself" . His exhibitions across Europe, America, and Asia, exhibited at the Stedelijk Museum and Museum Fodor in Amsterdam..etc. Works permanently collected by the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the AkzoNobel Art Foundation in the Netherlands, ABN AMRO Bank in the Netherlands, and the private art museum Sammlung Schroth in Germany..etc.