(Germany, b. 1965)
慕尼黑大学法律学院及慕尼黑艺术学院毕业,现居住及创作于慕尼黑。每个艺术家都有自己喜欢的艺术家,然而将这种钟爱在自己的作品中表露无遗的,就是来自德国慕尼黑的艺术家 Caro Jost,长期追溯以慕尼黑为大本营的抽象表现主义为主题创作。她的创作关于时间、空间及事件,另一成名系列Streetprints,造访全球超过70个地点,将在街头采集的痕迹烙印在画布上。作品曾在纽约MoMA、纽约 Chelsea Art Museum、威尼斯 Guggenheim Collection等机构展出,并获MoMA Library collection (The archives of MoMA, NY) 、Chelsea Art Museum (NY) 、Museum of the City of Munich等多间国际重要艺术机构永久收藏。
不使用画笔或画架,也不将摄影幻觉转为现实,而从街道上寻找主题,Jost耗时数年完成的知名纪录片作品Final traces of abstract expressionists,她追溯时代,像侦探般追踪着前辈抽象表现主义艺术家的创作轨迹,造访工作室并会面熟识艺术家的亲属及友人,走过艺术家取材的街道、公寓、会议场所、酒吧及展览空间,所有的素材,关于逝去的艺术家,然而艺术仍在发展。抽象表现主义不以描绘具象为目标,而是透过点、线、面、色彩、形体、构图来传达各种情绪,没有具象画面,但纽约这个城市却处处残留着他们的足迹。当Hans Hoffman、Jackson Pollock、Mark Rothko等艺术家著正装,在镜头前留下合照,在纽约各地的建筑空间中留下他们的精神意志,在厚厚的剪贴纪录本中,地上的痕迹烙印在画布上,最后Caro Jost 站在Barnett Newman曾经驻足的地点,慢慢退后却变成了自己作品中的人物,是一首穿越过去与现在时间交织的诗歌。
NOTES W.K. June 30, 1911(envelope and stamp), epoxy resin, acrylic, digital silkscreen on shaped canvas, 2018, 66 x 59 x15 cm, Wassily Kandinsky 邮戳 1911年亲笔写给当时女友Gabriele Münter 书信信封,原版由Gabriele Münter 基金会授权,Carol Jost 再挪用创作
Caro Jost 也搜集艺术家在某个特定时间点创作时使用的档案,像是笔记手稿、 购买颜料的收据副本,挪用于画布上再创作出属于她的艺术,像是 Invoice painting B.N. February 8, 1956,Sketch G.M. March 15, 1922 (detail red, yellow and blue),Notes W.K. 1909 blue 等作品系列。这些材料购买的副本纪录了现代重要艺术品的近期起源,Jost将它们化作创作的一部分。如康丁斯基居住慕尼黑时期的作品是以色彩为主导的浪漫概念,强调从物质主义中苏醒,让观看者被一阵阵厚彩的浪潮包围;Jost则是一点一点地在模糊、不清晰的文本中,含蓄地分析这些色彩组成,重现The Blue Rider浪潮的浪漫色彩灵魂在作品上。
艺术上的Appropriation挪用,是适当地使用既有存在的物件及图像,借用它、 采用它做出意义上的转化,挪用的开端及翘楚是Marcel Duchamp使用readymades 现成物的概念,仅透过选择工业产品及展示的过程来传达艺术意义。自此之后,达达主义(Dada) Robert Rauschenberg 等艺术家都采用了非传统的材料纳入自己的作品。进到1990年代后的数位时代,不断蜕变与进化的科技更让艺术挪用的方式更加扩展,各式各样的讯息、媒体都可以成为作品的一部分。
艺术层层叠叠不断建构在过去的历史上,Caro Jost 从艺术史中探寻过往艺术家 的故事,挪用他们最原始的文本、亲自抵达原始的时空场域,输入素材、转化、重新编码,直接用新的形式输出,她向卓越的艺术成就致敬,并将精神性融入到自己的艺术作品中。使用「行动」即「艺术」的直接方式,表达一种自我发现的世界观。一件件的作品像是无法被消去的副本,Jost将时间、痕迹、行动具体化,挪用,却带入一份爱意,存在于连续时空的美学物件里。
Munich Academy of Fine Arts
Munich Literature and Law, Ludwig-Maximillians University
Solo Exhibitions
2022 SEE WHAT WAS NEXT, CAS-Center for Advanced Studies, Munich
2022 ALL IN ONE, Britta Rettberg Gallery, Munich
2021 TEMPO! Reflexionen über Geschwindigkeit*, Neue Galerie, Museum Dachau, Dachau
2020 FINAL TRACES, Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils
2020 CHARACTER-IMAGE ART, Art Granary, Beijing
2020 ALGORITHM AND APPROPRIATION, Bluerider Art Gallery, Taipei
2020 GABRIELE MÜNTER AND HER GUESTS, Museum Münter Haus, Murnau
2019 Guests of Gabriele Münter, Münter Museum, Murnau, Germany
2019 Walk the Talk, Rettberg Gallery, Munich, Germany
2018 A road to red, yellow and blue, Bluerider ART, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Invoice Paintings Günther Uecker, Walter Storms Gallery, Munich, Germany
2017 TRACES, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2017 Invoice Paintings Barnett Newman, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany
2016 WHITE STREET, Gallery 401contemporary, Berlin, Germany
2015 FINAL TRACES, Museum of Concrete Art, Ingolstadt, Germany
2014 STREETPRINTS, Gallery 401contemporary, Berlin, Germany
2014 One night at Schumann´s, Museum of the City of Munich, Munich, Germany
2013 Film im K20, Kunstsammlung NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany
2013 Crosstown Reflections, Gallery Oberbayern, Munich, Germany
2011 Streetviews, Royal Residence, Munich, Germany
2010 Tenth Street, New York, Royal Residence, Munich, Germany
2009 stop-over / cross-over, Royal Residence, Munich, Germany
2008 Utcanyomatok/Streetprints, Museum Laszlo Vass, Veszprém, Hungary
2008 Streetprints, Galerie Nero, Wiesbaden, Germany
2007 Streetprints, Galerie Florian Walch, Munich, Germany
2006 Carpe Momentum, Alp Galleries, Frankfurt, Germany
2006 ongoing Mail Art & Streetprinting project: Taipei, Copenhagen, Abu Dhabi, Turin, Luxembourg, Bilbao, Munich, Vienna, Helsinki, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Oslo, Toronto, Havana, Rome, Jerusalem, Muscat, Kassel, Milan, Lisbon, Venice, Montauk, Paris, Bayreuth, New York II, Madrid, Istanbul, Moscow, Prague, Hong Kong, Veszprém, Miami, Sevilla, Berlin, New York, London
2003 Streetprints, Shanghai Art Salon, Shanghai, China
2002 Streetprints, Galerie Charles Schumann, Munich, Germany
2001 Art in the Box on Fifth Avenue, Goethe Institut, New York, USA
2001 Streetprints, Alp Galleries, New York, USA
2001 Open Studio, 515 Greenwich Street, New York, USA
2001 Streetprints, American Institute of Contemporary German Culture,Washington, USA
2000 Kunst gesehen, VOID, New York, USA
2000 New Works, GACC, New York, USA
Selected Group Exhibitions and Screenings
2023 Homeland Universe, Bluerider ART London Mayfair, UK
2023 Abstraction, Bluerider ART, Taipe
2023 Wild Grass, Bluerider ART, Taipei, Shanghai
2023 40 YEAR, groupshow, Kunstverein Emsdetten,Germany
2023 SEDIMENT, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam
2023 FINAL TRACES, film + work presentation. Lothar Fischer Museum, Neumarkt
2022 All in one, Britta Rettberg Gallery, Munich
2022 DREI FARBEN: BLUE-WHITE-RED, Walter Storms Galerie, Munich
2021 SCHNEE FÄLLT HINTERM BERGE, Avlskarl Gallery, Copenhagen
2021 9/11 und die Kugel Koenig, KOENIG MUSEUM, Landshut
2021 COMPRESSED TIME*, Maxime Ballesteros, Martin Boyce, Paul Hutchinson, Caro Jost, Wilhelm Klotzek, Caroline Kryzecki, Alicja Kwade, Bernhard Martin, Olaf Metzel, Gerold Miller, Anselm Reyle, curated by Dr. Friederike Nymphius, Berlin, FS.Art, Berlin
2021 WE MELT BEFORE IT FORMS*, curated by Joseph Constable, Associate Curator Serpentine Galleries, London, Rettberg Galerie, Munich
2021 MADE IN GERMANY*, Caro Jost, Tim Freiwald, Angela Glajcar, Peter Krauskopf, Dirk Salz, et al. Gallery Bluerider Art, Taipeh
2021 FOR FREE*, curated by Daniel Man, Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
2021 GABRIELE MÜNTER AND HER GUESTS*, Gabriele Münter, Wassily Kandinsky, Caro Jost, Museum Münter Haus, Murnau
2020 SOLID FICTION, Tim Freiwald, Caro Jost, Imi Knoebel, Marton Nemes, Cordy Ryman, Anselm Reyle, Karin Sander, Kunstverein Emsdetten
2019 Yoko Ono-Water Event, Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany
2019 The Abstract Cabinet, Eduardo Secci Contemporary, Firenze, Italy
2019 PRIVATE VIEW, Adam Colton, Alan Charlton, Callum Innes, Caro Jost, Dan Walsh…Gallery Slewe at Huize Frankendael, Amsterdam
2018 Sixth Sense, Walter Storms Gallery, Munich, Germany
2018 Monumenta, Leipzig, Germany
2018 Final Traces of Abstract Expressionists, NYC Independant Film Festival, New York, USA
2017 VOLUME 3, Gallery Britta von Rettberg, Munich, Germany
2017 The Archive Benefit, Anthology Film Archive, New York, USA
2017 Challery, Novomatic Forum, Vienna
2017 Final Traces, Palm Springs Art Museum, Palm Desert, USA
2016 Invoice Paintings Rupprecht Geiger, Kunstverein, Munich, Germany
2015 CONCRETE JUNGLE, Walter Storms Gallery, Munich, Germany
2015 SUMMER SHOW, The Watermill Center, Water Mill/New York, USA
2015 Final Traces of Abstract Expressionists, American Documentary, Palm Springs, USA
2014 Final Traces of Abstract Expressionists, Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin, Germany
2014 ChuckaChucka, Kunsthalle, Memmingen, Germany
2014 Final Traces of Abstract Expressionists, New Film Makers, New York, USA
2013 Konstruiertes Grau, Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin, Germany
2013 Salon der Gegenwart, Hamburg, Germany
2013 Artist Comes First, Festival International d´Art, Toulouse, France
2012 20Stuck, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, Germany
2012 Black-White, Galerie Nero, Wiesbaden, Germany
2011 New Works, Alp Galleries, Frankfurt, Germany
2011 SprachRaumWelten, DWS, Frankfurt, Germany
2010 Via Streetprints, VDA, Berlin, Germany
2010 New Works, Alp Galleries, New York, USA
2008 Group Show, Walter Bischoff Galerie, Berlin, Germany
2007 Obsession durch Technik, Galerie artMbassy, Berlin, Germany
2007 Die Ü berquerung, Galerie Haus Rhode VW, Wolfsburg, Germany
2006-2005-2004 Streetprints / New Works, Alp Galleries, New York, USA
2003 Streetprints, Galerie Charles Schumann, Munich, Germany
2001 Little Red School, I-20 Gallery, New York, USA
2001 ART hits ACADEME, 5th Avenue, New York, USA
2000 German Pavilion, EXPO 2000, Hannover, Germany
Selected Collections and Archives
Akzo Nobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam
Jumex Collection, Mexico
Colby Museum of Art, Maine
Black Mountain College Museum, Asheville
Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich
Museum of the City of Munich
ZERO Foundation, Düsseldorf
Langen Foundation, Hombroich
Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils,LT
Chelsea Art Museum, New York
Wemhöner Collection, Herford/Berlin
Ottmann Collection, Munich
Vass Collection, Budapest
ICCollection, Munich/Athens
VDA, Verband Deutscher Automobilindustrie, Berlin
KG Allgemeine Leasing, Grünwald
Collection Lenz, Berlin
Collection Villa Rhode, Wolfsburg
Collection Hopson, New York/USA
Collection Ketterer, Munich
Collection Alp/Grosse, Frankfurt
Collection PAM AG, Ypps/Austria
Peggy Guggenheim Collection Archive, Venice
The Barnett Newman Foundation, New York
Smithsonian Institution-Archives of American Art, Washington
MoMA Library Collection, New York
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- 南德意志報(Süddeutsche Zeitung)
- Münchner Merkur (慕尼黑信使報)
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