O.T. (S0121) 

藝術家:Tanja Rochelmeyer


尺寸:60 x 45 x 45cm

媒材:Acrylic Glass


Tanja Rochelmeyer
(Germany, b. 1975)

Tanja Rochelmeyer graduated from the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and currently lives in Berlin, Germany. Many of her creations draw inspiration from her engineering background, emphasizing attention to detail and mathematical precision. However, calculations are not the medium of creation but an intermediate step in the creative process. Her training as an engineer has contributed to a perfectionist approach to technology, creating a sharp contrast with the moments of image creation. Ultimately, she positions herself and the subject of her creation within this contrast. "Constructivism and futurism meet the latest architecture and merge into a new language of modern painting." Tanja Rochelmeyer creates maze-like, dispersed spatial configurations, introducing multiple perspectives into the concept of imagery.

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