


第三屆安仁雙年展將於 2021 年 10 月 15 日在四川成都安仁古鎮拉開帷幕。本屆雙年展由中華文化促進會、華僑城西部投資有限公司(華僑城西部集團)與華僑城 OCAT 當代藝術館 群指導,成都安仁華僑城文化旅遊開發有限公司、重慶華僑城實業發展有限公司聯合主辦,西安曲江智造文 化旅遊產業股份有限公司與成都智造商業管理諮詢有限公司承辦,成都市大邑縣人民政府與成都市人民政 府外事辦公室支持。中國著名藝術評論家/策展人王林、趙力、夏可君、古原、Elsa Wang 王薇薇將共同擔 綱雙年展主題展策展人,並組建集文化、藝術、產業於一體的策展團隊。第三屆安仁雙年展將以“變奏VARIATIONS”為主題,聯合展出來自海內外的 300 餘件/組多元藝術作品,形式包含雕塑、繪畫、攝影、刺 繡、綜合材料、空間裝置、電子裝置、3D 打印、數字交互等。

其中,第三屆安仁雙年展“在華國際”版塊由 Elsa Wang 王薇薇女士策展,由 Bluerider ART 藍騎士藝術空 間支持,邀請了來自德國、英國、荷蘭、瑞士的六位國際知名藝術家:馬克(Marck)、尼克·維西(Nick Veasey)、 漢斯·卡特(Hans Kotter)、雷諾·奧德霍恩(Reinoud Oudshoorn)、卡蘿·傑斯特(Caro Jost)、提姆·弗萊瓦 德(Tim Freiwald)。他們以豐富多元的媒材、風格、形式,呈現了跨地域、跨文化的精神世界。

策展人 Elsa Wang 王薇薇女士表示,“此次特別精選來自瑞、英、荷、德等國的六位藝術家,以當代前衛獨 特的作品理念,涵蓋了錄像雕塑的創新、X 光的真實內在、消失點的詩意、燈光藝術的無限、抽象表現主義的歷史追溯、破壞邊緣的新秩序等主題。六位藝術家雖有不同的風格媒材形式,卻同以心靈出發的當代語 言,為時代見證,也像徵著安仁古鎮以過去連接現在和未來,以由內而外、讓歷史重生的活力,帶來希望與 無限可能!”


馬克以獨到的錄像雕塑創作方式聞名,以精密的錄像結合雕塑佈局,在虛實之間探討眾人對女性、框架的既 定認知。此次將展出 1.7 米高真人比例大型作品《逆流》(Gegenstrom),以獨特的形式語言,帶給觀者全 新視覺體驗享受。

英國藝術家尼克·維西(Nick Veasey):X 光的穿透視界
X 光攝影(X-ray Photography)藝術家尼克·維西長期以 X 光穿透物體表面進行拍攝,幽默地表現對事物真 實內在的重視。他曾登上時代雜誌(TIME)封面,拆解大型 747 飛機汽車 X 光作品,作品深獲英國王儲王妃喜愛。

德國藝術家漢斯·卡特(Hans Kotter): 白晝黑夜的光行者
燈光藝術家漢斯·卡特以各式燈光為畫筆,發現不可見的光譜,以德式理性精準掌控燈光技術,創造無限感 知的精神延伸,被譽為白晝黑夜的光行者。

荷蘭藝術家雷諾·奧德霍恩(Reinoud Oudshoorn):詩意的消失點
雷諾·奧德霍恩主張“雕塑應創造比作品本身更大的空間”,長期以鐵、鋼、木,打造其極簡美學風格的“消 失點“雕塑作品,以精密數學計算,由點、線、面一步步帶領觀者,進入視覺延伸的詩意空間。

德國藝術家卡蘿·傑斯特(Caro Jost):抽象表現主義之拓印
卡蘿·傑斯特長期追溯重要流派抽象表現主義藝術家們的生平手稿、記錄歷史、出入場所……展出作品《十人》 (Ten Men)記錄多位抽象表現主義先驅,並以自創的“街道拓印”(Street print)概念形式,保留時間、 記憶、情感,獲多所藝術家基金會支持。

德國藝術家提姆·弗萊瓦德(Tim Freiwald):破壞邊緣(Destroy painting)
提姆·弗萊瓦德以破壞手法打破傳統繪畫框架,通過燒、蝕、鋸的方式,以立體邊緣傾圮痕跡,描繪歷史時 間的推移,重新定義破壞與重建後的新秩序新美感。


(Switzerland, b. 1964)

nternationally renowned X-ray artist Nick Veasey reveals the hidden facets beneath the surface using his unique X-ray penetration technique. His work humorously and mischievously explores the essence of people and objects' inner nature. Nick Veasey uses x-ray to strip back the layers and show what it is like under the surface. The technique reveals what, and often how, things are made, which grants his art to penetrate the surface and take us on a journey into a world otherwise hidden and unseen. Veasey has an extensive exhibition experience worldwide, with his artwork featured on the cover of TIME magazine and invited to give a TED talk. In 2018, he held a large-scale exhibition at the renowned Fotografiska museum in Sweden, visited by The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Crown Princess of Sweden. He also photographed important antique costumes for the Victoria and Albert Museum and collaborated with various brands such as Louis Vuitton, United Airlines, Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen. Works collected by the Victoria and Albert Museum, National Science and Media Museum in the UK, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Museum at FIT in the USA, the BMW Museum in Germany and the Museum of Applied Arts and Design (MUDAC) in Switzerland.

Marck 的作品看似以女性為主體,實際上則是以其作為社會縮影的代表,與框架的沖撞更探討著有形與無形的束縛,喚起觀者心中的共鳴。作品無法被單純定義為錄像與雕塑的結合,更像虛實的壹體呈現,由出演的排序、影片拍攝的精確定位,「錄像的目的不是敘述壹個故事,而是激發觀眾的情緒」,滲入我們習以為常的生活,以動態的畫面觸撥我們觀看雕塑的思維,同時也築起多媒體素材,至動力機械和雕塑的手工制作。錄像雕塑以全新的形式,揉合影像的平面表述與雕塑的空間意義,不僅辟出錄像創作的新道路,也再擴張觀者的感官體驗。

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Nick Veasey
(British, b. 1962)

Internationally renowned X-ray artist Nick Veasey reveals the hidden facets beneath the surface using his unique X-ray penetration technique. His work humorously and mischievously explores the essence of people and objects' inner nature. Nick Veasey uses x-ray to strip back the layers and show what it is like under the surface. The technique reveals what, and often how, things are made, which grants his art to penetrate the surface and take us on a journey into a world otherwise hidden and unseen. Veasey has an extensive exhibition experience worldwide, with his artwork featured on the cover of TIME magazine and invited to give a TED talk. In 2018, he held a large-scale exhibition at the renowned Fotografiska museum in Sweden, visited by The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Crown Princess of Sweden. He also photographed important antique costumes for the Victoria and Albert Museum and collaborated with various brands such as Louis Vuitton, United Airlines, Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen. Works collected by the Victoria and Albert Museum, National Science and Media Museum in the UK, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Museum at FIT in the USA, the BMW Museum in Germany and the Museum of Applied Arts and Design (MUDAC) in Switzerland.

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Hans Kotter 漢斯・卡特
(Germany, b. 1966)

出生於德國巴伐利亞邦,就讀紐約藝術學院(Art Students League of New York) 畢業於慕尼黑媒體設計學院。現創作居住於柏林。 2004年被授予「德國巴伐利亞文化獎」Bavarian Culture Award, E-ON藝術建築領域獎項。 Kotter以燈光雕塑裝置創作為人所知。曾任德國斯圖加特國家藝術與設計學院講師,2014年獲得德國國際Unna燈光藝術中心的國際燈光獎項提名。德國著名藝術史學家Kai-Uwe Hemken 評論Hans Kotter 漢斯·卡特作品:「Kotter 卡特為觀者提供了作品的維度,是批判性、自我反省、與洞察導向,同時重新呈現了現代主義的基本烏托邦。」Hans Kotter 漢斯·卡特目前持續在各國博物館展出,包括德國里特博物館、英國倫敦Kinetica博物館、德國科隆應用藝術博物館、德國科隆MAKK博物館..等。作品由意大利TARGETTI光之藝術典藏、德國立陶宛博物館、德國聯邦議會等眾多機構永久收藏。

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Reinoud Oudshoorn
(Netherland, b. 1953)

Reinoud Oudshoorn 荷蘭當代極簡藝術家,畢業於荷蘭阿爾特茲藝術大學(AKI),現 居住創作於阿姆斯特丹,執教於荷蘭皇家藝術學院。Reinoud Oudshoorn 以構築空間的極簡雕塑著稱,主張「雕塑應創造比作品本身更大的空間」,「消失點」是每件作品的 開端,盡情延伸空間表述的可能,由線延展成面,再由面砌出空間的存在。展覽經歷遍 及歐美,曾於阿姆斯特丹市立博物館(Stedelijk Museum),佛多爾美術館(Museum Fodor)展出。作品於阿姆斯特丹市立美術館(Stedelijk Musuem Amsterdam)、荷蘭 AkzoNobel Art Foundation、荷蘭銀行(ABN AMRO)、德國私人美術館(Sammlung Schroth)等永久收藏。

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Caro Jost
(German, b. 1965)

Graduated from the Law School and the Art School of Munich University, Caro Jost lives and creates her art in Munich. Every artist has their favorite artists, but Caro Jost takes this admiration to a whole new level, incorporating her love for Munich's abstract expressionism groups into works extensively. Her works revolve around themes of time, space, and events. In the series "Streetprints," where she traveled to over 70 locations worldwide, imprinting traces she collected from the streets onto her canvases. Her artworks were exhibited MoMA, Chelsea Art Museum in New York, and Guggenheim Collection in Venice, permanently collected by the MoMA Library Collection (The archives of MoMA, NY), Chelsea Art Museum (NY), and Museum of the City of Munich.

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Tim Freiwald 提姆.弗萊瓦德
(German, b.1986)

Graduated from the Fine Arts at the Munich Art Academy, Tim Freiwald now work and live in Berlin. Tim Freiwald's creative process involves "destruction, decomposition, and reconstruction" generating negative spaces in his works, constantly exploring the questions of whether "destruction can still be beautiful" and "what is art." Fragments, fractured lines, and delicate structures, all portrayed through intense colors, define his aesthetic style of destructiveness. Freiwald mentioned “I want the paintings to be on the verge of physical collapse so that they only become stable through the painterly attraction between their elements.” In 2011, Tim Freiwald received the BMW Brilliance Automotive Art Award. In 2014, he became a student of the artist Thomas Scheibitz. In 2018, Tim Freiwald was awarded the New Positions prize at the Art Cologne, a prestigious art exhibition in Cologne. Tim Freiwald has already held significant solo exhibitions at various European venues including Walter Storms Galerie in Munich, exhibited at the Kunsthalle Bremerhaven in Bremen.

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