倫敦·梅費爾|ByU Contemplating the concept of ‘the end’ is intriguing

藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾 “帕斯卡爾·多比斯:藝術末日不是終結”絡繹不絕好評如潮,感謝大家與我們分享 ‘byU 你的視角’ 觀展心得:

“Contemplating the concept of ‘the end’ is intriguing—it’s a canvas where positivity and negativity converge. ”

“Pascal’s works are fascinating, with layers of meaning and a deeply thoughtful creation process.”

“I admire how Pascal integrates a physical human touch into digital art, seamlessly blending the boundaries between traditional and digital mediums.”

“When I entered the exhibition, I was immediately hooked by hundreds of questions. Pascal’s works provoke deep reflection and compel me to explore them further.”

“It’s refreshing to see an artist challenging materials in such an innovative way. I’ve never seen anyone use lenticular to create art like this!”

“This is a beautiful show. Pascal’s works are impressive and stunning.” 

“I am fascinated by the effect created by the lenticular lenses. I could spend all day exploring this piece—it’s like a treasure hunt!”

“Many artists focus too much on the concept and forget about the details in their work. I’m delighted to see Pascal’s dedication to creating pieces with such complex details, all supported by a strong concept.” 

“I love art, and the interactive lenticular print is extremely interesting!” 

“I like art that plays with illusions, it’s art made for a discerning eye.”

“In the current era, we are bombarded with images whether we like it or not, and Pascal has presented this reality in a very clever way.”

“Exploring this well-curated exhibition, I notice that the gallery space enhances my enjoyment. The thoughtful curation and vibrant exciting works blend well together and result in a really immersive experience” 

“My father used to say that quoting someone’s words is a way to extend their statements for eternity. Pascal’s works connect the past and the future in this timeless dialogue.” 

“I don’t usually dare to touch artworks, but Pascal’s idea of an interactive wall is truly fascinating.”

藝術家 Artist

Pascal Dombis 帕斯卡爾・多比斯
(Frence, b. 1965)

帕斯卡爾·多比斯 Pascal Dombis(法,b.1965 )出生於法國巴黎,是一位以語言和感知為重點的視覺藝術家,以演算法創作聞名。90 年代初期在波士頓完成學業回到法國後,便由繪畫轉向演算法創作。他創造了一個以過度、重覆和運算過程不可預測的環境,旨在融入觀眾,提出對空間、時間和語言的相關感知的質疑,開創了人與空間環境遊戲,以刺激多重解讀的多面向作品。近期展覽包括巴黎大皇宮的「藝術家與機器人」(2018)、聖保羅Itaú文化中心的「控制論意識」(2017)和威尼斯雙年展(2013)。2020 年受邀於上海陸家嘴金融中心創作長達近百米的永久公共藝術品「雙重連接」。2022 年於索羅卡巴當代藝術博物館舉辦「後數字」個展。作品由眾多國際藏家與機構收藏。


「帕斯卡爾‧多比斯: 藝術末日不是終結」 Pascal Dombis:THE END OF ART IS NOT THE END-2024 英國首個展
Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾
47 Albemarle St, London, W1S 4JW
Daily, 10:00-18:00
T:+44 20 3903 7827

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