歐亞週報Vol.7:考夫曼專訪 在畫布上寫小說的人

歐亞週報 Vol.7 本期:
👉魯普雷希特·馮·考夫曼 Numero 專訪 在畫布上寫小說的人
👉上海 Xmas WALKER聖誕專場導覽預告
👉Elsa Wang 對話 魯普雷希特·馮·考夫曼
👉《i Lady》專訪深入蘇珊‧庫恩創作理念
👉倫敦 BlueClub 藏家專屬 聖誕藝術品茗
👉Elsa Wang 對話 曹吉岡
👉倫敦 媒體報導 Kensington and Chelsea Review 曹吉岡:天徑


Numero 專訪

Numero:Ruprecht von Kaufmann|在畫布上寫小說的人



聖誕佳節將至,藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART 邀您穿戴上屬於節慶的金、銀色符號,在溫暖的聖誕熱紅酒中,走入德國藝術家魯普雷希特・馮・考夫曼如電影般戲劇性的繪畫語境,在長達約四公尺的三聯幅鉅作《白鯨記》前,感受藝術家深刻的筆觸,詮釋大自然的力量與人類的拉扯。在考夫曼如夢境般朦朧的色系間與我們一同迎接繽紛聖誕的到來。

Bluerider ART上海・外灘

Elsa Wang 對話 魯普雷希特·馮·考夫曼

藍騎士藝術 Bluerider ART 創辦人 Elsa Wang 與德國藝術家魯普雷希特·馮·考夫曼 Ruprecht von Kaufmann 在上海「白鯨記」展覽現場輕鬆暢談。在23分鐘的對談中,考夫曼分享了他藝術家生涯的開啟之路與此次特別為上海展覽所創作的一系列作品,並深度剖析了他的調色盤與人物、場景的構圖靈感。


《i Lady》專訪深入蘇珊‧庫恩創作理念

iLady:專訪|德國藝術家 Susanne Kühn 的超現實創作,輕柔勾勒性別平權、永續價值


蘇珊庫恩 藝術家影片

藝術家蘇珊.庫恩 Susanne Kühn 談個展《烏龜出任務》 背後的創作理念


BlueClub 藏家專屬

11.28 週四 Bluerider ART 倫敦·梅費爾 舉辦一場藝術品茗BlueClub藏家專屬活動,共賞藝術家曹吉岡脫俗作品。活動中,參與貴賓熱烈討論蛋彩畫媒介以及曹吉岡的藝術才華,同時享受一場韻味的中國茶品鑑體驗!賓客將白茶滋味比喻為曹吉岡作品《沉默的灰色》,而岩茶則被形容為他早期的油畫作品。曹吉岡那充滿空靈與詩意的風景畫令人讚嘆,其作品中傳統與極簡主義元素的和諧融合,更帶來獨特的天人合一寧靜感。

Elsa Wang 對話曹吉岡

在38分鐘的談話裡,藍騎士藝術Bluerider ART創辦人Elsa Wang與中國藝術家曹吉岡就中國山水,對應到心境轉換與媒介的使用上展開對談,當西方坦培拉遇上東方意境,開啟了他長達40多年的藝術「天徑」。

倫敦 媒體報導
Kensington and Chelsea Review

Bluerider ART is thriled to prest the European debut solo exhibition of renowned Chinese artist Cigang Jigang, titled Skypath, running until December 2024. Featuring a series of works created over recent years, Skyath showacases numerous large-scale Tempera Shanshui – a practice that combines traditional Western egg tempera technique with traditional Chinese landscape (Shanshui) to result in the artist’s distintly elegant and poetic landscape style. These explorations include the monumental Altitiude 4687, a four-metre-wide painting which exquistely depicts the snow-covered peaks of the Tibetan Plateau.

The work of Cao Jigang (b. China, 19555) encompasses an artistic journey that spans over four decades. It has evolved through various mediums and techniques and traversed many different phases. Throughout, his works are characterized by a unique semi-transparency, a warm, porcelain-like texture reminiscent of jade, achieved through deliberate layering. Expressing the concept of “emptiness” through intentional appilication, Cao Jigang has transitioned towards a minimalist style, opening up a space for contemplation on the connection between heaven and humanity. From his tranquil landscapes to the chilling void of works in the Barren Cold series, the artist expresses the idea of transcending earthly confines on the ‘skypath’. His practice is a process of integrating spirit, emotions, and insights into nature, connecting with nature through art and ultimately reaching the path of unity between individual life and  the universe, as as expressed Taoist philosophy. “Harmony between Heaven and Man, Unity of Nature and Humanity.”

The exhibition Skypath, Cao Jigang’s first show in Europe, comprises works created in the last five years. As well as the 4-metre-wide Altitude 4687, bringing awe to vievers as they seemingly stand at the foot of the  great mountain, highlights include large-scale works, including White U-shape, contrasting its soft curves within its grey-blue background with the warm, jade-like texture of tempera, revealing an elegant poetic quality. Another stunning work, Barren cold 9 skillfully illustrates the connection between Western tempera and Chinese Shanshui, expanding the ethereal quality of traditional landscape paintings and truly immersing viewers in the scene.



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